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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I highly doubt I would ever do that. I won't say never but very unlikely.
  2. All fixed. No serious issue. I have a smallish SSD for the OS and programs and before upgrading to Win10 I noticed that I was running low on space and that some user files were incorrectly (my fault) stored on the SSD drive. So after some clean up and the upgrade I moved the rest of the user files off the SSD drive. That totally confused my turn management program and made me worry that the games would also be confused. Thankfully it was only my own programming that was lacking and the games were totally happy. Fifteen minutes of tweaking fixed Whose Turn Is It up too and now all is good. I quite like Win10 my only problem is I am finding that I can no longer switch tasks while the game is loading. Well the OS lets me switch tasks just fine but the game will never come back after the switch. I used to be able to fire up CMFI load a turn and switch away and fire up CMBS, load a turn and switch away and load up CMBN and do the same. But now if I try that I end up with all three games not working and no turns to play. I'm not sure what is up with that but that is small potatoes.
  3. Well that makes sense. No point in play with an operational layer if you don't plan to follow it I'm ready no matter. My upgrade to Windows 10 has gone pretty well but I did manage to mesa up my documents directories. So u might have small down time due to technical difficulties.
  4. here sir. Ready and willing. works for me. I'm always up for a challenge.
  5. Seriously, this is ridiculous. These unfounded and mean spirited posts have no place herr. I totally agree with @Sublime that he should end those games. I never knew why he would start games against someone so clearly an angry difficult person. There are so many super people here and in other forums that to waste precious time playing angry people just seems well a waste. Let's hope that Steve locks this thread so we can put this behind us.
  6. Well that is pretty out of line. And how do you know anything about turn rates? Could this account just be a sock puppet for said banned member?
  7. Yep, manuals are on your HD. On Windows they are pdf documents in the same directory as the game.
  8. No sadly. That would be a welcome addition for sure.
  9. Check out pp10 of the CM Engine Manual v3.01.pdf that came with the game: Editor 3D Map Preview Buildings <ctrl>left click on the roof to change the shape of the roof. For the rubble check out the list of stock tags that are available on pp 143 of the CM Black Sea Manual
  10. LOL WTF AYKM +1 to that Naw it is the first thing you said. Even if we got a game that was "perfect" in the areas you are talking about the casualties would still be to high because fundamentally defenders don't withdraw when they start taking serious fire and attackers don't stop when they take some casualties. We commanders behave like ever hedge row is an at all cost objective. It is a game have fun with it. If you want to play in an environment that might have a better shot at realism try joining into one of @kohlenklau's campaigns. At least there you might fight a totally lopsided battle or fight a withdrawal to save your force - all things that happened in reality and we hardly ever play in this game.
  11. That is strange the download link worked fine for me - both yesterday and today. Glad you are up and running.
  12. No they are there all the time. Watch where you place them and where troops start and reinforcements arrive. I have lost reinforcements before because they arrived not far in front of the exit and retreated from spotted enemy right into the exit zone before I ever had a chance to issue orders. Not a happy experience.
  13. It seems the detection system has 360 degree coverage but the EO emitters have 20 degree coverage (those two boxes next the main gun). The idea is if the detection system detects a laser range finder then the turret automatically turns to face it and that allows the EO emitters to disrupt the missile. That's the simplified version any way. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shtora
  14. Well just like now the Taliban were not the only group in the fight. There were actually many many groups - might even have been more than there are now in Syira. The CIA worked with many of them. The experience of the Taliban rise in Afghanistan is likely why the US administration was very reluctant to pick a group to back in Syria when the civil war broke out. Nothing good. But note ISIS hates Al-Qaeda so they will do their own dirty work to destabilize their neighbours. I agree but I think people that think there are two sides and Assad is the best choice are also not looking at reality. The level of brutality that the two Assad regimes have imposed on their citizens is pretty horrific. In my opinion just as horrific as anything ISIS is likely to do. Except we all know that will also not work either. Right now we have multiple groups viaing for power and control backed by a bunch of outside governments. If the US or Russia or any coalition does as you suggest they will just become the focus of those groups until it is forced out and then we will be right back here. Even a grand scheme that included redrawing the borders of the entire region (which arguably is part of how we got here) to allow for as many nations to have their own territory would probably fail. Mainly because who are we to tell anyone other than ourselves where their borders should be?
  15. OK clearly I phrased that poorly. What I meant was that each group's idea of what an Islamic state means is different. The level of freedom and flexibility that a member of society has living in the various states that consider themselves Islamic states currently varies considerably. Ranging from pretty restricted and dictatorial to quite free and open. And we in the West are far to quick to think that Sharia law is the same no matter who is interpreting it. It is not. Look I get it many people here reading this forum, myself included, do not like the thought of living under any form of Sharia law any more than we would like to live under some draconian interpretation of Christian Law or Halakha. If the people running the country are mean spirited then their implementation of the law will be too - no matter what religion they happen to believe. My point is that an Islamic Republic run by ISIS will not be a happy place to live and their neighbours will likely not have a good relationship with them. Other groups might also be ungood but some of them are likely to be much better than ISIS or Assad. As you and others point out how are we supposed to be able to tell - which is the basic problem. But lumping all the Islamists into one bucket is the same mistake that the Russian government is making. That might be OK for them because they picked their side but make no mistake Assad is no better than ISIS is likely to be.
  16. So the AI plans can be different for the different circumstances.
  17. Well you are right about it being complicated on the ground. But I do not think that it is fair to say that all those groups want to "establish an Islamic state / republic" as if they are all the same because that would be like saying that Pakistan, Indonesia and Iran are the same (or Canada, Britain and Germany are all the same). I think you are correct in saying we need some workable plan - I personally just cannot see one. About all I know is that Assad is a really bad choice and ISIS is a really bad choice and the others are at best unknown and at worse also pretty bad. The problem is that so many regional actors, both states and non states, have their fingers in this mess (Iran, Hesbola, Saudi Arabia, Quatar, Russia, Turkey, ISIS and the US). None of which really have the same goals even if most of them can agree that ISIS is a common enemy. None of them seem to be able to focus on one thing. I suppose that is not a surprise given how confusing things are. I honestly do not have a workable solution either but I really do not think that the Russian focus to save Assad is one either. His government lost its legitimacy a long time ago. Simply lumping all the other forces that are against the Assad government together is not really a workable plan either. Like I said sorry I don't have much to offer that might work - and by work I mean for the benefit of the people in Syria. If I though for a moment that a foreign invasion force would actually help I would advocate but I think that will actually make things worse. Honestly my thought was that creating a no fly zone over the entire Syria would allow the Syrian people some space to find relative safety (just relative to a ground war and being bombed from the sky) and not have to flee to Europe at least that would help a small amount. Now I do not even see how that would work.
  18. You can get it here: http://gregories.net/CMHelper/User Manual/CMHelper.html?GettingStarted.html or the alternative helper app I wrote - link in my sig. As for drop box you need a client application available from them to automatically copy files to your HD.
  19. Yes, things are murky but there has been a lot said. I also could not find a chart that I remembered but I did write a bit about how I have observed things work: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/102770-morale-suppression-levels/#comment-1346140 That whole thread has lots of interesting stuff in it but my post pretty much describes how the morale levels work. One thing I will add is that your men actually can recover morale if they spend time out of the fight, I have actually seen it from time to time. I have not done any testing so I cannot speak to how easy or how quick it works but I actually have seen troops move to a better morale state over time. Also a fun read (but not the answer you are looking for): http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119202-veterancyleadershipmoralefitness/
  20. I for one would love an Africa game. CMAK was my favourite of the old titles. Hopefully one day.
  21. Oh ouch. USB drive for work is not a bad idea - especially if you are tight on space but backups are by far the best way to protect your self. I don't know how comfortable you are with command line tools but I have a small backup script that zips up a directory and copies it to a safe place (and keeps the last 10 versions) and optionally puts the last one in a second place. What I do is when ever I reach a milestone I click on a short cut and my work gets backed up in two places one of which is drop box and one of which remembers the last 10 versions. It has been a god send from time to time even allowing me to go back to a place a few days or hours ago if I make a mistake. If anyone is interested I would be willing to share. This is an as is command line utility that requires Win Zip and Win Zip's command line extensions to be installed (it probably also will only work with a licensed version). I have been using it for years to back up on going software development projects (yes I have source control too but this script is for backing up you hourly or daily work) and now for scenario development.
  22. I like @womble's suggestion of allowing for shorter times in these situations too. Same, actually I have a personal rule now that says all 60mm mortar fire must be direct .
  23. I see your concerns and they make sense. So your defense will be along the road and trees outside of town towards the bottom of the map. There are some places to get some cover there for sure. The town and forest create lots of blind spots so you will only really get clear shots once they pass those obstacles. One thing that the enemy did to me was use the buildings in the village to create keyhole opportunities for their AT guns. Your tanks could do the same and then use the town to screen their withdrawal. Looking forward to following this battle.
  24. I must be thick or something because I am not seeing what is misleading or missing here. The only thing you could argue is not right is clicking on the command icons jumps to the units superior HQ and not the HQ providing them command. I can see that you can make the case that that is not perfect but the information in the panel is perfectly correct and consistent. Am I missing something else or are you just talking about the clicking the command icons goes to the wrong place. I never knew that click on those icons did anything so - surprise. I'll try to remember to enter a defect just to track it.
  25. It does not have voice and visual to the platoon HQ. I am not 100% clear on what you are calling what so I'm going to refer to the CMBN v3.00 manual page 31 and use those terms to we can be clear. There are two relevant sections of the Unit Info panel to this discussion: the C2 Link (#9 in the diagram) this is how and if the unit is in contact to a valid command unit (notice I said a valid command unit and not their superior command unit) and the Chain of Command (#7 in the diagram). Considering the squad that needed rallying. In its C2 Link boxes it showed that it was in command via voice and visual contact. That command was being provided by the Company HQ that was right there with them. Therefore the squad is in command at this moment because they are in contact with a void command unit. Considering the chain of command indicators. The platoon was to far away from the company CO and out of radio contact therefore the chain of command is broken and you get a red light. If the company CO cannot contact the Battalion HQ then that light will be red too. So when you have the squad selected you can see its command status plus the integrity of the chain of command above it but they really are separate things.
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