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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I assume you are referring to the patch. Steve never publishes dates. He sticks to what is next and sometimes what order. Other that the message is always: "when it's ready". It is being worked on and it is not forgotten.
  2. Nicely looking map @CCIP. Have you considered posting it to the scenario depot? They have a section for maps. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/
  3. LOL yeah definitely one of those statements that taken out of context and reported on the evening news would cause trouble for some one running for office.
  4. Seriously - wow. Steve is working hard on the products, as are other people. Another of his concerns is maintaining the relatively good atmosphere on these forums. In fact it is a necessary business strategy IMHO. If people here would refrain from trolling and other bad behaviour Steve could spend more time working on product. As is stands keeping poor behaviour in check *is* part of his job. Personally I find Steve to be *very* forgiving. If it was up to me there would be more banned people bad mouthing me on other forums
  5. Forgot to add - with too much kit. His lack of comment pretty much says it all. There are so few of us but those that do show up are generally pretty competent that they actually don't notice us at all
  6. I would not be surprised if doubles were messing with you. My site does not host any files itself - and never will, as I do not have a file sharing infrastructure setup. So, the site can only point to hosted files on other sites. I also have a policy against linking to drop box shares because they are just not long term solutions. So for a scenario or a campaign to get listed it has to be hosted on a site intended for that purpose which at the moment are The Scenario Depot, the old BFC Repository and the Blitz. If any other sites spring up I would be OK with listing their files too. Edit: ack I failed to recognize that this was a post on the Shock Force forum. I currently do not have a listing for CMSF because the tool I use to generate the web pages does not handle CMSF1. Indications are that it will work for CMSF2 and since CMSF2 is planned to read CMSF1 files with some work I can get a listing of all the CMSF scenarios. So, be patient because nothing will even being to happen until CMSF2 is out and after that the amount of time it will take to get everything listed will likely be as long as it took me to get the whole site setup. Except this time you guys will see how slow I work
  7. Good question. I do not know if anyone has looked at that. I believe the answer there is simple - hiding does not mean engine off. Many WW2 vehicles required dismounting and or a non trivial time to get their engine's started. Even with a reduced noise profile CM is still simulating combat situations and turning off you engine is not something you want to do if contact is imminent.
  8. Geeze I'm not sure it would even last well. Look at how quickly the Syrian forces disintegrated in the face of the angry and lightly armed protesters that rose up after the Syrian Army attacked unarmed protesters. It was not long before defectors and poor morale left them unable to do much of anything. Careful now you'll start the whole my air defence is better than your air force argument again.
  9. Love the mock up of the defence minister GI Joe figure. For those that don't follow Canadian Politics here are a couple of articles: https://globalnews.ca/news/3416736/harjit-sajjan-operation-medusa-architect/ https://globalnews.ca/news/3439350/commentary-operation-medusa-wouldnt-have-happened-without-minister-sajjan/ Pretty embarrassing but not quite the "totally made up out of whole cloth" that some of you might be used to from your leaders.
  10. Indeed quite the story. Ooops. I have not heard all the details (I have an interview queued up in my podcast player) but what I have heard is they slowed the tempo to conserve ammo until the issue was corrected. So, clearly it had some effect but from the accounts I heard operation Medusa was an overall success so this problem, while clearly a challenge, was not a show stopper.
  11. What, no that's not what I mean. Just tell CMHelper you quit the game. The play a round with the new file name - manually. Then tell CMHelper to pick up the new game. Don't re start just change it and lie to the computer - it wouldn't take offense Anyone can delete the game name and type in a new one (put in the turn number too) and save it. Then the manually get the file to the other player. That player can play a turn and they new name should be the default. Done you have a renamed game that you are continueing to play. Now lie to CMHelper. Done
  12. I'm not a user of CMHelper but can't you just tell it to forget about your game "Quick Battle" and then start the "new" game "Cool new game name" and live happily ever after? That's how to handle that issue in Whose Turn Is It?
  13. That is cool. I never knew that either.
  14. OK I've been called worse. That is pretty much all there is to say.
  15. That is just appearance. The engine allows you to see all three D terrain features at all times. Anything that alters the terrain mesh is visible to all. Therefore the foxholes and trenches need to be above the terrain. They are supposed behave as if they are real trenches and foxholes. You will see that there is frequent debate about how well they do that and tweaks have been made. Right now they represent thing pretty well in my opinion. Queue the decenters ?? Sure you can what issue are you having with setting up an AT gun near a house? 200m ? That's not very far. That is infantry fighting distance. Get those snipers out at 400 or 500m. Don't forget those WW2 snipers are really just above average marksman operating on thier own. They are not uber camouflage experts with a lot of extra training.
  16. No that is not what I meant. The veteran vs warrior levels are a different kind of silliness . The changes to the shooting to make it truly realistic vs what we have now would be silly because it would be a ton of work and a very different game. No going all they way to totally realistic would be unplayable. CM1 games were very playable for sure. Great games. But their simpler spotting was not nearly as good as what we have in CM2. ? Not sure how acknowledgment is anything like acceptance. I acknowledge that there is crime in y city but certainly do not accept it. I acknowledge that the spotting in the game is not perfect in all ways but I accept it and play accordingly. Acknowledgment and acceptance are not at all alike.
  17. Very true. But Battlefront needs to sell the game to more than just one man.
  18. Well aside from the obvious silliness of two ways to play the game I don't think we realize what a truly realistic spotting system would be like. Have you seen any in combat footage (real not actors or reenactors)? I don't watch a lot but the theme that runs through it is you hardly ever see your enemy *at all* . I don't think the game would actually be playable.
  19. No. Well not in a straight forward way. CM1 games were designed to simulate reasonable outcomes. The spotting and much of the firing was abstracted quite a bit as was the concealment and protection. The new CM2 games are designed to be closer to a 1 to 1 simulation where the outcomes depend on the context of the individual soldiers, tanks and bullets etc. To nit the graphics into CM1 or the modelling in to CM2 would be a rewrite. And while I don't speak for Steve I do agree with him. CM2 is superior in every conceivable way over CM1 including anything you don't like Oh and one more thing: accept how it is.
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