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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Not sure I could go that far, but it's still a great game.....It was my favourite, but TBH CM:SF2 has taken that crown, due to its massively increased capability. CM:A is a really peculiar game in a few ways (the trucks, randomised vehicles in the editor etc.), but it has some great stuff too (Drozd, Vasilek). And at the price it seems like a no brainer to me, if only out of curiosity (which is how I wound up buying it).
  2. No worries, TBH while it was a typically glib statement, I suspect there is some real truth in it.....I grew up during the original cold war and TBH my fondest memory is of it ending: The sheer joy of those days & weeks! TBH we squandered a golden opportunity, by & large as the result of pure greed on the part of those who should have known better. But all that's a very long way from the Fulda Gap.
  3. Sorry dude, in retrospect, seeing how busy things have been behind the scenes, that was probably rather ungracious of me.
  4. Made it up on the spot TBH.....Feel free.
  5. Many thanks.....You da man! PS - Thanks also to those behind the scenes.
  6. If this all turns out to be an April Fools Joke.....
  7. OK, got you.....I misunderstood your post in the other thread, assuming the various leaders would mount up and command all three BMPs while the remainder of the platoon fought dismounted.
  8. That is a very insightful comment @MikeyD.....Respect.
  9. Hold on.....Didn't someone suggest this would be unhistorical when I suggested pretty much exactly the same thing for BMPs? Yes.....Yes they did.
  10. Glad you cleared that up.....I was kind of wondering how that was going to work. I'm also somehat intrigued by the tiny little Bulat 'ATGMs' on the Epocha turret.....They don't seem big enough to do more than dent an AFV, I've read suggestions that they could be 'decoy missiles' to trigger APS allowing a window for a Kornet missile following close behind, but they also look like they could properly spoil a drone's day with a much simpler HE-Frag warhead.
  11. It has gone kind of quiet in ALL the oher forums since this one popped into existence. IMHO Bil & Co. have captured the zeitgeist of the moment....."We don't want a new cold war, we haven't finished playing with the one we already had!".
  12. I thought the system on Derivatsiya was rather more sophisticated than that and the plan was for guided shells?
  13. "Until the introduction of the larger 300 mm BM 9A52 (12-round) Smerch system, the 220 mm BM 9P140 (40-round) was normally deployed in rocket artillery regiment and brigade formations at Army or Front (Military District) level. In the case of the former, the regiment Table of Organisation and Equipment (TOE) normally comprises three battalions of 12 launchers, which is normally increased to 18 launchers in time of war. In a Military District, an independent Uragan rocket artillery regiment has the same TOE. But if the Uragan unit is assigned to an artillery division within the Military District, then the unit may be either a regiment or brigade with four battalions each with 12 launchers (which would be increased to 18 in time of war). If the unit were already a brigade then it would take on the extra six launchers per battalion to achieve its wartime TOE. Typical roles of the Uragan system would be to suppress enemy missile, artillery and mortar batteries as well as destroying strong points and other areas of resistance. It would normally use 'shoot and scoot' techniques to avoid counter battery fire." Quick check and my whinge is withdrawn.....As you say enthusiasm got the better of me there (a new 1/72 kit of this monster is on the horizon). Wise words.....Appreciated.
  14. Possibly not from the Soviet perspective, all they saw was Nazis.....Again.
  15. Suspect this may be one of the reasons for the new enthusiasm for the 57mm gun and advanced optical targetting.
  16. @The_Capt I hate to mention it, but: It seems like you guys are forgetting just how many fun toys the Soviets actually had.
  17. There were no conflicts where T-64A faced the L7 gun, period (unless there's been some sort of odd occurence in the Ukraine, which one can never entirely rule out). But as @SimpleSimon says, the T-64 is one of the main reasons why NATO started looking at bigger guns.
  18. Depending on CM:CW related decisions, I'd be happy to work wth you in 'modernising' the lot.....My 'LZ' campaign is modern(ish) anyway, 'Invasion' on the Delta map is partially laid out and TBH I'd probably rather do 'Mardi Gras' in the new engine as it actually has the tanks we need (the M48A5 may be overarmed, but it's a s**t-ton closer than our current candidate). TBH most of our current scenarios (with notable exceptions from @Combatintman) would become irrelevant if we were to take the 'historical' option, which is a lot more open to us with CM:CW, for all the reasons we have already discussed.
  19. That being said, the T-64A would then proceed to deafen all the local wildlife before spitting off a track and burying itself up to it's puny undersized torsion bars.
  20. It really is the 'Graveyard of Empire', where else could you find FT-17s, Shermans, T-34s, T-55s, T-62s (and whatever NATO have dumped), all in the same scrapyard? The Mujahidden Battalion & Tribal Group formations from CM:A were the best organised Uncon units we've ever had.....Infinitely better thought through than the useless incommunicado Groups that we have in CM:SF2. With a bit of tweaking they could provide a much better representation of everything from Hezbollah through to Jabhat Al Nusrah. These units really are a credible threat to a regular formation, not just targets.....Which is precisely how it should be.
  21. APS. Not sure what the first letter stands for, but the last two are almost certainly "aktivnoy zashchity".
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