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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Does your tank in CM:FB have a Cullins Cutter by any chance?
  2. Now here's an interesting picture: "WW2 Canadian commander 8th Princess Louise's New Brunswick Hussars-Sherman tank- giving orders to his gunner during firing exercise Italy March 2nd 1944" http://historyofwarinpictures.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/soldiers-faces-of-war.html Are those MGs on the Sherman, or is there another vehicle parked close behind.....Sadly the perspective suggests the latter to me.
  3. I believe AA MGs were issued for Shermans, but they are much less prevalent than in US units as can be seen from contemporary pictures.....I'd guess many of them went the way of the one in the anecdote I described. British made tanks tended not to have an AA gun, although a number of mounts for single & twin Bren/Vickers K guns were available, some of these were very odd looking contraptions.....Here's a really early example: Here's the slightly later Lakeman Mount: There's an interesting page on the Lakeman Mount here: http://www.o5m6.de/bren_gun_lakeman.html
  4. No worries fella, I think most of the wrinkles should be ironed out now.....Hopefully you will be able to play it straight through without any WTF? moments. I can't completely rule out the possibility of there still being the odd borked building that I've missed, but there shouldn't be any at all in the primary play area now. Barring any 'newly discovered issues' the only changes I plan to make are two more AI Plans. These will change the orientation of the battle, but not it's overall nature, so I may save them for the campaign version and not release them for prior testing.....I'm also kind of itching to pay my tribute to the late (& IMHO Great) Ahmad Shah Massoud, be prepared for casualties when you face the 'Lion of the Panjshir' in his lair! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmad_Shah_Massoud I'll be basing my scenario on the existing map, but making it a LOT more difficult than that particular cakewalk.....This may well become the final mission of the campaign as it will be a ball-breaker of the first order. PS - Good luck with the move, hope it goes smoothly for you.
  5. This is something I've been looking at.....It seems to be possible to create a two sided Core file for a campaign, ie: one that has both Red & Blue units forces present. The implication is that it's possible to create a core opponent who can be gradually weakened, allowing eventual defeat of a more powerful force by gradually wearing it down. As I recall all of the campaign scripts are double sided too (ie: they have resupply & replacements chances for both sides), what I'm not sure of is how the game applies the campaign scripts as it runs. Does it only apply Blue scripts in a Blue Campaign or does it apply both Blue and Red scripts? PS - Ian, you have actually answered many of my questions while I was formulating them.....Cheers, you is a star!
  6. Those would almost certainly be Panzerfausts, Soviet troops used them whenever they could find them and they found lots. I believe they are an option for Soviet tank hunter teams (been so long since I played I can't honestly remember), if they're not they should be.
  7. It's always tricky to balance these things, but I'd agree the onus is on the designer to give due warning, especially if casualties are a primary victory condition. But how much warning should one give? This is another reason why testing is so valuable, it's not just for ironing out bugs. I suspect LLF & I may be referring to a slightly different issue though, the difficulty of getting the AI to route units promptly and sensibly through complex urban terrain.....I'd strongly recommend you try scripting a platoon attack on this map, to see just how trying it can be at times.
  8. A 'Don't Go There' terrain marker for the AI would be a godsend (as you know it would be painted straight down the middle of streets a lot)!
  9. If anyone else does want to try the current iteration (1-3), it's here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/waoavka3rk4kvxm/[Test] Action %26 Reaction (1-3).btt?dl=0 This is fully corrected and has a full briefing as posted above. I'm testing some scenario ideas for Mosul in CM:SF at the moment, so it will be a couple of days before I come back to this one.
  10. German halftracks are powered differently to US halftracks, I believe they use a different type of transmission too (they can steer with their tracks alone IIRC).....In essence a German halftrack is a small tank with two unpowered wheels on the front, a US half track is an all-wheel drive truck with tracks replacing the rear axles.
  11. Maybe the rifle fire hit the smoke dischargers and triggered them, the crew saw smoke coming through the ventilators, thought the tank was on fire and bailed.....This kind of thing really did happen! Unlikely TBH, but it is one explanation you could use.
  12. ROFL! You really are a total cretin.....Where do you think the term muzzle-flash comes from? Do you think that firing at muzzle-flashes is something you can only do if you are using a video camera? Do you think pilots timing their evasive movements to the muzzle-flashes of their opponent's guns is something they made up to sound cool? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muzzle_flash If it wasn't so sad this thread would actually be quite funny. I'm not even going to begin to attempt to explain UK firearms law to a moron.....You wouldn't understand most of the words. This you might just about understand: Firearm related deaths per 100,000 population: USA: 10.54 UK: 0.23 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate
  13. Is that right? Actually the UK is just rather less keen on letting lunatics loose with the things than America appears to be.
  14. Have $$, will spend. 16 AI Groups with Triggers dude, just think of it.....And Exit Zones too!
  15. I've amended the briefing further and added the glossary, modified the forces very slightly (the morale of the Sarandoy was set too high, they're not that good yet and they're kind of out of favour too) and gone through the map hunting for borked buildings again (found and fixed two more since my last post). I've also very slightly changed the layout of the 'TV Station', there's now a door direct to the car-park and three doors into the car-park annexe. Finally I've amended the Blue mortar batteries very slightly to randomise the duration of fire to a limited extent (four batteries, two ammo levels, six targets).....Don't worry Erwin, none of them should last five minutes! If anyone wants the current version (1-3) I'll upload it here, but I'm going to start on (1-4) with two AI Plans in the meantime & I plan on doing (1-5) with three plans before I'll consider this scenario done. Next up in this series - 'The Lion's Den', a scenic diversion to a picturesque valley.....Apparently there's some local Tajik warlord who's been causing trouble.
  16. I wouldn't say it's complex, just fiddly and time consuming.....From what I'm discovering, either in threads here, or by my own experiments with Trumpton (CM:SF), the Engine 4 editor is a much more precise and sophisticated tool than what we can sometimes struggle with in CM:A/CM:SF (and you only have to look at some of the awesome scenarios created using those older engines to see just how good content for an Engine 4 version of either title could be). Plus if a pro ISIS faction starts trolling the forum we can just call in the spooks and watch the fireworks.....Maybe get a brief (& one sided) uncon scenario out of it to boot!
  17. That's great news and something that I must have completely missed (maybe because I've mostly been in the CMx2 editor with CM:A & CM:SF)! Can you copy & paste text too? I usually rename units etc. and the ability to copy & paste text or just use the cursor keys would be a huge time-saver.
  18. + another. The ability to copy/paste AI group plans between AI master plans would be a blessing, as would the ability to just copy/paste text.
  19. Will we see Ostketten/Winterketten & Duckbills in future iterations I wonder and will they work as they should?
  20. I'd love to see mine-rollers in CM:RT, a company of ten T-34 mine-roller tanks was attached to each of the main assault groups in Bagration. I'd also really like to see some lend lease Shermans and even more important.....Please give us Partisans!
  21. More borked buildings located and fixed.....God it never ends!
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