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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. Just have your finger on the Esc button all the time. I've whined and moaned about making "the GIANT RED button" the pause button, as it serves no other purpose other than to start a scenario.
  2. Well, the solution thus far has been to revert back to the older drivers.
  3. It should have the training campaign included! Are you sure there's only one? If that is the case, I have not seen the training campaign available for download. As far as other missions, I would just start downloading them and playing them all! You'll find that they vary in size and difficulty. I can't really think of any off the bat that are really small. I guess my scenario "Afghani Stan" is small, and there are others. If you had USMC (sounds like you only have cmsf), you could play the campaign called "From Dawn to Setting Sun". It's follows a platoon of Marines through a harrowing day. Other than that, I'd say you'll just have to download and see.
  4. MikeyD, you're the man. It's going straight into my z folder. THANKS!
  5. Post it. I've had problems with the small arms. I have juggled tons of sounds and very few sound right. AKD's sounds of bullets whizzing is damn good though. I did try to create a Blue Perspective sound mod a while back, but it wasn't right either. I just haven't been able to find that crisp pop. I'd love to hear what you've got so far.
  6. I just got started on Operation Hangman! I've got my work cut out for me! THANKS Normal Dude. I'll be checking it out ASAP. How's the weather up in Davis? Hot yet?
  7. I thought I saw it on Lost, somewhere in the future.
  8. Great work! It's going into my collection. I especially like the brown buildings in the first screenshot.
  9. Well, it's all light hearted fun with friends from around the world. This is one of our hobbies and it's how we like to chill out.
  10. So Mike the Wino, if they don't have ALL the units you want, are you not going to buy the game? I'm always making comments about ways to improve the game, but since this is still the best (I may be a fanboy, but prove me wrong!) game of this type available, I'll take what I can get. And when you're comparing the new cm games to the old, don't forget to factor in the 1 to 1 resolution. I just can't wait to see all my ww2 guys instead of having several of them represented by one soldier in game play. My suggestion to you is to look forward to it without needing Steve to rub your belly. I think it's going to blow away anything cmx1 has to offer. Not to mention that they haven't even released Brits, much less NATO. Normandy is still a ways off.
  11. Map making seems to be my slow point. I've started at least 20, but only finished a select few. I have gone through quite a few quickbattle maps looking for what I have in mind, but have never released any scenario using anyone else's map. The number one thing that I think would make it easier is to be able to edit the map in 3d mode. If I could do that, map making would be 100x easier.
  12. It's too bad my dream wasn't a lucid dream. I would have been able to float up to an overhead view and called in a linear barrage of 155's on the rim. Then I'd have called in the cavalry to rescue my guys. Btw, I got all your backs, so if we ever have a CM convention, we'll be rolling deep .
  13. I'll be playing over the next week or two and let you know if there's anything major that needs to be fixed. I think it's a good idea to release it early so we can all be your testers.
  14. Thanks FMB! From Dawn to Setting Sun is a work of art, so I can't wait to get back home to play the new one! I'm an RT player myself, so I'm glad to hear it's still managable. I guess I have my work cut out over the next couple of weeks. Thanks!
  15. I had my first combat dream last night. I was in Afghanistan with about a platoon worth of buddies. We were in a trench that was inside a small canyon. Basically, a terrible place for a trench when the enemy is just sitting up on the rim. All hell broke loose and we were attacked from one of the rims by a ton of taliban. We were all trying to take cover as much as possible but there weren't really any safe places so there wasn't much return fire from us. I do remember a guy with an M240G going to town. Mostly just us trying not to die. An RPG gunner kept nailing the front lip of the trench about 4 feet in front of me with at least 5 hits. I just knew I was toast if I stayed there. So I started running down the trench with a few fellow soldiers, dodging bullets the whole way. We still couldn't find decent cover, so we ran back. Just as I finally got the balls to locate muzzle flashes and shoot back, they rushed us with a human wave and it degenerated into hand to hand fighting. They seemed to have the upper hand on us the entire time. We just couldn't get out of there. The knives even came out and people were really going nuts on eachother. I woke up not quite knowing where I was with my heart about to pop out of my chest. Crazy!!! The dream felt extremely serious and realistic. I really felt like I was going to die. What a wild and vivid dream!!!
  16. Cuirasser, thanks for the testing. I've wondered many times about that, although never had the patience to actually test it out. I feel like I've had mixed results with all types of units when barely trying to crest a hill. I do remember occasions, using the atgm stryker, I used a lot of care to get it to barely pop over a hill, just to have it nailed by return tank fire. I'd like to know if there's been any upgrading to the LOS system for 1.2.
  17. Me too. That would be a really nice improvement.
  18. Mods used to kind of intimidate me too, until I tried some out and realized how cool they were. That's why I created the z-Bee mod manager. I wanted a way to be able to showcase all of the great mods out there. It really does help make it easier. Yeah, it's an Access application, but it's meant to help you sort out which mods you like and don't like. I happen to like all of them. I highly recommend many mods out there, especially some of Scipios stuff. His weapons icon are outstanding. MikeyD, Normal Dude, AKD, hell all of them! Then there's the colored explosions and tracers, different vehicle skins and uniforms, great sound mods, etc. Most of these mods were created by people who have a lot of experience modding for cm1. In fact, I haven't seen ANY mods that are bad!! They all seem to be of very high quality and I would have you SERIOUSLY reconsider if you are hesitant to try them. If Battlefront were to spend any time with mods, it should be creating a built in mod manager rather than just including some mods. Which, ofcourse, now has my head spinning with new ideas for my mod manager... But... Battlefront is extremely busy breaking new ground and I know Steve has mentioned a zillion times that it ain't happening. I don't blame them at all, why spend precious time making new optional content when so many great people do it anyway? I'd rather have the upgrades, fixes, tweaks, and new content.
  19. Malakie, I've emailed the guy in the past and he never returned either. But someone taking over and making the definitive cm resource will be appreciated by me and quite a few others. I think it's a little slow now, but it will be booming again after British Forces comes out, then again with NATO, and yet again after WW2. So it may experience slow times, but I guarantee it'll see a lot of action in the coming years. Btw, I'm also a service connected disabled veteran, US Navy. Did 6 years, Seabees, E5, warfare pin, etc. Did you do the full 20?
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