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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. Hell, if you just need someone to put on some black tights with a few ping pong balls glued to my elbows and knees, I'd do it. :D
  2. When I first fired up the demo in 2000, I saw something that made me smile. It was the first shot from a sherman tank where I was behind the tank. I actually SAW the round shoot across the map with a realistic trajectory! Then the detailed hits made me realize in an instant that it was more than Combat! on the Atari. I was hooked, bought it, and have been a fan ever since. I've owned 2 copies of all 3. I had the same reaction the first time I played the cmsf demo. Makes me wonder what the next 10 years will bring...
  3. I also have to agree with n3K. It can be annoying and hard to see. But, trenches or foxholes should be camoflaged and blend in with the surroundings. I just have to count it as forced fog-of-war.
  4. I'd rather be in a tank. Sounds like a good book. Must have been one heck of a brawl. I heard some crazy stories about taking Baghdad. One where an rpg bounced off a Marine's kevlar helmet! It only knocked him out but, thankfully, he was fine. Hope to see more scenarios from you.
  5. Played it real time. Next time, I'll know a little more what to expect. This was a crazy mission because it just got crazier and crazier as the time went on! I'll be ready next time through. Thanks for the scenario!
  6. Birdstrike, are you some kind of sado masochist? It's hard enough! I got REALLY lucky several times. Like I said, there would have been many medals awarded. I think it's perfect the way it is! Don't change it!
  7. Just played it. Got a tactical defeat. I wasted a lot of units, but what a battle! Lima was able to hold the line, but barely. 2 red soldiers ran into the line, but I shot them down quickly. I barely held on! The hammer part of the anvil was much tougher than I thought. Eventually, I was able to surround the enemy, but it took many lives to do so. I did have troops in the school area, but they were still fighting the tough resistance inside. A very bloody battle, but very fun. Nice! The map was well made and the AI was great. Good job!
  8. c3K, I like the idea. Regardless of realism or experience or whatever, it's just more intuitive. The key for me is just to see a simple number of how many rounds will be shot, without having to remember or refer to a manual.. If I click short light, how the hell many rounds is that and how long does it last? A simple number would be easy enough and great, as well as rounds remaining. If you want realism, put out a target reference point. Have the arty shoot at it, then click a button that pops up a box, and you punch in some numbers for a simple shift mission: Put in the direction, distance, etc, and add how many and what type of rounds you want, and how long you want them to fall, and how long of a delay if any. I'm also still adamant about the ability to shoot arty on the back side of a hill or building. Not being able to do so seems awkward and incorrect.
  9. I've only been a forum member for a year or two, but I've been playing since I discovered Combat Mission when I was bored at work in 2000. I downloaded the demo and have been hooked ever since!
  10. I've noticed that too. Definitely see it more at night, although they are there in daytime. My buddies and I alway wanted that rambo shot, so we took a lot of pictures. Only turned out good on a couple pics. I've seen many 5.56mm muzzle flashes, too. I don't know the scientific reason why some show more than others, probably some level of built up gunk, some oil, gunpowder, brass shavings, etc causes it more some shots than others. I don't know. Tracers are used with infantry depending on the mission. Not usually with rifles. SAW's, 240's, and .50's use tracers. Taliban uses tracers sometimes. Don't know about the red army. My guess is any red army machine gun team will use them the same as we do.
  11. They've spent those years making these badass games. Wow, 10 years! Time goes by too quick.
  12. Just played this again... Kickass! Spoiler Alert!!!!!!!!!!!!! * * * * * * * * Right off the bat, I set up my forward observers on the high hill right at the entrance. From there, they could see everything. I forgot about the enemy coming in right there, but my FO's took it to them! 5 guys with rifles really tore them up, with no casualties! I left one hmmwv not too far from there and they came in and mopped up the remaining guys. Very few made it to the town from that area. All in all, my guys fought very bravely and killed many enemies. 6 kia and 6 wia. I love this mission! Thanks birdstrike!
  13. Hey thanks guys. I'm not trying to fish for compliments here, but very much appreciated! Saunders1953, That was my goal. Manipulating all of the files by hand was a pain. The first time I actually caught myself USING the mod manager rather than just testing it, was a major relief. I'm just so glad that all of the brilliant mod makers now have a way for people to more easily showcase their work. There are just too many great mods out there for people not to see them!!! Lethaface, Not having Vista 64, I have no way of testing. It seems that it mostly works, just not "Activating" mods. So I'm looking at the code behind that button right now. 1. Make sure that you have the proper paths set to your mods folder and your z folder. Obviously, that would make a difference. 2. Maybe Vista 64 has some different folder structures or something than XP, which is what I have. I will look into it, but it will be really hard to fix without seeing Vista 64 myself. 3. Does the "Activate Essential Mods" button not work as well???? I would assume so, since it basically uses the same code. I'll look into this one before I release version 1.2. I'm sick as a dog today, so I'm home from work and have a little more time.
  14. MikeyD is exactly right. But we have the HMMWV. When I driving hummers back in the day, our doors were canvas with zip up windows! Zero protection! Our combat hummers (the ones we mounted weapons to) had solid doors but they were thin aluminum. A bullet would go right through. It wasn't until a brave soldier stood up and asked old Don Rumsfeld why the hell they were having to weld steel plates to their vehicles that we started giving our guys "up-armored" vehicles. That said, light vehicles are still needed. We even have special ops dune buggies. Heavily armed but no armor at all.
  15. Pull it out and see! I think pulling the pin arms the warhead. Hey, my woman is Persian! But she won't go near weaponry.
  16. UPDATE Since no one added any requests , I just did what I could to make the app more useful. I basically just used it a lot and realized I needed quicker ways of finding things. 1. There are now more details in the bottom box, that show your mod records. 2. You can sort by those details. Someone asked for color coding, but after looking into it, it's not possible. But you can sort by whether it's activated or not, among other things. Very useful! 3. There is now a panel of buttons that you can use to open: a. Your mod folder. b. Your z folder. c. Your scenarios folder. d. Your campaigns folder. e. Your saved games folder. f. Your mod tools folder (rezpack, rezexplode). 4. I created a utility that will import all of your records from version 1.0 or 1.2! 5. Slightly increased the size of the list boxes for easier viewing. The #2 box is still fairly small but you don't really need it to be that big. All you really have to do is click add all. It won't overwrite any of you records, but it will add what's not there. 6. Added link to the repository. 7. The mod types are now more detailed for easier searching and categorizing. Sorry, I did not resize the mod manager for higher resolutions. My max resolution isn't that high, so it was wierd to try to make it for larger resolutions without being able to test it. I should have it packaged and uploaded to the repository and cmmods by the weekend, if time permits. Thanks for all of the positive feedback and well over 300 downloads! It makes my efforts worth something. Btw, any feedback you have, good or bad, just let me know and I'll see what I can do.
  17. I'm not sure, but I think it has been talked about in some recent threads. Nice mod though! It's go good in my collection.
  18. Man, your stuff is superb. Take your time, I want to replay it even without the extra missions! Thank you!
  19. Paper Tiger, I've also made it past the fourth mission and the campaign ended. I did receive a minor defeat the last one. I was IN one of the northern compounds, just hadn't completely cleared it out . :[ 5 more minutes!!! Still, Great Campaign!!! Fine work. I'm glad to hear bfc is tapping your talent.
  20. All that is needed is a mod and boom, blackwater.
  21. Thanks Birdstrike! That's going to be one of my essential mods! Great work as always!
  22. Small request... please post them with screenshots if it's not too much trouble.
  23. Search for this file on cmmods.com... BDUSOL.zip. It's on the third or fourth page of "Newest Entries". It's woodland camo, but 101st airborne. I couldn't find any desert style.
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