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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. Thanks guys. This will help me not put out something that doesn't work right. PM me with your email address and I'll email it to you. If it works, there will be no need to download it from the repository. Thanks again and I'll email it once you give me your email address.
  2. Still no volunteers... If no one volunteers by tomorrow night, I'll just release it and be done with it. I was hoping to test it first, but I would like to move on to my next project. 'Oorah!
  3. UPDATE: Alright. After a few incredibly confusing minor issues, I think version 1.2 is ready for a lucky volunteer. I need someone with 1.1 or 1.0 to test the data importing. This is used to import your 1.0 or 1.1 data so you don't have to redo all of your work! As soon as someone can verify that it works, I'll put it up on cmmods and the repository. Thanks!!!
  4. As a student of the USMC JWTC, I'll be terrified to play this one!
  5. The a10 should be able to cut through any tank like a hot knife through butter. A huge gun firing a laser beam of depleted uranium will go right through any tank and into the bedrock below.
  6. I use my own mixture of sounds, but many are yours, akd! Thanks.
  7. I really loved this one too. I've never noticed red troops sitting at startup. I've always had the initial wave of reds coming down the main road, followed by the tanks coming in from the right side. If you set your units up correctly, you can't lose. The first time I played it though, I was surprised by the tanks and had quite a crazy time trying to kill a couple of them who were in perfect positions. If I were to change anything, it would be to add another wave of reds following the tanks. This third wave would try to flank me and it would be a bit more challenging. Either way, I love this one.
  8. That is a great shot! How do you post a pic here???
  9. Thanks 007 5th! I'm really glad to hear that. I don't think I'll make a different version for vista, but I'll definitely add a note to all vista users on the steps they may need to take to get it to work for them. I think now is the time to put together the install package for 1.2! Much appreciated.
  10. SWEET! Just for my future tech support questions, what were the steps you went through to get it to work for you???
  11. The other night I put in some new sound files, loaded up a mission, set up, and began to play. A few seconds later, a large BANG went off and I jumped about 6" off my chair!
  12. So.... Have you guys tried any of these possible fixes? Do they work for you?
  13. Cool. I would also recommend Ross Kemp documentaries. They can be found on liveleak. He goes out with the Brits in Afghanistan. Also very good.
  14. I've also had great support from Battlefront.com. Not only with cmsf, but with another game as well. Any time I needed help, I received it quickly and effectively. Maybe the email got caught in you junkmail filter???
  15. The fastmovers would only be over even the largest maps for a second or two, so why bother. The helicopters would only be over the map for a few seconds as well. It doesn't bother me at all, especially since they added the sounds of the aircraft. The sounds, to me, make all the difference, not whether I see a jet pop in for 2 seconds.
  16. OK guys, it looks like vista has some problems copying files without full administrative priviledges. Since you guys are mainly having problems "Activating" the mods (which means copying the mods to the z folder), there may be a solution. Turn off UAC (user account control). This will give you more admin priveledges. Some people have reported that they were not able to copy files without this turned off. Here's how: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/disable-user-account-control-uac-the-easy-way-on-windows-vista/ Warning!: doing this may result in less security, according to the site. But it's worth a try. You can always go back. Let me know if that works for you guys.
  17. Saunders1953, I'm feeling much better, but now my girlfriend has it . She's miserable and is now under my care. I've delayed release due to these vista errors, but I assume since it works great on xp, it'll work fine for the other xp users. Maybe I'll just post it and say "for xp only". 007 5th, It seems to have this problem in vista and vista 64. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the problem myself. LethaFace, Thanks. Don't go too much out of your way, it may get a little more complex, but if you do download access 2007, it may help to figure out what the problem is. I really appreciate your help though. I hope we can get this fixed for you, or make a special vista version or something, because I would hate to see all of your troubleshooting go to waste.
  18. These files are referenced by the mod manager. Make sure you have these files. stdole - 2.0- C:\WINDOWS\System32\stdole2.tlb DAO - 12.0- C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\MICROS~1\OFFICE12\ACEDAO.DLL Scripting - 1.0- C:\WINDOWS\system32\scrrun.dll ADODB - 2.8- C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado\msado15.dll As far as it working on the desktop... vista has a different file structure. More on that here... http://www.effisols.com/vista/ We'll figure it out. I just need some more info.
  19. 007 5th, So is that working for you now? With the runtime version of access, you can't go into the security options. The problem is actually my fault, because access runtime requires me, the programmer, to have my project digitally signed. I'm not too hot on having to pay to do that. It's a pain, but I guess it's because of all the jerkfaces out there who write harmful programs. I will look into why the file has to be on the desktop to work in vista... LethaFace, I've been reading up on vista 64 and there are some differences, although I have yet to put my finger on what exactly it doesn't like about the mod manager. I'm still looking into it. There are so many things it could be. To all, The mod manager really is a small file, but I packaged it into an installer because it relies on references to certain files that must be installed and registered. There's no way for me to know who has what dll files installed, so the installer is supposed to do that for you. Also, I have XP so it's hard for me to get it to work on vista, much less the 64 bit version without being able to test it. I did read something about how the paths are different, so that may actually be one of the problems. If you guys REALLY want it to work, you could download Access 2007 and use it free for 60 days. With the full version, you can see all the code and everything, and you can check if those referenced files are actually the problem. I really didn't want this to happen , but I would really love anyone who actually wants to use my creation to be able to use it. If anyone else knows anything about this, please, let me know. I'll post again when I know more.
  20. Michael Yon is awesome. I've been going to his blog site since 2005 or 06. He gives a very clear view of things from a perspective no one else really has. He's spent more time with the troops than any other war correspondent. He's also an ex-Green Beret, so he really knows his stuff. He has his finger on the pulse of both wars and has correctly predicted what would happen year by year. Now he's saying that 2009 will be the worst year of fighting in Afghanistan and 2010 will be worse than that. The taliban, al qaida, and any anti-American resistance are ramping up operations for this fighting season. It's gonna be a rough year, guys. By October 2010, we're going to know whether our new strategy has paid off. According to Yon, it doesn't look good. Although he's confident we can win in 25 or more years. :[
  21. 007 5th, I'll be looking at it. Do you have Vista 64? I know the SetSingleValue function seems a bit buggy. I'll see what I can do. Been very busy lately, so it may take a little while, but I'm anxious to get a version out that works for the most amount of people.
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