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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. I've seen Steve comment recently that the current stage of development is just tying up loose ends. They aren't adding any new features anymore so I think it'll be out soon. Remember, they aren't a big game developer, it's just a few guys and it takes a while. Not only that, but our incessant complaining of games being released without enough polish makes them want to publish on their own terms. I think they with this release, they will further refine the game in addition to the new content. Have a little more patience! It'll be worth it.
  2. You're firing a rocket with great force right next to your face. These rockets really boom out of the launchers. Anything can happen. If you don't have a perfect grip, the whole thing can launch out of your control, much less bruising your eye. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=121_1212951769 This isn't an at4 like the caption says nor is it an RPG, but it shows the kind of force involved.
  3. Meach, your post just made me go and take a swig off the old southern comfort. Bootcamp was pretty crazy at times. Yeah, the skinnier guys have it easier in the PT part of it. Better endurance, less weight to carry. There were guys at the beginning who could only do 4 effing pushups! By the end of bootcamp, they blew away the PRT! It's the injuries and sickness that really screw people up. I don't know about the UK, but in US bootcamps, they're putting people together from all over, including other countries. All different types of viruses and diseases congregating in one place. I won't even go into the cultural differences between the guys from NYC and the good ol' boys from Montana (a whole thread in it's own right). But, once getting through the first 2/3, the last third of bootcamp wasn't as bad. By the time I got out, I was a lean mean fighting machine. It wasn't easy though. We had what's called a 'Rain Man'. The first time we were waiting to go march to dinner and our RDC's didn't show up. It was a test! So we decided as a group to march down perfectly and all to act perfectly. We marched with perfect precision down to the chow hall, got our food, didn't say a single word, used our stupid handsignals for passing napkins, etc, and started to get up from eating. We look over by the window to see one of our RDC's trying to spy on us while avoiding spiders in the bushes. We all burst into laughter. Well, we ended up marching perfectly back to our barracks. Once we arrived, a voice came over the intercom. "You m* f* stupid dumb * sons of b*s! Attennnnnnnnn HUT!". This is where the Rain Man comes in. He turns on the heater and closes the window. Then he makes you do endless pushups, leg lifts, flutter kicks, running in place, 12 count body builders, side straddle hops, big birds, and any other manner of riduculous ways to throw your own body weight around. After an hour or two, the sweat starts dripping off the ceiling and it 'rains'.
  4. I don't know when I'll ever be able to make it out there, but thank you! A fraction of my DNA comes straight from Scotland with an even larger fraction from the British Isles as a whole. So the whiskey, fast fiddle music, and lots of food sounds wonderful to me!
  5. Meach and Mishga, you guys are exceedingly sweet people. If I'm ever in Scotland, I'd love to meet you guys. Why does a game about war attract so many nice people to this forum? I've never seen such great folks at any other forum. That's why I always come back here.
  6. :D Mord, sorry to hear about that. Bootcamp was a little rough for me, but as soon as it got too "Lord of the Flies", our RDC's (drill instructors) jumped on it hard. Basically, the black guys found out that the white recruit leader (the guy they appointed to be the lead recruit) was an ex skin head. They all met together in the back at night and had black-only meetings and were planning on hurting/killing him in his sleep. The whole thing was knuckle-headed to the core. In the end, we were all a singular team and mixed well. The comraderie was definitely there after the first 6 weeks. I guess it takes about that long before everyone's egos are small enough to put the team first. Standing up for 15 or more hours a day really hurt me too. The front half of my feet were almost completely numb for 6 months after bootcamp. The bathroom situation of 4-5 working ****ters for 90 guys wasn't any fun either. All this stuff you're saying is bringing me back, so sorry to rehash fresh memories for you! But, now that's all behind us, and as you said, we tend to remember the good times and let the bad stay behind. I am glad to hear that at least a few of those guys are alright and going to make good soldiers. Too bad you didn't get to shoot your rifle, but sounds like you did get to see some cool stuff!
  7. Mord! Glad to hear you're OK!!! If you remember, I was one of your biggest cheerleaders. But you have not disappointed me. Look, I went to boot camp at age 21, the older guys (between 30 and 35, no one older allowed) stuggled with Navy bootcamp, which is less physically arduous than Army basic. It's a young man's game. In my experience, it got MUCH easier as the years went on. Bootcamp sucks, then training afterwards isn't too fun either. Then getting to a unit sucks until you make some rank. But it's OK, at least you'll never live your life thinking you should've done something and never tried. You DID try! I'm proud of you. And I know what you're talking about being nervous about a vast number of dumbasses with mg's. . It's the army, man, what do you expect? The navy and chair force have higher asvab requirements. Still, they're not nearly as bad as the Afghan forces. Our dumbest guys will beat their regulars any day. To be fair, just look back to when we were 18 or 19. We probably weren't nearly as versed as we are today. No matter what, I'm glad you're back and I hope to see you jumping back into regular life again (albeit, with a new appreciation for freedom). Take care, my friend, and I'll see you around the forums!
  8. You could have them RUN in circles for awhile, then have them move to where they need to walk to. But... they'll also be exhausted.
  9. I'd bet on 2010 or 2011. But the Brits mod I think will be out soon!
  10. Maybe the same problem, but I've noticed it happens a lot on top of large hills.
  11. I'm a huge fan as well. This has been my favorite game of all time, overtaking Americas Army. Here's some tips: *Select a squad and notice that the other squads with brighter icons are in the same unit. Try to keep them as a unit to work together. Obviously, if it's a heavy weapons unit, you may want to divide them amongst the rest of your troops. *Shift click selects multiple units. *Shift drag to select with a box. *Double click an icon to select the whole platoon. *Smoke 'em if you got 'em. *Use artillery and air. This is a huge advantage. *Your apc's are extremely easy to blow up. *During Realtime play, use ESC to pause and give orders any time you want for easy micromanaging. *Try to cover your movements.
  12. Wow! I don't know if I have time to finish a campaign fast enough to test it for you. I can play only a few scenarios per week. This one's gonna take me at least 2 weeks! It looks extremely well-put together and I can't wait to take the 10th Mountain Division into combat!
  13. No. Not unless you target artillery in a line or there is a target right behind them that you can see. That brings up a great point. A Grazing fire command would kick ass.
  14. I've played it twice; a harrowing day, but most us made it out alive! Great video too!
  15. I like the idea. If they would just implement the in-game stats, it would be easy enough just to add those to a total. I still would love to have a window just like cm1 that shows how many of what was killed.
  16. While you may or may not want to do this in real life, pump a few rounds into each building, each floor. Many times, the enemy will come out of hiding and return fire. This is called recon by fire. I've found that this is best accomplished with apc's. They have heavier weapons with plenty of ammo. Even if the enemy doesn't show his face, he'll sometimes take casualties and it'll make it that much easier to take. Urban warfare is known to be bloody. No/little los means you're going to be fighting up close almost always. It's just part of the deal. Sometimes, you just have to make choices. If you have a 4 man squad and a 13 man squad, you can send in the 4. If they get wasted, then you only lost 4. On the other hand, with 13 guys you have a better chance of winning an in-house battle. That's up to you, commander.
  17. So you're a grog grog? Got to sort out the cow grogs from the barrel grogs!
  18. While on the subject: When you click acquire, you select something from the list and the list goes away. You have to re-click acquire. I'd like to be able to choose multiple items from the list.
  19. A side note if interested: I HIGHLY recommend Ross Kemp's series on his tours with the British heros in Afghanistan. Exhilarating and heartbreaking. It shows a lot of equipment and tactics of the British forces. There are a lot of videos of his, but here's a good start: http://www.liveleak.com/browse?q=ross+kemp
  20. I didn't realize that the rof drops for the m4 with increasing range. That seems more realistic. If there was an enemy close by, I think everyone within close proximity would let him have it. So, I guess I am proven wrong.
  21. Usually, the automatic rifleman is the only one authorized to shoot on auto. He should be letting loose with 3-5 round bursts in very quick succession if he is shooting at all. If there is any emergency, he can fire a much longer burst. All non-ar's should be firing well aimed single shots. SlapHappy is right, imo, that there doesn't seem to be much difference between the saw and the rifles in the game.
  22. I've noticed that as well. Should be letting loose as the auto rifleman.
  23. If Battlefront were ever approached by the military to give them a training tool, then I think coop play would be necessary. If that did happen, BFC would also be getting a nice chunk of change to be able to do so. Since they just have Charles (who is outstanding I must say), I don't see coop play ever really making it in. Those precious months are needed for other things. :[
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