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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. I think it's in part a dying of hope, but mostly I think it's just ignorance. Most of the people of Afghanistan are illiterate (28% can read). And of those 28%, how many do you think read about the wonders of the world, great literary works, world news, etc? How many read anything other than the Koran? The large majority are told what to think and how to live. They don't know any better. They don't have libraries and the internet. They don't have enough information to make any type of logical conclusions about anything. They live in a tiny bubble, knowing nothing more than what they can see and touch. How do they know what freedom is if they've never experienced it? I went to school from age 5 to 18, then from 27 to 33, and I still don't know much about a great many things. Free societies that encourage education tend to be "better" in almost every way. They can field professionals who are masters of their trade. Doctors, engineers, etc, all make huge contributions to the greater society. But places like Afghanistan have very few. Are there any great people from Afghanistan? Are any great inventions, cures for diseases or new drugs, great works of art, or anything useful to all of humanity coming out of Afghanistan? NO. All you get out of there is heroin, opium, and weed, with the occasional international terrorist. It's not the people themselves that are stupid. Many have emigrated to the US and other countries to do great things. I see the greatest problem as being a lack of education and decades of war hasn't helped. In the coming decades, technology will continue to trickle in, the literacy rate will rise, more educated specialists will arise, and people there will begin to see life outside of Afghanistan. And with that, slowly, life may begin to improve. This process will take decades; longer if the Taliban remain in control.
  2. As a Seabee, we had almost ALL old crappy stuff. And it RARELY ever moved bases. For example, we would deploy to our forward bases and have to 'sign for' all the equipment. When we left, we had to clean it up and hand it over to the next keepers. And we had huge warehouses full of brand new war-reserves. We'd by driving Vietnam era deuce and a half's around with dozens of mint condition mtvr's in storage. Hell, my first 4 years I had to buy my own boots because they were issuing WW2 era flight deck boots (the worst boots ever made, would fit an ostrich better than a man)! And I swear some of my issued items in Okinawa were actually veterans of the invasion!
  3. Are you going here? http://cmsfmods.heroku.com/ It works fine for me. Maybe you've got some security blocking it or something.
  4. Probably not, because they throw acid on girls faces, use children as suicide bombers, and execute people in the streets. They shoot women in the head for showing ankles, they take 9 yr old wives and rape them, they supply the world with heroin and opium, they steal from farmers, they ban music, etc, etc, etc. That is why we celebrate and would be angry with them celebrating our deaths. The flaw in your argument is that you compare them to us as if we were equals. Well, we're not (ok, some of every group on earth are dogs, but not overall).
  5. Dischord it'll be out before you know it.
  6. OK, my one tester tested it and likes it, but recommended that I have it tested on at least one more machine. Sooo... once again I call for one more tester to check it out. Once that's done, full speed ahead and I'll release it.
  7. First, get rid of the insurgents, second, get rid of the ied, and third, scare the crap out of any prospective ied layers in the area.
  8. I'd like the helos to respond much faster after they arrive on-scene. And they shoud be able to see otherwise unspotted enemies as well.
  9. If wiping that *******er off the Earth saved innocent lives and the lives of our troops, then whoever pulled the trigger should have slept well that night. We're not (at least ME) celebrating the act of a person being blown up, but the lives saved by blowing that person up. He was doing his best to kill someone's son/husband/loved one/whatever. And it seems ironic that he died in the exact manner he was trying to kill with.
  10. I'll be the first to say that Steve and the rest of BFC care an extreme amount for the end user. Where have you ever seen a game maker post replies to nearly every single issue requested or complained about? I have never. I'm not one to brown nose too much, I just think this is the truth. What I got from his post was that he, too, is frustrated because he cannot do anything about it. The happiest I've seen him is when the end user is happy. Out of all the game makers out there, BFC is NOT the one that lets down its customers. As long as BFC is in business, we are going to be their bread and butter.
  11. Steve, In your professional opinion, what is the BEST video card, type, or company in regards to cmsf? I'll assume it's not ATI. (Ofcourse I have an x850!). The reason I ask is that I'll have to upgrade in a year or so, and since I'm a cmsf junkie, that would be a consideration.
  12. Ken, I don't know why you're not a tester. Your bug reports and suggestions are much better than mine . I agree with your post. This game is highly refined and only gets better and better, which leaves guys like us looking at what the future may bring to our screens. Well done indeed!
  13. That same FLAWED logic has kept people from getting purple hearts. BS!!! If a rocket hits your hmmwv, blows the tire, you swerve and hit a tree, the hmmwv springs a fuel leak, and you get burned... That should be considered enemy fire! It wouldn't have happened if it weren't for the enemy firing a rocket. [/RANT]
  14. A launched grenade should arm itself only after about 30 meters. There's no way they should be exploding inside the same room as they are shot in. If that is the case, and you're not just confusing it with an thrown enemy grenade, then that's definitely a bug.
  15. OK, 1.3 is just about done... But I need a tester or two. Please PM me if you're interested in testing. All I need is for it to be put through it's paces to make sure there's not major bugs. Thanks!
  16. You can try http://cmsfmods.heroku.com/ Most, if not all, of the mods on cmmods are there now.
  17. Methinks you're on to something, birdstrike! My woman just left for an Alaskan journey, so I've got more time for my projects.
  18. A lot of mods come with screenshots. The screenshots should have a similar name. Many mods come with screenshots with names like "preview.jpg". For example: Green Tank mod.brz Green Tank mod.jpg Sand Tank mod.brz Sand Tank mod.jpg etc. That would make it easier for us mod collectors. And also would make new mod input a snap in the mod manager.
  19. I'd like to request two things... 1. Include a screenshot with your mods and scenarios. 2. Name those screenshots with the same name as the mod/scenario. Thanks!
  20. My definition of knocked out is if the tank is taken out of action, meaning it can't continue to do battle. If a tank loses it's engine, then it's knocked out. It's nothing more than a big chunk of metal, and no longer a threat. Now if you want to debate a catastrophic hit that launches the turret 200 ft in the air, then probably not. But I have seen plenty of videos of burning Abrams tanks to know that some have been neutralized. I'm not sure this one was salvaged... http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=4e7f9c511c
  21. NICE!!! What a great looking map! That's got to be the best mountain road I've seen! Can't wait to play the scenario.
  22. Atago, Here are some general rules to follow: 1. Your 'armored' vehicles don't last long under any type of anti armor fire, so protect them. 2. Play as if you were there... very carefully. 3. Use smoke to cover movements or to bug out. You can use artillery smoke on the enemy to blind them, or pop smoke and follow it down wind, or rush an apc up to a building and pop smoke while your guys unload. It's all up to you, but it's very useful. 4. Move from cover to cover, with guys in position and ready to give covering fire. This is "bounding overwatch". 5. Shoot first, ask questions later. Sometimes it pays to light up a likely enemy position, even if you don't know if they are there or not. 6. Use your artillery and air assets. They will devastate the enemy. 7. Take it slow. Sometimes you can win by just keeping a strong position. If they surrender, you win regardless of what objectives you have captured. 8. Dismount infantry to peek over hills rather than your vehicles. If the coast is clear, then peek over with vehicles to utilize their optics. There's plenty more tips for you, but these are the basics. I hope that helps. Btw, these scenarios are designed to be tough. It's not like there's are tons of people who can win with no problem every time, so don't feel bad.
  23. Try this... In the options menu of cmsf, click or unclick the ati box. I've had wierd problems with my ati card too and even had to roll back my drivers. I hope that helps you!
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