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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Just to add some fun to this: You *can* destroy bridges in CM2. You can use artillery (bigger the better) and direct tank fire. I have done it with 155 artillery and M1s in CMBS and some big gun on the German side in one of the WW2 titles but I forget. I have no idea if 105 or mortar fire would be enough or not I have not tried. What you *cannot* do is use engineers to blow up a bridge. So, call a point target 155 mission on a bridge and watch it go down - after a long time. The good news is while you are waiting no one is going to want to cross that bridge either.
  2. What's that saying: "when someone shows you who they are - believe them the first time". Probably - no promises though
  3. LOL thanks. He is doing well in school and probably heading for grad school. I hope he keeps playing hockey but it will not be professionally.
  4. Indeed. I always remember what my son's hockey coach used to say (and now I say it:-): winning is nice and all but if you cannot have fun while you are loosing you need to find a different game cause you *are* going to loose.
  5. Great screen shots. It looks like this guy is about to feel some serious pain...
  6. Relax man @slysniper didn't say there wasn't an issue. He said it wasn't game breaking like some have attested. I agree with him and you.
  7. Oh man I really hate it when I do that. I think I have a post like that too @Kozlice. Oh I just noticed that was his first post - welcome to the forum.
  8. Ah it's not supposed to... Make sure you drop the removed on far away or it will snap the one you don't want to move again. What game are you trying this in?
  9. The numbers for concrete, sand & rubble were surprisingly good IIRC ('good' is a relative term here), much of the slat armour we've seen is apparently useless, or at least not terribly efficient. LOL I keep hearing that sand bags really worked and sand bags didn't do much. Slat armour really worked and slat armour didn't do much. I say, time to put up or ... show some credible numbers. Anyone, anyone, Bueller, Bueller?
  10. I know That's not quite it though is it. I get that is the message you are told and the one you project here but that is not really the difference is it? No side should be there shooting at residential buildings but there are bad choices and worse choices sometimes. How a country makes those choices and how in formed thier population is matters. I am are also aware that after some really bad choices early on the reality on the ground is way way worse now than it was or could have been. I'll stop there so as to not get too political.
  11. LOL I have a friend who calls that the "he hit me back first" defence - he had sons so he had little time for the "he hit me first" defence. But it's true LOL good point. As for insults. I was about to say "what insults" but then I reviewed the record... Is that really insulting. I guess - maybe? If you thought I was insulting you for suggesting you weren't reading then sorry about that. But wait - you *did* just ignore what @sburke wrote which kinda implied you didn't read it. If you had read it and disagreed then you could have rephrased your point so it was clearer, refuted the counter argument for example. So, not much of an insult but snarky maybe. Sorry I hurt your feelings. Oh yeah, in retrospect that was an insult - cause I have worked for some total jerks. I apologize for that. I should have just pointed out that your time lines were totally silly. Any time you spend writing a well thought out article it always takes longer than an hour. You are doing what my bad bosses did - mistaking the act of writing the code (I'm a programmer by profession) as the only thing that needs to be done. They forget that there is research, sometimes experimentation not to mention discussing alternatives and finally doing some testing. The same goes for a well written article if it take you a hour to write it you did way more than that in research, consideration etc. before that. Same idea for a 10 minute post.
  12. OK this has gone form sad to pathetic to vaguely insulting. So, time to stop taking the bait. Bottom line is BFC decides how much they communicate. Your's and anyone else's unsatisfied expectations don't really change that. I'll see some of you in a different thread. Some likely never again
  13. LOL there is no "no damage" side. You are the only person that seems to think someone said the US artillery caused no damage.
  14. Interesting. Typically they *do* use them. I think we have even had posts about using them on sub prime targets. I do not recall them being saved on a regular basis. There is no way for you to direct the choice the AI tank commanders make the call. I'm not sure how they do it. If something has changed and things are messed up it might be worth a quick test.
  15. LOL when you set the policy for the company that you own then you can do that. 1 hour for a comprehensive article? 10 minutes for an update? You sound like every bad manager / project manager I have ever met . My stock answer is "there is no such thing as a one day task".
  16. Yep, spot on. We all have a responsibility to call out BS or as the kids are calling it these days Fake News. We should do that everywhere. Keep in mind some people will hate you for it and be very vocal about it so be prepared. And no I am not talking about this thread - these guys are pussy cats. I have had my Scottish heritage disavowed in the most unspeakable terms on other sites. LOL brilliant. No bifocals here yet. OK, OK that's cause I refused at my last eye exam and now accept that I do need them... Damn it, it is technically true that I don't have them now. PS. How is it that @sburke's awesome post about putting out the real facts has more up-votes than my actual post about the truth. PPS. Anyone who thinks that the truth doesn't win in the end - have a listen to Malcolm Gladwell's pod cast "Revisionist History" (http://revisionisthistory.com/). Oh man do some of those guys look like doofuses now. And again not talking about this thread - this is kids stuff - light weights. Fake News never lasts.
  17. Not sure about the avenger system - is it still used? But not every piece of kit available was included. There has to be something for the next modules What the following items are is not totally clear. I am pretty sure there will be more content for CMBS. Here is Steve's latest post about what is coming up:
  18. The full installs are all up to date with the v4 engine, yes.
  19. Yeah, same. The one plus is they don't tire out as much. Personally I prefer quick for a distance with pauses.
  20. According this site there are no country names that start with 'X': http://www.worldometers.info/geography/alphabetical-list-of-countries/countries-that-start-with-x/ So, I have no idea what country he means
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