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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. Quick solution: Give them turret armor and keep 'em unbuttoned until they're really in trouble.
  2. Great! I know the feeling of starting up the game and seeing it all screwed up. Glad to help you!
  3. I found this... I beleive my driver listed above is 8.6 which I found here... http://www.oldapps.com/old_version_ati.php but I don't know this website and have not tested the download. It's the 36 mb catalyst package. I have the driver by it's self on my computer and it's 14.7 mb. Just too big for me to email you.
  4. Driver 8.501.0.0 created on 6/2/08. It's almost a year old but it works great for me. You might be able to find it here: http://support.amd.com/us/Pages/AMDSupportHub.aspx
  5. 19Kyle72, I had this same problem!!! The way I fixed it was to revert back to my older video card drivers. You may need to revert back or even upgrade. But it WASN'T any mod or having to reinstall the game. Just drivers. I have a Radeon x850, so probably using very similar drivers. Try that out.
  6. CMSF does have great visuals, especially if you think of how far out and close in you can go. Most games look like crap when you zoom in all the way, cmsf just gets more detailed.
  7. LOL. Just remember you can eat chipped beef, but not cow chips. You can also eat a beef patty, just not a cow patty. WW2.
  8. I don't know about all that. I don't want longer, bigger battles, I just don't want to be cut off when I need another half hour to assault a town. If I've been spending so much time perfectly moving my troops without any casualties and they're in the midst of a final assualt, I don't want to be cut off. No one is asking for ALL scenarios to be unlimited, the option to keep playing would be nice to have.
  9. Richter magnitude 4.4, epicenter a few miles away (at my favourite beach campsite Leo Carillo!!!). I just heard a low rumble and one sharp jolt! It was a very odd earthquake. I seriously don't understand the problem. Do the ai plans END at 2:15? If you're assaulting a defending ai, won't they continue to sit there? If the ai plan is to hold point A, will they not continue to try to go there? (I know the ai probably wouldn't take 2 hours to get to point A unless you added very large pauses.) Resupply? If you run out of ammo, fall back and cease fire. Falling back with low ammo is a challenge all it's own!
  10. No one is saying the time limit should be abolished, just optional. I try to take my time and be as tactical as possible, covering my movements, etc. There are so many great scenarios that just don't let you do that. Yeah, I sometimes edit the time to the full 2:15, but on many occasions still end up rushing at the end. This is where I end up getting most of my casualties! And if you run out of ammo, just hit the Cease Fire button! Come on now! WOW EARTHQUAKE! RIGHT NOW! Must mean God wants a time limit!
  11. I would love a no time option, or at least any time I want.
  12. A perfectly round smoking sabot hole with sunlight shining in? No, I think I might bail out too!
  13. Strange... later in the mission I tried to shoot at some guys in a building with a .50 cal and a UAZ got in the way. The bullets stopped at the UAZ and did not make it to the building. The tracers also stopped at the UAZ.
  14. I'm one of those Blue guys. The red vs red are fun too, but I don't generally go near red vs blue. It's too emotionally wierd for me I guess, although it is a great idea if you really want to be a better blue player. To understand how to win as red can mean understanding how to win as blue. Scipio, Thank the Lord that you're going to do the weapons icons mods for CMBF. Your mods should, imo, be incorporated into the the final release.
  15. As a .50 cal gunner for 2 years, we were taught that a .50 cal bullet will definitely hurt an engine block. I don't think it would go straight through it, but I do think it could break it open. The .50 is no joke and has some serious power behind it. In the case of this screenshot, it doesn't look like it would hit the engine block, and therefor I think the round would go through just as shown. Gotta feel sorry for the driver though, one second he's rollin' in his pickup, next second his spine and innerds are all over the steering wheel.
  16. This is just something crazy I happened to come upon while playing Mission 2 of the TF Thunder campaign last night. It shows the power of the .50 cal round going right through a pickup truck longways and right through the driver as well.
  17. Please make that! My company could use that!!! Anyone who has worked with military vehicles and heavy equipment know that bogging happens ALL THE TIME. It's inevitable. My one big real operation I was a part of had people throwing spike balls in the road (several nails with the heads welded together (not bogging, but might as well have been). During this operation, we had a security vehicle (a jeep cherokee) get stuck. So they called in a deuce and a half to come in and pull it out. IT got stuck up to the pumpkin. So they called me, my mechanic hotwired a bulldozer (that wasn't ours) and I took it down to pull them both out.... I got stuck. The more we tried to get it all unstuck, the worse it got. The dozer ended up at least 4 feet deep! Keep in mind this is not my dozer! So I had to make the radio call back to my master chief. He was not pleased. He sent a HMMWV out with a bunch of wood so we could try to stuff it under the tracks to gain traction. It wasn't enough. We ended up filling up a dump truck with 'stuff' to stuff under the tracks. ALL of it was sucked under never to be seen again. Then we found out that the area was 'environmentally protected'. Great. We spent all day there trying to get it out and couldn't. Then I had to talk to the actual owner of the dozer... he was pissed. We ended up having to dig a 100' trench 5 feet deep and drag the dozer out. The other vehicles were eventually pulled out. Bogging is a regular part of vehicles operations, especially when off road.
  18. I've been bogged in all types of vehicles, so I know that any time you're off road, it can happen. I've even seen bogged vehicles in dry spots with really soft dirt or sand. Bogging can happen almost anywhere and does quite often. It should stay in the game. One of my favorite scenarios from cmx1 was one in which a single german tank was bogged. Your small group of infantry had to take it out. It was fun and made you use some really interesting tactics to win. Whenever I have a vehicle bog down, I think of that. Sometimes the unexpected bad luck makes for the most interesting tactical situations.
  19. Thanks Mishga. I had no idea they could use it with a low trajectory. I've only seen it used... like a mortar.
  20. I understand what you're saying. But to me it just seems like if you're firing at 60 degrees angle, then you're lobbing rounds. He has to estimate distance to target, then hold the thing at angle x to hit the correct range. Then fire in a high arc to hit the target. At least an M203 has leaf sites and it's not uncommon to have to take multiple shots to hit the right spot. The guys in this video are even behind a wall without direct LOS at least while in firing position. Probably not hitting bullseyes. Either way, it's a wierd little weapon and I can't wait to use it!!
  21. With a hand held mortar, how can you NOT walk the rounds? The only way not to have to is if you're a crack shot. If you're only going to shoot a couple of rounds, then why bother doing so if they are so innaccurate? Ken, Sounds like the mortar team was screwed up. Operator error is a part of just about any profession. So are hardware malfunctions. Even weather conditions can affect accuracy. Stuff is going to happen out there. But that certainly does not mean that ALL mortars/artillery (especially in this modern age) are going to be inaccurate.
  22. Scottish Ale is my favorite beer. Good choice, although you don't really need LOS to the beer, but you do have to be in range! Yes Steve, the short range is exactly what I'm talking about. Currently, you can't lob artillery over a wall, you can only shoot at the wall (that you can see). I still could imagine a guy with a hand-held mortar firing too far and walking the rounds in, or vice-versa. Moon, obviously you wouldn't have much luck trying to hit a grid without working out the exact math and propping it up at just the right angle. My main point is that mortars can be lobbed over hills, compounds, trees, or anything else blocking LOS. Having plotted OCT's in the military, our main reason was to hit things out of LOS. Anything within LOS was covered by .50 cal, MK19's, and small arms. Closer low-lying areas were also covered by claymores. I'd be surprised if any US or British force in the field did not have maps accurate enough to call in a fire mission over a hill. And this excludes OCT's. The only real advantage of OCT's are that the math is already done so they can be quicker on the draw. While hitting grids is impractical with the hand-held mortars, I think it would be realistic and worthwhile to do something like Steve is talking about with letting them hit over walls. At the same time, the big guns should be able to hit anywhere on the map.
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