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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. I'm on mission 3 now. VERY NICE so far! Paper Tiger, I was amazed at how much top quality work you have put into this. Thank you very much for all of the time and effort you have put into this!
  2. No suggestions? If no one else has any suggestions, I will just release version 1.2 soon. I just have to package it and upload it. I may do a thing or two before that, but suggestions are more likely to make it in 1.2 if you let me know now. Otherwise, they'll have to wait a couple months. I'll at least wait until the weekend.
  3. UPDATE I've finished the utility to transfer you data from the old version to the new so you don't have to redo all of your records. Works really well on my computer. If anyone else has any suggestions for improvements, let me know now!
  4. I'd like to see something like a modern version of the voice acting from Company of Heroes. I love the crusty old sarge... "Goddamn G.I.'s, make me proud!"
  5. GEN Moore, you're right man. I feel the same way and have argued those points in many threads. Military operations do have a time limit obviously, but there are many instances where a unit may be in battle for many hours. So... while many scenarios should be limited to under 2 hours depending on the mission at hand, some scenarios require more time. MikeyD is right. Imagine where you're sitting in an outpost and are faced with a relentless enemy attack? Or a special ops mission where you have to use stealth to accomplish your goals? Or having to jumpstart a stalled urban assault? It seems like common sense to me. Is there a technical reason why scenarios can't go more than 2hrs and 15mins?
  6. Just take it slow. Cover your movements with smoke whenever possible. Try to act like those are real guys, or even that you're right down there with them. Learn maneuver warfare, not just moving your guys around, but covering your movements with other units. As far as the damage modelling goes, there are so many factors involved that just about anything could happen. It feels pretty authentic to me. Maybe the m1 sabot went right through the tank without hitting any critical components, who knows. Either way, don't feel bad. Almost all of the scenarios are designed to be tough fights that take some heroic actions to win. I'm trained in a lot of military stuff including tactics, but war is tough and rarely by the books. I've lost many battles, even ones I've played before and knew what to expect.
  7. Actual infantry squads will move in whatever formation they need to, based on terrain and where they think the enemy is likely to attack from. If attacking, they may choose a formation that will allow them to put the most lead on target as possible. L-shaped formations, like the wedge, are useful for quick reactions. The side getting attacked will be able to have the most guns blazing, while the other side can swing like a door in whatever direction is appropriate. In reality, during a really hot ambush where guys are dying, a formation is not likely to stay coherent. The real advantage of using good formations is during the initial moments of contact. If you have a line of guys walking down the street straight toward an enemy mg, the mg is more likely to hit more guys with a short burst. If they were in a line-abreast formation, the enemy mg would have to traverse to hit guys. More formation control would be a cool tool to have in the game.
  8. Cool. It is a great game. IL2 is also a great game. I've logged many flight hours over Eastern Europe and the Pacific. We begged for a year for arty smoke and they finally gave it to us!
  9. And the Seabees get the leftover scraps from that!
  10. I've played since 1.0 and 1.10 Marines was the first time I was ever able to get anti-armor artillery to actually kill a tank. I usually use short bursts so I don't waste rounds, but if you miss, you waste even more on the next round of spotting shots. So it probably is a better tactic to shoot until you get it. Thanks!
  11. I've looked into the SetSingleValue problem but have not been able to figure it out. I cannot seem to repeat the error. I was able to get around it. All you have to do is find the path and then populate your list WITHOUT pressing SAVE. It still populated the listbox below and once that's populated, you can load the scenarios into your records. From the looks of your screen shot, it looks like this will work for you. The downside: you have to browse to your scenario folder every time unless you're installed in the default path. I'll still keep an eye out for any fix I can find, but you should still be able to use it.
  12. Thanks MarkEzra, 1) I'll look into that. I think I can fix it. 2) The mod manager in no way messes with the game. All it's doing is copying your mods into the z folder. Any mods in your z folder are active. The mod manager is just an easier way of loading specific mods, without having to go into the z folder and manually cut and paste, etc. If you want to load a specific mod set for a scenario, you have to exit the game, put the mods in the z folder and remove others that you don't want (z-Bee does this automatically), and leave you 'essential' mods in there. Then you have to restart the game and choose the scenario you want to use the mods with. A built-in mod manager in the game would be great, but until then, I'll keep hacking away at making this thing work for you guys.
  13. 1) If there is a security warning when you open it that asks if you want to "Enable Macros", then select Yes or OK. What I really need to do is create digital certificate so everyone's security settings will let it work. This will have to wait until 1.2 is ready. If anyone else has any suggestions that can help Aloko Mac, that would be great.
  14. UPDATE: I have done a little more work on the mod manager. The best part so far is the ability to sort your mods list by name, file name, rating, whether it's active, or whether it's essential. This helps get to the record faster. I've also made a small panel of buttons that open all your folders. I'll be making a few other small changes/fixes. What I really need to do before releasing is making a utility that transfers your records to the new manager if you are upgrading. It's getting a little better all the time!
  15. I need the "play on" option. I should be able to play any way I want. If it take me more than two hours to secure a heavily defended town, then that's the way I want it. I don't care about any excuses about supply. I would like to play the game as if it were real, and many real battles take time. Hell, taking a town properly could take days! I've even heard of firefights lasting 12 hours or more! Personally, I think the supply issue is a bad excuse. If we want to play until our ammo is gone, then why does BFC care? As far as the ai goes, they need to be able to resupply if the scenario designer says so. Besides, the player can quit at any time. It's not like he's bound to playing for 3 hours. If he can get it done in 20 minutes, then great, otherwise I hate the 2 hour limit.
  16. KHAAANNN! LOL. I finally played through it. This is a great mission. The map was great. Plenty of room to manuever. I really felt like the ball was in my court, because I had full control over how I wanted to go about the mission. I liked the fact that the multiple objectives weren't all heavily defended, so I never knew what I was gonna get. I really go into this one. I'll play it again. If you decide to refine it, even better!
  17. Well, it wouldn't take much. The main thing for me would be the main screen for CMSF. The containers (Base, USMC, British) and sorting by dates, author, etc are good. I would like to see more though. Filtering by Red or Blue, Textures, Sounds, stuff like that. The lifespan of this game is going to last several more years (assuming a non-2012 apocolypse :0), and there's gonna be a lot more mods in the future. Right now, you've got your containers, then a big list of files that are a little of everything, then you can find stuff at the bottom listed by most downloaded and all that. It's like 3 different ways of actually getting to the files. Maybe there should be one fluid way of exploring all the files in addition to what's already there. I would also definitely put the "submit file" button and the "search" button up at the top. Otherwise, uploading is pretty easy. Downloading has worked fine for me except when I reached a cap. That was no fun, but I understand the reasoning. Otherwise I'm just glad it exists!
  18. I like the repository, but I have the same complaints as posted above. The organization is a bit weird. I like the voting and the comments. I also like the ability to sort by the date added. The best part is that it seems to be MUCH faster than cmmods. It's good, but it could use a little tweaking.
  19. I use my own, which is a mixture of my favorite sounds from all of them. Your best bet is to mix and match.
  20. Thanks zmoney! I'll be checking it out soon.
  21. Version 1.2. Hi. I've started working on a couple of requests: 1) Being able to sort the list of mods. 2) Adding button that opens the Battlefront mod tools for easy access. 3) Resizing for higher screen resolution. Any other suggestions will be considered based on my ability to pull it off. Let me know what you guys need in the mod manager.
  22. Yes, I absolutely agree. I just had at least an hour philosophical conversation with my gf about this. It's too hard to peg one side as good or evil, because there is so much on all sides. On 911 I was just as angry as a palestinian gets when an airstrike kills half of his family. Endless cycle. Ain't war hell?
  23. Just to toss some logs on the fire... http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=73e_1231522761 I saw this on 9/11 or 9/12 and I wanted to do the same thing that Israel is doing now. I understand the anger on both sides.
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