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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Oh man, hangs head in shame. My bloody phone was not recognizing that the post was made and the submit button was still active. I tried three times and gave up saying - it wasn't that funny anyway. Sigh.
  2. No, making requests and reporting problems is not whining. Your post, for example, is not whining. I will refrain from linking some that I think are whining because I have no desire to make things personal. But I am pretty sure we can all recognize those posts.
  3. Funny bird ...indeed but already deads Represent animal sacrifice?
  4. I see you both got a good number of up votes, so your ideas have some supporters. I totally disagree though. Whining has no value at all. I do agree that asking for updates and reporting problems and asking questions is important. That's not whining. Without that companies would not know when things were wrong and they would have a hard time figuring out what people want etc. So, I agree that engagement is important. But the whining is just annoying and aggravating. I know of no one that works harder to satisfy a whiner. I know lots of people who take steps to ignore whiners so they don't hear them any more. Whiners get disregarded and ignored. Or worse they drive people away from engagement that is valuable. Whining has the opposite effect from what is desired: LOL at least what the whiners report they desire - I remain unconvinced that whiners actually want to make things better. Considering their actions demonstrably make things worse I am really not sure they want to make things better. Personally I think they just want to make themselves feel important without actually contributing anything. We see that on this forum from time to time: threads derailed by whining that take away from problem solving and investigations that should be valuable. We see other users get cranky and snarky (yes myself included) and the value of the thread drops to zero or goes negative. We end up with angry people and no work done on the issue at hand. Whining has no value. One of my solutions to prevent my self from getting to snarky is to ignore whiny users - after all this is supposed to be fun and worth while volunteer work. That's not ideal is it - engagement is reduced. I am not the only one that ignores whiners. There are even people who don't bother reading these boards any more. There is another forum site I can think of that is so bad the whole place has been reduced to one whiner and no one else even posts any more. That's a pretty extreme example but it shows what whining can lead to. To be fair that problem users is more then just a whiner he's a pretty bad troll too and the site has taken no steps to hold people accountable for their behaviour. It is not a perfect example.
  5. Special meaning? Check back in 2020. Go right a head - see ya in a few years *Quality* has a special place in this company. They like to make sure things are right. And before you ramp up the sarcasm that includes fixing their own mistakes. What would the point in throwing a "fix" out there for you to test?
  6. The other thing I have noticed is that Panther's survive more frequently than say, for example, Sherman tanks. So while a Sherman might suffer gun damage it is also very frequently destroyed too so there are not a lot of Sherman tanks running around with a non functioning gun. Meanwhile Panther's survive better and so there are a noticeable number of Panthers driving around with non functioning guns. Just a pattern I believe has lead to several "is there something wrong with the Panther" threads in the past. This is quite separate from any possible armour bug that @bangers might give to @Vanir Ausf B to investigate. The presence or absence of any issue with armour protection does not change that in a head to head fight between Sherman and Panther tanks more Panther tanks are going to survive hits than Sherman tanks. That is all I am pointing out. Edit: Oops just realized this is on the CMRT forum - go ahead and substitute T34 for Sherman in the above - it sill applies (of course some models of T34 are more capable of taking out a Panther but Panther's still survive hits better than T34s do).
  7. Just to clarify - there is no head to head PBEM play for campaigns. Apparently it is possible to create a campaign to play head to head in hot seat mode but I have never done it and it is unclear if there are released campaigns that support that mode. To play co-op campaign you can play turn based and save files as discussed for PBEM but you and your partner play against the campaign AI. In that case you would have to save a turn in the preview phase so your partner can see the replay and then save and exchange a command phase save file to give orders.
  8. Recovery of small arms follows a hierarchy of need (sort of :-). A soldier with a pistol will pick up anything. One with a SMG will pick up a rifle or an MG and one with a rifle will pick up an MG. Or there abouts. I don't know where a MP44 fits in there or where the AT rifle fits in but if the AT rifle is on the same level of need as a normal rifle the team mate will not try to pick it up since he already has one. It might be wort seeing if someone with an SMG or just a pistol might pick up the AT rifle. That would tell Charles if the AT rifle is just something that cannot be picked up (still a bug IMHO) vs something that has a lower ranking than it should (just a different bug IMHO).
  9. No. Target light for infantry mean stick to small arms and MGs. So, no rifle grenades or RPGs. The short answer is there is no way to pick specific weapons to fire or not fire. You can influence it by using no target (individual soldiers pick their targets and their weapon), target light (means prioritize a particular target using small arms) and target (which means prioritize a particular target using whatever you have). You can also use a covered arc to restrict fire to inside an area (same rules as having no target command but inside the restricted area) or armour cover arc which adds just a further restriction to fire on armoured targets and ignore infantry in side the restricted area.
  10. Great example shots BTW. I think what happened is memory. We think of our memory as a video recording but it really is not. Playing the old games we felt immersed in the story and overlooked the limitations of the graphics. Ne we imagined the game looking even better in our memory. So, looking at the new ones years away from actually playing the old ones we remember them better than they were and compare that memory to what we are seeing. Also to be fair the infantry models in CMSF are not quite as good as the ones in CMBN (and follow on titles).
  11. Similar advice for T90 commanders taking on M1s. Try to make it two or three against one and use mobility to attack from the sides. Using something to distract the more dangerous tank is also good. Sometimes you can have infantry or an IFV fire at the tank and draw its attention while your tanks try to come at it from a side. Of course the enemy is probably not going to cooperate so this is tricky - look for places where supporting tanks might fall behind the lead or places where you can keep your flanks behind obstacles. Defiantly easier said than done but as you point out fighting as the underdog is often a fun challenge. For Ukrainian T64s I run with the commanders unbuttoned. With T80s I have them stay buttoned. I would be interested in others' idea on the T64s: should the TC stay buttoned or unbutton?
  12. Oh that is such a bad idea. The US units can see, at least somewhat, right through that smoke an the Russians less so but they still can too. I usually assume the smoke is going to be a hindrance not a sure thing. Now I'm going to be thinking about this from now on. Wow, ouch. That is an elaborate and complex setup.
  13. I am at a loss. I do this regularly. Must have done it 100 times or more. I have never had a problem. Pick a scenario to play, enter a new password when prompted, send the file, recieve a new file, enter the same password as before, repeat for the time limit.
  14. Yeah it was not me. I pulled all the scenarios off the scenario depot and the repository. I'm not in front of my computer at the moment so I don't know what the count is.
  15. Combine that with @Erwin being correct that you do not need to issue a pause command for the vehicle if the passengers have been given a dismount command.
  16. We were talking about vehicles. In that case yes I believe it would be worse. The MG setting up behind the tree would not be a good thing. This is not a common thing in my experience. Do people have game save examples of that happening?
  17. It is not in the game. I doubt it will be added. Picture the posts: "I had my <insert powerful important thing here> nicely hidden in ambush and suddenly the damn thing started moving around exposing its position and it got whacked. WTH BFC fix or somethink"
  18. Heck yeah. HTs are quite vulnerable but Mark Ivs and Stugs are too - but you need to score a direct hit on the tanks and assault guns. As others have said using artillery against infantry and fixed defences is where it really shines. But I also use it to deny avenues of approach to my enemy as well. You asked about taking out tanks here are two examples:
  19. One thing you can try is shift the vehicle back or forward a little and see if that helps.
  20. @StieliAlpha has outlined the procedure and expectations. I have encountered what you experienced for two reasons: My opponent has sent you his turn file instead of the one he generated for you. Unless you are doing a rare blue on blue or red on red scenario the flag or symbol for the country you are playing should be there next to the password box. If the flag is not the side you expect then your opponent sent you the wrong file or, I miss typed my password when I created it. Oh man that sucks but I have done it before. Once I was able to figure out what I had done by purposefully tweaking the capitalization and dropping letters but several times I have had no luck and been forced to start again. Manually copying files is error prone using a turn manager and drop box is a much better way to go. Once you get past what ever problem this is check out this thread on using turn managers to deal with the file copying problem:
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