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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. That dosen't sound right. I play against the AI nearly every day. But those games are not for my entertainment but for testing. Yeah, that still doesn't sound right - it is very entertaining to play the AI. This will be one of the few games I play against the AI that I am looking forward to. Sigh that's still not right - Oh I give up.
  2. Too many other things on the go. Which reminds me I have to get back to my assigned writing project. I am very much looking forward to it coming out. From the description here this will likely be one of the few scenarios I will play vs the AI.
  3. Clearly the advice to practice is good but just repeating what you are doing without reflecting on what worked and what didn't and seeking guidance is not a productive as: couching, practice, coaching, practice, coaching and practice. There is no shortage advice and opinion here so it you want to share some screen shots, maps overviews and scenarios I am sure people will give you some coaching / advice. Or links to useful resources to read and watch. Here's one: http://www.armchairgeneral.com/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy-tactics-a-video-series
  4. I would recommend avoiding bring attention back to the earlier issue repeatedly.
  5. Avoid what? The enemy trying to kill your guys? Joking aside I am not sure what you are asking. To avoid enemy units opening up on your men you have to have them remain unseen which means manoeuvre so that they cannot be seen by enemy from many locations. Or have enough friendly support to win local fire supremacy - see the previous sentence regarding using the terrain and manoeuvre to restrict your enemy's sight lines. Or, accept that they will get spotted and withdraw after taking some shots.
  6. Exactly! Things like re skinning a game to be set in a different location, doing uniforms for another force, or redoing flavour objects to represent other things are perfect uses for mod tags because it lets people keep the special mod in place and only see it in scenarios designed for the new force or location.
  7. Awesome. Yeah I don't want to detract from the basic message just point out there is a bunch of other things going on.
  8. LOL - my method was to hit door frames as I tried to carry her. She now refuses all offers of being carried.
  9. Some units had a dedicated gunner in the HT. Some did not. Splitting off a scout team is a good way to man the gun in the latter case. However some smaller squads do not have the ability to split at all so that does not work in that case. Another way to go is to dismount the driver of one and have him man the gun of another. Be careful the enemy considers them a serious threat and that gun shield is no good from the sides, obviously, so keep them back as far as possible.
  10. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the April scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMRT: Carius at Malinava CMFB: Hung up at Cheneux The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  11. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the April scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMRT: Carius at Malinava CMFB: Hung up at Cheneux The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  12. Indeed the basics are covered there but as you can see the graphic assuming even pressure for the area under and between the bogie wheels for the track is a simplification... Which is why suspension and wheel size and placement matter for tracked vehicles.
  13. Why is it bad to have some bubble on various floors of a damaged building? I feel like I am missing something.
  14. Apology accepted - of course. Family first for sure. Good luck
  15. And it would be a great candidate for using mod tags.
  16. Triple post! Nice, I thought I was the only one able to get things that messed up. :-)
  17. All the stock scenarios have AI for both sides. Thier descriptions indicate which mode they work best. 3rd party scenarios often follow the convention that how they can be played is in the description. If one does not say or you are unsure you can check in the scenario editor. You can see it there is an AI plan for the side you are interested in without spoiling anything.
  18. I predict that there will be some like that in a short time. They might not come from @Bud Backer. Just a guess
  19. OK two scenarios You can find listing here: http://www.combatmission.lesliesoftware.com/BattleForNormandy/Scenarios/Closing the Pocket.html which points to a downloadable file here: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1153
  20. Yes, but aren't they part of the shipping product already? I can only recall once where a scenario was created just for the demo and in that case it was also released to the repository.
  21. I think we should call it quantum morale entanglement. This is defiantly an abstraction in the game.
  22. I added a few links to the first post. One from today and two that I found searching for an answer to another question that needed adding. How to use Mod tags Instructions on how to use mod tags with scenario authorship Supply platoons and ammo dumps A post discussing how vehicles from the same platoon converted into ammo dumps combine into a single ammo dump. XO or 2IC taking over command
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