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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Never quite like that. I'll PM you my email and you can send me the file or a dropbox link which ever works for you.
  2. Very cool @MOS:96B2P. I have a feeling that reading the briefing and notes for this will be important. Is it more like a manual than a briefing . One thought that popped into my head is perhaps a PDF version of the how to manual might be appropriate given how difficult it can be to read text in game.
  3. Nice pictures. Just FYI if you press <shift>ESC the pause message is suppressed. Makes the pictures just a bit better...
  4. I mean choose to do either A or B not both. So if you have a new v4 directory from running the full install you have CMBN 4.0 ready to go. And if you have an install of 3.xx and a copy of it renamed to CMBN 4 then you actually have three independent installs of CMBN. If I am reading that correctly you do not need the copy of CMBN 3.xx you made and called CMBN 4.
  5. And the excitement starts... Excellent work!
  6. Well sure... But that would only work if Russia and China also let the Koreas sort out their own issues too.
  7. Indeed that pretty much sums things up. My moving Panther's often got hit first but none of the Sherman's lasted long once they started shooting. And the fact that I had forces along two prongs meant that I frequently had multiple angles to shoot from. None of the Panthers had any kind of difficulty shooting at targets around the map, as appropriate anyway. @Bud Backer did well by slowing me down for sure. I was not able to seal a win.
  8. Question. What happens if someone plays this without the civilian vehicles mod? What shows up instead of those trucks in line at the check point?
  9. Perfect. Sounds pretty reasonable - this concept is very interesting and sounds like you have covered your bases. Cool.
  10. Spoofing comms or hacking the software in a vehicle would be very difficult. I suppose not impossible but it would be a multi year, infiltrate the producing company kind of effort. It would be vastly easier to jam the signals so no one can talk.
  11. OK that is seriously cool! Very creative. So, it is possible to get a bit of a surprise though if you happen to have units near the separatist base camp when a reinforcement even occurs. Always wise to complete your mission and then get out. Hummm. Artillery can destroy barbed wire. It needs a pretty direct hit but that is doable. I am not sure how easy it is to do with 120mm mortar though - I have not tried that.
  12. Interesting - I'll have to keep my eyes open for that.
  13. Sounds familiar... Previous post about this here: The problem has been reported and is in the queue to be fixed. ETA's are not given so that's as much as is known.
  14. I am pretty sure the work was confirmed by Steve. His usual response to timing question it it will be available when its ready.
  15. Did that Stug Fire on you? Normally AFV's don't adjust their gun elevation unless they are aiming to fire (and then they don't adjust them back again until it is needed for another target).
  16. I had no idea. Love the run out of coal line. Possibly - and thanks.
  17. Ok I see you have only shared with testers at the moment. Cool. Wish I could offer to test but I would not be able to give it the time it deserves. I look forward to reading more and trying it when it is ready.
  18. This does look cool. I too am interested in the answer to @IICptMillerII's question about reinfocements but also how do you have the smoke stop after 30 min? I am not sure when I'll get to this but i am interested in trying it out.
  19. Since @Vinnart has not been publishing up to date versions those of us that really want them are making our own thanks to @Mad Mike's super awesome tutorial:
  20. Yay, @Bil Hardenberger is back with a vengeance. Oh man same here. LOL for me its just because I suck : poor patience, poor judgment of when to pull back. I am looking forward to this read.
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