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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Ah, 1.2 is the latest version. If by chance you really do only have 1.12 then you need to upgrade your engine to v3 which is the 1.2 upgrade. It is not a patch but a paid upgrade available here for the PC: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&category_id=37&flypage=shop.flypage_bfc&product_id=467&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=26
  2. Well I have no idea what version @db_zero actually has but I suspect he has the newer version 1.2 You do not have the latest version. Games saved with a newer version are invisible to the older version of the game. That matches what you are seeing. Hence my deduction.
  3. But doesn't target armour also let your units fire on half tracks? Mind you I'm not sold on adding a lot of new commands. I am not sure if I want my tanks to ignore half tracks since they already do a good job prioritizing tanks when they have choices. My infantry are already pretty skittish around tanks and I am not sure if having them hide would really help - it might make it harder for their Lt and Capt to tell what the enemy tanks are up to (aka me ). I have had more then one occasion where I would have liked to coordinate movement with buttoning / unbuttoning of tank commanders though.
  4. Well they hit about has hard as the 75 Sherman but they don't take as much of a beating - not that Shermans are stellar in that regard though either. But they are fast. Really really fast. Indeed - here is one of my opponent's taking on multiple StugIIIs at once.
  5. Yes, if @db_zero has version 1.2 installed then your game will not see the turn. Version 1.2 of CMFI is the version the game gets when you up grade the engine to 3.0. CMFI does not report two separate versions at this time so it can be confusing.
  6. That is way above my pay grade (especially as I don't work for BFC ) Very true Or there is a list of work that Steve and Company can work on for the next 20 years and continue to make a living for as long as they want. The thing is how much faster is really necessary? Most people have not played all the scenarios available as it is. I suppose if you were only interested in one theatre the pace could be seen as slow but if you are buying everything or even everything WW2 related you are not in danger of running out of content. Unresolved bugs? I am personally unaware of any unresolved bugs that are serious enough to make CMRT a problem to play. What do you or your friends perceive as bugs that make CMRT unfun to play? Serious question, many times people think something is a bug when really it is not. So, living your life thinking one day that bug will get fixed becomes a bit sad. Also, and it has happened to me, an actual problem might not have been recognized by the dev team and therefore is not on the list to be fixed. A handful of people get tapped to help out from time to time. Helpful, respectful interaction here gets you noticed. Well all behaviour gets you noticed but the good kind gets you on the short list.
  7. Did you forget to log into your other account before complimenting your self?
  8. You cannot do that, at least not with water. People have used mud and marsh tiles as a workaround.
  9. LOL yeah someone did it for half tracks in CMBN - I forget how many. Set it up and let us know what happens.
  10. After watching the video @kinophile I am sure you are correct. All @antaress73 meant was if multiple BMP3s happen to line up they can all get skewered by one AP round especially if it is from the side.
  11. That is a good point and the confusion is easily understandable because the cowering animation looks quite a bit like someone who has given up. @RockinHarry in his animation thread pointed that out as well and I tend to agree that the current animation suggests more fear and less ducking for cover.
  12. This is huge IMHO. While I will continue to advocate that people discuss things they thing are off because that is how real problems get discovered but *it does not matter what BFC makes the TacAI do* it will always be wrong from someone's point of view and they will write about it. This makes this kind of topic hard to discuss because someone always ends up making unreasonable demands for perfect pixel troops. BTW I think that @VladimirTarasov's OP is very good at bringing this this topic up - he started a discussion.
  13. Just a little fun with CSS. Try it you might like it.
  14. Thanks @Bootie let me know what you think @rocketman
  15. Signatures are out of my hands for sure. @Bootie I am not sure about BFC working through the issues I have with the forum styling. When they switched to this software the previous version had the same problem (in my opinion) of too much white space and it bothered me but not enough to get me to restyle it. I cannot say for sure but I do not think the BFC Admin has much say in spacing issues. That is down to the software developers of the forum software. I tried to provide my feedback but IP Board does not have a mechanism for customers of customers to give them feedback. BFC have much better things to do than try to get spacing changes made (even if they agree with me which I have no idea). The latest upgrade made things even worse, in my opinion. Again mostly due to the way IP Board is written. This time it was bad enough that I decided to act. Really it is my personal issue but I figured some of us would agree with me. There is a design aesthetics in the UI community that, again in my opinion, overvalues white space. White space is very important. Without white space things become unreadable. I just personally think the current fashion is over kill. There has to be a balance between white space and actually showing content. So, I did this for my own benefit because I reached my grrrr point . I predict that BFC will be spending their time on other far more important things then trying to get a provider to tweak their forum template based on my opinion.
  16. Thanks, I am not very happy with my self for loosing two of those tanks. One because I did not get eyes behind the town before putting a tank there and another because I failed to check the key hole status of that same gun. Mind you that was not much of an even fight even if one platoon of infantry and one troop of tanks was pinned down for the majority of the battle I still out manned and out gunned the opposition by quite a lot. Which is the point of an operational fight. So thanks to the CO @nathangun.
  17. OK as promised. I have found away for Fire Fox and Chrome users to tweak the forum web site. There is an add in called Stylish: For Fire Fox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/stylish/ For Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylish/fjnbnpbmkenffdnngjfgmeleoegfcffe?hl=en With that add-in installed you can write your own CSS that will be used to style web pages of your choice. I have created a package of CSS styles that reduce some of the white space - every where, return the avatars to square and remove announcements from the topic pages. Here is what the Black Sea forum looked like in my browser before the change: As you can see no actual content is visible because of all the excessive white space in the header area. Now after applying the styles using Stylish the site looks like this: And now you can see the first five topics of the forum. Once you have the add in installed you can add these styles to your experience by clicking the "Install with Stylish" button here: https://userstyles.org/styles/119012/compact-battlefront-forum-ipboard You can inspect and modify the CSS at any time. You can turn it on and off easily as well so if anything breaks you can get back to the default quickly. Enjoy.
  18. That is seriously cool. One round to take down two building! Wow that is on nasty beast.
  19. Very true with all the wonder able what the heck is going on
  20. Your T90 survived 6 rounds, wow. How many hit the vehicle vs were close. I don't remember seeing one still working even a little after 6. You'd opponent will be demoralized after that
  21. Spot on - to bad I cannot hammer on the + button a bunch of times. Throw away the tables, throw away your dice. For get looking up data just think would would you do?
  22. My guess is forum default. When we moved to this from the old form all existing members started with 10 any one new started with 0. My guess is the default is 10 and one on put it back to 0. That's just a guess.
  23. Question, meet answer I can vouch for the Mac version not running in a VMWare machine on my Windows box. And the windows version does not run if I have my process debugging tools running. I do not know if book camp is some how special but I doubt it.
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