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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Good to hear about improvements in the implementation and behaviour of the DRM. I used to be the manager responsible for license checking at a previous company and it truly can be a pain for all concerned. I hated having my guys spend time trouble shooting it because it took away from other things customers wanted. It was the number one support topic so the support team didn't like it either. And of course customers with problems really did not like it. We worked hard to make things as smooth and error free as possible - never got to perfect. I also advocated for dropping it but the sales and management teams never bought my arguments. I had at least some leg to stand on because our customers actually wanted a licensing system because they wanted to know how much use the tool was having and when they needed to buy more seats - my argument was we could satisfy that request without a DRM and we could save $. Still the fear of piracy (which is real BTW) won the day. The best BFC can do is actually what they are doing and the best we can do is be patient. Sadly if you are one of the few who are repeatedly having problems it sucks. Hopefully one day an adjustment that BFC makes will take you off the problem child list
  2. Impractical since we, as players, are playing the role of Battalion commander, Company commander all the way down to team NCO. If you could not control any element below the platoon directly those troops would not withdraw, try to establish contact again etc. That is as the game stands. I suppose if BFC like the idea of such a features they could implement the code needed to make it work. I just think it would be a lot more work then we think. Which is why I am not a fan of the iron click fest
  3. I could be wrong but my impression from reading here is that @JonS is the principal author of the content in the battle pack. I'm just guessing but he might have a few things left to do before it is done. That seems like a good reason not to release it and an explanation of why they are waiting for his return. Note: I have no involvement in the project and no insider knowledge I'm just posting an opinion based on logical deduction. BTW @Lille Fiskerby's theory seem interesting too but I know even less about that.
  4. For embedding to work you need a url to an image file. Such as .png or .jpg not the photobucket .html page. So on that photo bucket .html page right click on the image and choose "Copy Image Location" (or the equivalent for your browser). That will be the url to the actual image. Embed that and you are good to go.
  5. Spot on. When you first install it will ask for your game key - the 3.0 upgrade key. After that you run the short cut Activate Modules once for each module or pack you have an enter its key. There have been a handful of issues with the upgrade to Win10 but I don't think any more than usual. If things go sideways open a support ticket and you will get the help you need.
  6. 1) Nope running Fraps and taking a screen shot with F10 key *is* the easy way 2) Levelling the ends is step number one for happy bridge placement. The green arrows in the upper left corner let you orient the bridge before dropping it. The bridge does not figure out what direction to be. You have to set it to the desired angle first and then drop it onto your nicely levelled ends. Hope that helps
  7. From reading this thread it sounds like the real issue might have more to do with the point balance for QB force selection. A discussion about that could be quite valid.
  8. Thanks I was not getting it before. The thing is I have never noticed that the windows are closed when no one is inside. Do you have pictures of that? I not in front of my computer now so I can not check myself. I always thought that some windows were opened and some closed bu for game purposes it didn't matter.
  9. What are you guys talking about regarding windows? I use @Kieme(ITA) s mods and I don't see anything of note about the windows. Can you guys explain witness pictures? Please
  10. oh yes, that would be nice. That is an offen asked for feature probably number four on my list.
  11. So, still waiting for some kind of evidence. Where are the weapons specs that say such and such can penetrate x amount of armour and the corresponding specs where such and such vehicle has y amount of armour and the following tests from the game that show things are wrong. If you cannot produce that they you cannot complain about the representation of equipment in the game. It is that simple.
  12. When you buy the 30 upgrade you will get the master installer as the download. You can install it in a separate directory from the location you currently are using. I often have multiple versions of games installed, it works fine. After that buying the C module will only require an activation and not an additional download. Steve has said that the Bulge game will use the v3 engine so waiting for v4 will take a while.
  13. wow really. That is just rude. Now, where is that down vote button when you need it. LOL, really? The reason for keeping the number of sound files and the size of texture files down has been discussed here many times. Do a search and you will find them.
  14. Well it could be very interesting. Perhaps we will see some actual evidence this time around. Hey, I can hope. So, you are claiming that the Russian gear is under modeled. Interesting. Show us the information you have that supports that. BFC do a lot of research into the capabilities of the equipment. If you show them that they have made a mistake they will fix it. They have already fixed the side amour of the T90 and the ammo used in the 30mm and reduced the armor on the M1 in various places because people pointed out it was off. I am no expert in any of this so my only opinion is that BFC will make changes if you point out a mistake. So, all of you out there who think the Russian gear is getting short shrift bring on the evidence. Actual evidence please because just saying that the Russian equipment is under modeled is not an argument.
  15. That I would agree with. When I am blasting walls and bocage I always blast along the obstacle or up to it. That way there is no issue of my breach team going through the hole they just made. I realize that is no help in buildings. It would be nice if there was a way to control it.
  16. Oops - and when I started constructing that message I reminded my self to make sure I updated that date. Bring on the corrections when I make a mistake.
  17. Only time this quirk happens is during setup. When paused in RT you are paused - no time goes by. During orders phase of WEGO - same no time goes by. During setup you will notice that heavy weapons crews will setup and pack up guns etc. and tank commanders will poke their heads up or down as you give some orders. That kind of thing does not happen at other times. There is some kind of behind the scenes running clock during setup to allow that to happen. The only ramifications are that if you setup your defense in your night scenario example after letting the setup sit for a few hours you will not get a good impression of what the LOS is because as soon as you push the BRB it will get dark again.
  18. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the October Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMBN: MG Out on a Limb CMFI: Bad Day at Beach RED The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  19. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the October Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMBN: MG Out on a Limb CMFI: Bad Day at Beach RED The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  20. Great overall picture there @ChappyCanuck, thanks. Nice story with the Bren gunner running out of ammo and finishing the job with his revolver there @Kuderian.
  21. It was one of those amazing moments in this game. I like to say if you cannot have fun while you are loosing you shouldn't be playing - because you *are* going to loose. And walk into ambushes set by the attacker... This is a great example of real world tactics being applied in game - and working. They were Italians but yes one or two of my escape routes were firmly in my control but that was why this building was so important - I could make you pay heavily for taking other routes and this building offered some protected avenues towards the main objective.
  22. Excellent good to know. Modular buildings automatically get adjoining walls with no doors or windows by default now. I used to be that you had to go into each building and turn off any doors or windows for each building on each floor. Now you no longer have to do that - but you do have to add doors in the case where you do want the buildings to behave as a single building.
  23. Indeed he did not know exactly where I was but he knew I was there because the left and right sides (from the perspective of the shot) were the "normal" avenues approach and I had those covered as well as having a surprise ready for the expected breach on the ground floor - no help there when he went in from above.
  24. BTW this test scenario was done to me a while back. I was so impressed at the time I shared it on video. It is still one of my favorite disasters in PBEM. Thanks to @slysniper for schooling me on this technique.
  25. Yes, very interesting. I have a question about that actually. It occurred to me while reading this that we are assuming that the german squad on the third floor are unable to fire on the other building's second floor until the third floor connecting wall is breached. But is that actually true? Can the German squad fire on the US position without breaching at all? I will not be able to check myself until much later today but wondered if you might have already checked this.
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