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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. I think this may be one of those yes & no Sherman things.....I believe on the M4A1 they beefed up the sponson armour when they introduced wet stowage, so it's not seen on the M4A1(76)W and later. I don't recall ever seeing appliqué armour on the hulls of mid/late production USMC 75mm M4A3s, but TBH I'd have to check 'The Sherman Bible' to find the broader story (more than happy to do so).
  2. Probably my nomination for understatement of the year! I've not lived in the region personally, but plenty of my good friends have and their comments match yours pretty closely.....Theirs' were just a little more 'flowery' though TBH! This article might be pertinent: http://www.meforum.org/441/why-arabs-lose-wars
  3. I believe both would be equally accurate historically, although the former would probably be more common practice.....German crews could dismount the AA/radio operator's MG (nominally it's the same gun, moved between positions) quite easily, but I don't believe this was the case with most Allied AFVs (never checked TBH, is there a tripod in the Sherman's stowage?).
  4. Is it attempting to account for the multiple 'Action Squares' a full squad would nominally occupy? IMHO this is something that does need looking at as satchel charges are invaluable in urban warfare.
  5. I'm saying nowt about that (bit short on warnings), but I was referring more to this bit of his CV:
  6. As I recall it was the ammo stowed in the sponsons rather than the fuel that was the issue of most concern with the Sherman, hence the various extra plates welded or cast onto those locations prior to the introduction of wet stowage hulls.....I'm not disagreeing with your points at all, just suggesting that a large part of the Sherman's reputation is a result of it's sheer omnipresence.
  7. Doesn't appear to be the case in the older engines (CM:SF & CM:A), must be a newer thing, one I hadn't noticed either.
  8. Now here's a thing, statistically the Sherman wasn't all that much more prone to catching fire than any other tank in its class.....However, there were an awful lot of them and the side that used them won. QED there were a lot more accounts from surviving Sherman crewmen than there were from crew of the more or less equally combustible Panzer IV.....Hence the legend of the 'Ronson'.
  9. That lad's a bit more than a reporter: https://www.gov.uk/government/people/rory-stewart
  10. Kinda reminiscent of Iran's new 'Ubertank': Iranian (or so they claim) Karrar MBT. Stick a skin over the T-72's turret ERA, fit some apparently pointless sheet-metal to the gun and give it a fancy CWS.....It'd be a dead ringer.
  11. Meh.....Partial video! Still looking for a decent copy of part two.
  12. Fascinating insight into Afghan history & culture. Apologies about the subtitles in the second video, they really interfere with the documentary's own, I'll try to find a better copy.
  13. Interesting to see Abdul Rahim Wardak commenting so prominently in the film, a royalist and sweetheart of certain western groups, Wardak is roundly dismissed as the archetypal 'Gucci Muj' by Robert Kaplan and other authors covering the conflict.
  14. Possibly of interest to fans of the game (apologies if this has been posted before):
  15. Anyone remember this movie? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094716/ The writer had very good sources indeed: http://warisboring.com/the-new-york-city-playwright-who-sneaked-into-afghanistan-during-the-soviet-invasion/ FWIW
  16. Might the software company be able to help.....Presumably you've bought the equivalent of a CM licence? Perhaps if you contact them and explain the situation, they might be wiling to help out as a goodwill/PR gesture? I'm not sure Amazon's returns/refunds policy is an issue here as you have never received the 'goods'.
  17. Do you always 'paint' a setup zone for all of your units, or do you just place them and start 'painting' with Order 1?
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