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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. OK GaJ, I emailed Afghani Stan to you. I checked it out and loaded it up and it worked just fine for me. So I copied that right out of my scenarios folder and emailed it. Let me know if there are any more problems. Onondoken, enjoy!
  2. Here's a realistic reward for you... If you finish the campaign, BFC will send your pixel troops to college on a simulated G.I. Bill. War is hell!
  3. Atago, just ask and do it yourself! You don't need cheats or movies. There's a great commander in you somewhere. I had A LOT of trouble with the British swarm of T72's also. Spoiler > > > Leave your tank in that little area during setup. Face him to the right and wait patiently for the enemy flanking maneuver to drive into your sights and take them out one by one. In the mean time, hide all of your troops (pre-equipped) and your hide all vehicles behind buildings with the front and right flank totally covered safe. After you take out the enemies on the right, move a few dozen meters in the up/left direction (don't remember directions in that map) and wait to ambush the enemies hitting your left flank. While waiting for the left attack, it might be a good idea to pound the buildings near the road where the red dismount with artillery. Wait and ambush. Hide troops unless you have to fight. Soon enough, a second Challenger tank will come to help you out. But don't get to ballsy, be as slow and careful as you can and take out red vehicles one by one. Finally, move up to the objectives with troops only when you've completely massacred them. Hope that helps!
  4. Lt Mike, The best campaign for the 'continuous feel' is "From Dawn to Setting Sun". You take a platoon of Marines through one hell of a day. Beware: it's too damn hard if you lose guys, so do it as perfect as you can. As far as the other stuff goes, you don't have any control. Just do your best not to lose men because sometimes those casualties carry over. Beyond that, you just have to use your imagination.
  5. We had this problem a while back... (I'm the scenario creator). Someone else tried to download and had the same problem, but I thought we fixed it. GaJ>>> Let me know if you need a fresh copy, I've still got mine. Otherwise, if you guys pm me your email, I'll email it to you.
  6. I'm a cautious player as well. They key thing that I've been able to use more effectively the more I play is knowing when to be cautious and when not to be. Always use extreme caution. But if you find a weakness, sometimes you need to just strike as hard as you can. I've also learned that rushing in to the objective during the last 10 minutes is not a great strategy. Sometimes I just have to go without the points. Points ain't gonna bring my boys home!
  7. Hopefully they can do this. The sound mods are just about the most important for me. They can really help make it seem like you're on the battlefield.
  8. Great scenario JonS! I love it even though it kicked my butt. I'll do better next time around.
  9. I know I've seen at least one M1 tank completely destroyed in Iraq. How many more I do not know. I've also seen one get blown about 20 feet into the air, but don't know if the tank ever was repaired or not. I also know several were taken out in the Persian Gulf War in 1991.
  10. Pinetree, my man! I've used this mod since it came out. I can't go back! I love it. THANKS!
  11. For God's sake, MOVE your mods, don't delete them!
  12. I can understand not getting the Marines or Brits because you're only loyal to your country or something, but the Marines module kicked major ass. The campaign has been adjusted, the scenarios are great, and then there's a ton of great outside scenarios, campaigns ("From Dawn to Setting Sun" stands out), and mods too. A fully loaded Marine squad is a sight to behold when fully engaging the enemy. Having a couple platoons on line lightin' **** up is only that much better.
  13. Are you guys using your old keymaps? It is my understanding that you shouldn't. Maybe that's it.
  14. I had to add a couple more... Iconed bases. These show the unit bases as different icon types. I love this mod. There goes the Sun. This removes the sun so you can see! The sun is still there but it now looks like a very bright star.
  15. Your talking about scenario design. Play the full game with a crap load of scenarios and you'll get all types. Hard ones, easy ones, red vs red, blue vs blue, and even the occasional perfectly balanced one. Not to mention all of the campaigns. Your problems seem mostly based on a single scenario. Try them all and/or create your own! Make us a perfect scenario, man!
  16. http://cmsfmods.heroku.com/mods/4187/details You might actually need to register and then download.
  17. I'm always running up against the clock. A few scenarios are too short, in my opinion. But they ARE beatable. My problem is that A) I like to play in realtime and I don't like taking casualties. It's fun for me to try to bring all my boys home safe, so I tend to be slow and methodical unless the situation warrants an quick move or a swift assault. While shorter time limits are absolutely necessary for many scenarios, others should just give you the full limit (I love the 4 hr limit in 1.20!). When your objectives are achieved, you either win when the enemy gives up or you hit the cease fire button. I just think that playing in realtime takes more time if you're not constantly pausing.
  18. Amen Wodin. We all want this and that to be perfect, but the bottom line is there is no other pc game that depicts modern warfare more realistically. None. With the release of British Forces and 1.20, Battlefront does deserve a round of applause. Charles is a genious, and that's all there is to it. When the moaners put their nose to the grindstone and come out with something better than the combat mission series, I'll cheer them on. Until then, enjoy the fruits of Battlefronts labor and have fun!
  19. No. If you don't have LOS, then you can't shoot. Unless, that is, if the enemy just ducks down or into a building, etc. If you have LOS to the building they are in, then you can shoot the building and hurt the guys inside. Also, you could area target the ground where the enemy is hiding and shoot there. But for any type of fire you need to see it. The only exceptions are at the setup phase where you can assign air and artillery targets, or with mortar (on and off map I think) fire you can hit just behind a wall or something like that. Personally, I'd like to see air and artillery fire anywhere on the map, regardless of LOS/LOF.
  20. Nice shootin' Tex! That's a story for that crew's grandchildren.
  21. Cool. Just about all of the uniform skins are great, depending on what scenario you're using them with. If you want to play as insurgents vs Iraqi police, you can! Or maybe you want to play as USMC with woodland cammo. You just have to choose which one fits your situation. Tip: if you want some mods to ALWAYS be ON, mark them as "Essential" in the mod manager. Then when you change mods, they won't disappear. And you can load them all with only a couple of clicks. You'll just have to mix and match to your liking. Some of my "Essential" mods include: Parts of AKD's sound mod. Some terrain and building mods. Some mods for the uncon fighters. Scipios weapon icons. Scipios Air and Artillery icons. Red tracers. Better explosions.
  22. Btw, AKD's sound mod has sounds that are close to the crack as a bullet whiz sound. So I'd recommend his sound mod to you guys.
  23. Well, I'll suggest that if you're really interested in trying out mods, you use my mod manager. If you wait a couple of weeks, you'll get version 1.3. I've been working on it for quite a while and it's coming together quite nicely! It really does help with mod testing and figuring out which ones you like and don't like. It's a slight job to set it up and learn it, but imo it's worth it. The current 1.2 version is at the repository. If you use that, there's an import function for 1.3 so you don't lose your records. So... I think you should try ALL the mods!
  24. Version 1.3 of my mod manager will be coming out soon. I've been trying (so far unsuccessful) to make a utility that will open the zipped file and put it all in the proper place for you. And if you have a text file and a pic that comes with the scenario or mod, it will put those into the records as well. But... it isn't working so far and may have to wait until version 1.4 or 2.0. Otherwise, the mod manager still lets you open up the folders easily enough and you can do all of what you need to from there. Just wait for 1.3 to come out in the next couple of weeks.
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