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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Little bit late for the current game at 1986, but this track really caught the cold war (& Thatcher Years) vibe, for me anyway:
  2. How can Leopard I be so big, with so little armour? TBH that video's just wrong.....Apparently the authors believe the Iranian Karrar & Indian Arjun are Generation 3+ tanks.....I've got news for them, the Karrar is a T-72S with a fancy hat on and the Arjun is borderline legendary for its lack of capabilty compared to its gargantuan mass. The Chinese Type-99A is, on the other hand, very much a Generation 3+ tank. PS - The Turkish Altay is a K2 Black Panther in all but name.
  3. I suspect people who attempt to use the M1 in CM:CW like they would in CM:SF2 or CM:BS (ie: as the 'Landcruiser of Doom') are in for a very rude awakening! PS - Nobody has really mentioned TLATGMs yet.....I'm hoping there will be at least one daytime scenario where the NATO tanks will be horribly outranged too. IMHO it is character building, like playing the Syrians in CM:SF2.
  4. BTW it occurs to me that if the C-130 you saw had an engine out, it should have called an emergency and there should be a record of that.
  5. Please nobody post that ghastly POS by Sting!
  6. "Games Designers Workshop".....Now that's a big chunk of my childhood!
  7. What was I looking forwad to most? I've completely forgotten. An Afghanistan Module maybe?
  8. If that's the "RAAC tank museum" then yes, you did: http://anzacsteel.hobbyvista.com/Armoured Vehicles/swedesattheraacrankmuseumph_1.htm
  9. What was the range vs. blast radius (roughly)? I'd imagine shoot & scoot would be kind of high up the training drill (Or maybe shoot & dig a hole?). PS - Annie wasn't all that big, 280mm, it's basically a sexed up German railway gun.....Kondensator was enormous, 406mm, but I suspect that was more down to issues with miniaturising the nukes than any real desire for a whopping gun. PPS - That said, the Soviets clearly weren't averse to whopping guns as they also made the 420mm Oka, which didn't fire nukes: Not that you'd notice much difference if the shell actually hit you!
  10. I suspect there would be a mutiny if they aren't here in a module or two! It's a bit of a mixture and that's a fact.
  11. Ummm.....Pretty sure this is @Bil Hardenberger & @The_Capt's baby.
  12. Ah.....The good old days! When newspapers were still realistic about what might happen if you push a nuclear armed nation too far!
  13. It's actually at the front (I suspect you may be thinking of the jerry-cans used to protect the sides on the C variant).....Believe it or not, this is it: And it was Top Secret at the time. It has a dozer-blade so can dig its own fighting scrapes and it can can swim too, the flotation screen is built in: BTW - This thing could deploy it's gun to the flanks almost as quickly as a turreted tank, its maneuverability is quite remarkable because of its short track footprint: Be honest.....Did you ever see a tank do a J-Turn before? Here's the Tank Museum's David Willey on the S-Tank:
  14. Tried to find an accurate hit-list for the UK, but nothing I'd call plausible has come to light (could have sworn the (post?)Soviets declassified one). What I did find was this: The Containment Plan A third plan was devised [but not revealed at the time]. People would be contained in cities by having the police and army close all roads out of the cities. If a city was destroyed the people in it would be destroyed as well and would not need to be fed. The people in the countryside would then have a chance of survival. There was a list of people who would be warned to evacuate before the barriers went up. An added attraction of the plan was that most senior members of the government [politicians and civil servants] had houses outside cities. It was accepted that some people would escape but the vast majority would be locked in by barriers and traffic jams. The Containment Plan became unofficial government policy until the Cold War ended. As that great British civil servant, Sir Humphrey Appleby, said – ‘The history of the world is the history of the triumph of the heartless over the mindless.” https://calculating.wordpress.com/2014/06/16/uk-cold-war-evacuation-plans/
  15. Had a feeling you might make both of those points.....TBH, on balance, I'd probably rather have them with the gun pointing in odd directions than not have them at all (but the purist in me kind of agrees with you too).
  16. I suppose the real question is wheteher modders will (or should) bother if there's an official release just down the line.....We should know more once the game is out. Did I mention that I'm quite excited by this?
  17. Pause 30 Seconds, Target Briefly 30 Seconds, Fast to wherever. Pop Smoke can be odd, the engine always seems to want to defer it to the end of a list of commands, and will seem to ignore it if it's in the middle of a chain of waypoints.....Pause doesn't seem to help.
  18. I think you can realistically expect to see one or both those uniforms within a month or two of release.....As mods.
  19. I don't think it matters if he turns it on now, because I'm guessing that isn't fireworks overhead!
  20. Nuclear artillery eh? I've got a bit of thing for the oldest of the old in that field:
  21. As it goes I do happen to have two M60 kits, I bought a M60A3 as it was all that was available, but then Found a USMC version with ERA on eBay. But I really do like that M577. I'm also planning to build a M551 Sheridan in Airborne markings.....For a bloke who 'doesn't really do US stuff', I seem to have a few on the horizon.
  22. I'm hoping that might bode well for future releases. Fascinating vehicle, I've got the Trumpeter 1/72 kit of it and am hoping to model it in one of it's rather unique hull-down configurations.....Would CM be able to model that?
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