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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. It is just abstracted. So, they get access no matter where or what is happening. In other words there is no modelling of laying the wire or it being severed etc.
  2. Try just pasting the url into the editor - it worked for me.
  3. Since I cannot comment on BFC development I'll comment on my experience (25 years as a product software developer) and a typical scenario that exists right now with my company. We release new versions of our software with new features and at any given time we have, lets say, six versions in use by our customers. In our case each of those versions are extensions of the previous software. In our case that leads to one source tree with six branches from a single trunk. The older ones are further way from the most current versions. This is not exactly the same situation that BFC has but it should do to give you insight into what is involved. If a customer using, worst case, the oldest version hits a problem and we find a fix we can patch that older version. If we also need to fix it in the newer versions then someone needs to merge that change into each branch. Sometimes that's easy because it is in an area that has not changed much other times - well it can suck. Either way each one of those patches needs to be tested independently. For one reason you should never ship software that just compiled - even if it is "just the same" as another version but more importantly changes in other ares of the product can sometimes be effected in surprising ways or worse new features may have been built based on behaviour that turns out was not quite right. All of which means that the testing needs to cover more than just that one little thing that was a problem. We have to at least touch the other features and depending on the fix we add more tests if we are afraid of the side effects or actually find a problem during initial testing. That's a lot of effort. We typically try to not patch everywhere and fix things in the branch the customer hit the problem and in the latest release we are working on. And we fix just one thing since it can limit the amount of testing. Those strategies plus encouraging customers to move to newer versions - especially if they find a bug that we already fixed - tries to minimize the patching work we do. This is such a significant effort that we actually have a separate team that patches and tests software in production so that we can let the main development team stay focused on new features. Obviously our small team does sometimes interrupt the main development team when we need additional help but our goal is to manage it without distracting from new features.
  4. I don't really know what the plans are in particular but traditionally a beta AAR is done but usually it will be closer to when the game is ready for pre-orders. I am going to guess you will have to wait a little longer for this one since there are two other announced modules ahead of it.
  5. Ah good point. Humm - perhaps from dates on the files you can find the breaks between modules. It is my pleasure - I have to work off my sins some how
  6. It is not installs that count against activations it is activating on different machines. So, install it to a second location on your current machine. It will not cost you an activation and since it is CMBN the game files are installed with the .exe and not in a shared location like the newer ones so you will have two sets of qb files to look at. Having said that someone might be able to tell you the naming convention. I'm not able to access my gaming machine unti sometime Sunday so it will have to be someone else...
  7. and I seem to recall that one of them works on Combat Mission as a hobby and cuts down trees for a job and the other cuts down trees for a hobby and works on Combat Mission for a job...
  8. Can you get here: https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/ (its a different domain so may be OK for you). If you can blue New Ticket button will let you report the problem to someone who can should be able to help.
  9. Love the pic. I like the one guy three back with the green webbing and the tan pouches. What did you guys do swap webbing components around for fun
  10. LOL funny guy. It was way to early to tell but we certainly had both taken casulties. I was a ton of orders and a huge area - way bigger that than 20 000 point battle I tried back in CMBN 1.0 days. The windows version of the game is 32bit so it can only use 4G of memory so even my 16Gb machine had "enough" memory.
  11. I read your previous comment and I am not 100% sure what you did in the old SF that you fear will not work in SF2. Did you add red vehicles to the blue side and dismount the crews? After which you loaded standard blue forces into said vehicles and they were able to drive them? And you fear those dismounted red vehicles will turn into ammo dumps? Or is it something else.
  12. In the first post he said: Apparently many people went straight to looking at the PDFs and their brains didn't absorb @sttp's words
  13. Hey now you have jinxed it. Steve is going to hold things up so your prediction turns out to be wrong just because he can and as a result we will all suffer because or your premature end-zone celebration.
  14. Is that... a sub-bone??? LOL more like famous last words
  15. Opps - the man to ask is @Bootie . The pdfs look good too.
  16. not in the same way. The down voting became almost a form of bullying. Exactly - the worst thing that can happen with up voting is I can post something and be slightly disappointing that it doesn't get any up votes or read some dumb comment that does get up voted and feel perplexed. But if I get ganged up on with down votes it feels a lot more personal.
  17. I highlighted something important - big maps are cool and all but once you start fighting on them with lots of forces you can easily reach the limits of what your computer can handle. I have not yet touched what @benpark has been working on I've only seen a few more screens so I am *not* talking about the module directly here but about the game. I totally do not want to be a wet blanket here because what @benpark has done is amazing and we well all be thanking him for decades of gaming. The amazing number of battles that will be created out off his work could be staggering. I wanted to set some expectations a little - his map is a resource to help all of us jump start creating scenarios. That map really needs to be cut up into smaller parts for individual scenarios or campaigns. A while back @c3k and I helped test a big battle for @sfhand We eventually were unable to play any further. I forget how many Battalions we had on the map but it was a lot of troops. Long before you get to the point where the game cannot process the orders many machines will not have satisfactory performance. Hence the need to extract smaller portions of big maps to create scenarios on.
  18. Ah fun stuff. Convoys and group movements are a pain for sure. Until the some day when we have game commands that help here are a couple of additional strategies that I use. For roads I already gave my thoughts on maintaining traffic flow. What @sburke and @Rinaldi said about trying where possible to limit the number of vehicles following the same road and keeping their spacing generous is important. As @Rinaldi said if you have a lot of vehicles unexpected events can really cause back ups. If you are forced to move a lot of vehicles then getting the most important ones moving first and then give a 30s plus spacing for another group can really help. The only thing I'll add is I never use group move orders for plotting road moves - it adds to the work. For more open terrain I frequently use group orders. What I usually do is select the group and then select one vehicle whose route I know I want to take. For example if I am sending a platoon of tanks around the left side of a forest I'll pick the right most vehicle in the platoon and plot the move orders around the forest. After plotting the group I have one vehicle set with orders that are exactly like I want. After that I select the other vehicles one at a time and tweak their way points. This lets me increase their spacing across the open fields and pull them all together to pass through the gate etc. Once that's done then I think about timing giving pauses to allow only one vehicle to try to get through that gate at a time and then other pauses so the platoon reaches their final destination at about the same time.
  19. Yes. They communicated via runners, signals and sometimes just following the plan they were told to follow (no need to communicate if you just do what you were told).
  20. Yeah Steve is crazy, crazy I say . I personally will be purchasing one of those bundles just to throw some $ of support their way.
  21. Sure, I have no doubt he is correct. I just don't want that here. Long before it got to that level I would stop reading. I'm not really worried that it will - overall Steve does not tolerate that level of crap but I'll still push back when I see this place heading in the wrong direction. My point is simply that it doesn't matter who much worse it is elsewhere. It matters if things get bad here.
  22. Reasonable - what here? No one has a problem with asking about where is the patch. Heck if I was not a tester I would have asked a few times too. The problem is the ranting and raving about no communications and no one answering the "are we there yet" questions every time they get asked and the bitching about the world coming to an end. It's rude, entitled and immature. I don't know about you guys but there were times when my wife and I pulled the car over and said we are not driving any future until you stop it with the questions! And BTW I don't have any reason to doubt you about other forms being worse - heck I am *know* you are right. But ya know what when my kids said "my room is way neater than johnny's from down the street why are you giving me a hard time" that held no little water with me either.
  23. Until someone else gets impatient and posts another one of these threads.
  24. Yeah, sigh. There will be a lot of people who think their whining and whinging got them attention from Steve. LOL that is something I am good at - I never spend time dwelling on past booboos
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