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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. LOL, me too! I kept trying to move the mouse to the edges with no effect! Interesting play style. I tend to be a bit more cautious and use some different tactics, but I still can appreciate yours as well. Very well done!
  2. This thread has a great post by M1ATC that explains everything you want to know.
  3. Surely Airplane! was one of the great comedies of all time. ... awaiting proper response.....
  4. There are sound mods out there. Generally, you just drop them into the z folder. Remember that the file names should be the same as the ones they are replacing, don't rename them. There are a ton of great mods out there. And for that reason, I created the z-Bee mod manager. If you decide to use it, it will put the mods you want to use in the z folder for you. Otherwise, like I said, just drop the mods in the z folder.
  5. As long as the values are agreed upon by both players, then let 'em have at it! I'll be interested to see the results.
  6. Well, I put a very cursory solution to saved games management in z-Bee 1.3. Here you can see the date/time of the saves and you can rename them too. It's not much, but if you're already using z-Bee, then it's there to use.
  7. afreu, I played the scenario last night. Man, I did not expect such an onslaught. I got my rear end handed to me. To anyone who has not played this yet, READ the briefing! Spoiler Alert! * * * * After the initial round of being attacked, I had 6 Americans and 1 ANA left! I was doing OK until the second suicide bomber drove right in and took out a couple dozen guys. Then all my guys in the trenches near the woods were overrun. I tried hitting the recoilless rifles and the grenade launchers with my A-10, but he missed almost every time! Then the Marines arrived and I had two squads decimated while clearing the LZ. Basically, everything went wrong. The Brits arrived a dollar short and a day late. I definitely would have fared better if the A-10 would have been hitting targets and if I would have been able to stop the second vbied. This is a tough mission. I'm going to have to try this one again in the future.
  8. Thanks for the bone! It looks great (watch out for those grass grogs!). Now we want the whole skeleton!
  9. I saw some videos of the Canadians in Afghanistan. Those guys fight like junk yard dawgs! The taliban won't soon forget the Canadians!
  10. Sounds great PT. I can't wait to try it out! US forces would definitely consider 30% casualties a loss unless the objective was an absolute necessity. 10-15% is a little more reasonable. Also, yes the trucks should stay but not be used to rush the enemy .
  11. PT, I'm not a Marine, but I did train with them a lot, and they served as the opfor for our training exercises, so I have some experience with USMC infantry operations. First, those recon units are going to SNEAK into the best possible positions where they can find the enemy without being seen. They will try to NOT get into any engagements. They will serve as the eyes and ears of the main units and call in air/arty assets as needed. Using air/arty will be the first priority to soften up the enemy defenses. The recon will most likely prefer to be alone, rather than having any outside units attached (other than air/arty). Second, the Marine infantry will NOT want to drive trucks straight up into battle. They will unload and go on foot where it's safe to do so. This goes even if they have to cross open areas. A 15 meter spread between men will significantly reduce casualties, even under heavy fire. OK, so we can't spread them apart, but it's still much safer than a truck where everyone can die with one good hit. By the way, THANKS for making a USMC scenario! They are my favorites and I'm happy to see another coming down the pipe! By the way, I'm really excited to hear you're working on a USMC scenario. I've played the crap out of all the existing ones, so any fresh ones are extremely welcome! THAnks! Having one platoon of infantry may or may not be all that realistic. The Marines tend to roll in with larger numbers for a decisive victory. For a security patrol or something like that, you'd probably see just a platoon working together. Approaching the crossings, like I said, would be done with infantry on foot. Tanks would more than likely be used in a support role or in concert with the infantry. Think of Marine infantry as the main backbone of any Marine unit, with all others in support. This would all be done with as much overwatch as possible from heavy weapons and recon. Once the Marines make contact, a VERY heavy volume of fire will be delivered to the enemy positions while two or more squads move up as quickly as possible. How it plays out will be up to the individual commander as well as the ai. I hope all this helps. I doubt I told you anything you don't already know, but having been on the receiving end of dozens of USMC assaults (most of which we repelled successfully!), I feel like I know the USMC tactics pretty well.
  12. Try all of them! There aren't too many campaigns, so try them all too.
  13. Well, the campaign seems great, only my computer doesn't seem to be able to handle the very large maps. Otherwise, everything else I could see was quite proffessional and well made. Thanks!
  14. If anyone has a list of sound files and their associated sounds, please post it. I'm wanting to revise my sounds, and it's becoming difficult with the explosions. That would be a great help! Thanks.
  15. This has happened to me in the past when updating drivers. I rolled back (to which ones I do not remember) and it worked fine. Details: The effect does go away as I move the camera toward it. It also goes away when zooming, so I can't really zoom in to look at it closer. It happens to terrain tiles, not really to plants or buildings. It happens about 1000m or so away and beyond, but the closer 1000m or so is mainly seen when looking at that texture from a shallow vantage point. So the terrain would be really rainbowed out when viewing from eye view but much less so from a bird's eye view. Displayed at 1152x864 70mhz. All settings at medium or turned off with no anti aliasing. I found some old drivers... 8.9 in my drivers folder, so I may try to install them and see if that changes anything.
  16. I tried all of that and have not had the constant crashes. I do, however, have a wierd rainbow coloring effect with all distant terrain.
  17. Maybe try to load an earlier save and play through. You aren't continuing TF Thunder from an earlier patch are you? If so, you may need to start the campaign over.
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