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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. My problem (always the most important one) fixed in about an hour.....You don't give yourself enough credit fella, that sort of service you don't see from Steam (& definitely not from Webroot, I seriously dodged a bullet there).
  2. Bugger me it's all still working.....Must be my lucky day!
  3. Cheers Steve.....Game Engine 2 is now showing up in a green box in the activate games panel, which it wasn't before (don't know if this info helps at all), about to click Play...... Success! Thanks for your help, top notch stuff.....Appreciated too. Now to see what happens when I turn Webroot back on.....This could be much more of a hassle to sort out!
  4. Ah sorry, I just attempted to start the game, should I be redoing the licence activation, if so which (I just want to get this right and take up as little of your time as possible, we've already rather got off on the wrong foot and I really don't want to make things worse)?
  5. Will do.....No luck, same error message. Would restarting my machine make a difference?
  6. I am unable to send you a PM with my licence keys.

    1. Sgt.Squarehead


      It seems one may just have got through. 

  7. OK, let me rephrase that, law-suits and/or fisticuffs are more likely to be replaced with AKs and/or RPGs.....The closer to the equator you get.
  8. @Battlefront.com When I try to PM you I'm getting a message saying "Battlefront.com cannot receive messages".
  9. @Battlefront.com Inputting the third key gave me a success in the activation screen, but when I tried to start the game I got the "License Failure - Game Engine 2 is required" message described above, inputting my original key again makes no difference! I don't have a specific key for Upgrade 2 that I'm aware of, just the keys from the original CMFI/GL bundle, CMFI upgrade 3 and the CM Upgrade 4 Big Bundle.
  10. Sweet.....Input my Upgrade 3 key and bingo, just as the man says! You are a star.
  11. @Battlefront.comSo I need to input my CMFI/Gustav Line key, then Upgrade 3 key, then upgrade 4 key.....I've entered 4 several times and the original so far, does the order matter?
  12. Installed successfully, had to create the activate licence shortcut, but this time it won't accept my Upgrade 4 Licence Key (tried my original CM:FI + GL key too).....Help! Tried the Web Activator.....CodeBadFormat:Activate Product: No action inside request code can be authorized by SN.; processing time: 0.05 (s)
  13. Outstanding! @Battlefront.com Are there any particular tips for the CMFI Upgrade 4 install (from 3) please?
  14. My preferred method for blasting into buildings: Use two teams immediately outside the building. If the building has windows on the wall to be blasted have one team Area Target it, if not set that team a Cover Arc for the whole building. Have the blast team set to Area Target too if possible and also to Quick or Slow move back out immediately, I never use Fast as they usually seem to get shot in the back that way. FWIW
  15. It just gets rougher the closer you get to the equator.....Must be the weather!
  16. Here's the 'stats': Unless I'm misreading it, the armour stats may actually be worse than the Humvee! TBH I haven't used them enough to comment on whether the gunner is better protected in play.....Yet! I suspect I'll be pretty familiar with 'em in a week or so though! Half of the injuries my units suffered in your Ramadi - Wicked Wednesday test were Humvee gunners, so I've got a comparable baseline against which to measure it as my testing here proceeds. I'd highly recommend both of those modules, they're well worth it and they would offer you a lot of new toys to play with (my Afghan offer is transferrable BTW).
  17. One day if we ever get to meet in person I'll tell you an interesting tale relating to such things, not one for public communication though I'm afraid.
  18. Cheers.....Not an unfamiliar story that, smuggling one thing or another seems to be the major industry of several nations in the 'Crescent of Chaos'.
  19. This plays very well in 5-10 second chunks real-time, it's too intricate a battleground to just let it run apart from in the few lulls (think I hit the same AI plan as Erwin this time). Letting it run for longer than that during the fire-fights can end badly, quickly.....All part of the deal IMHO. My Marines never made it past the Saddam Mosque, they settled into a hedgehog position with one of the FIST teams on the four storey apartment roof near their spawn (and with Ollie North locked in a shed to keep him out of trouble) and then pulverised CINU from a safe distance (What does that stand for please?).
  20. That was great fun! Here are my results: This was probably the closest call The only things I'd be inclined to look at are the 'Population Density' and renaming the Security Contractors and their unit leader. As you can see from my results the unfortunate routing of the Government Official didn't screw me (he's the single dude listed as missing).....I had to physically restrain his colleague from grabbing an AK and attempting to take revenge! Going to play it a couple more times before I look in the editor, but on the basis of this session, this is a top notch scenario already.....Outstanding!
  21. Favourite moment so far: "Get some!", "Eat This!" etc. etc. First significant issue: Just had a Spy rout out due to an extremely short-lived enemy being in the alley outside, possibly another in the adjacent building.....I'd recommend you consider kicking the 'Population Density' up a notch or two. Summary so far.....Lots of fun, eminently replayable (I'm on my fourth go), hate those bloody balconies (most of my casualties have been down to the TacAI deciding to run out into the open to take a shot it could easily take from inside)!
  22. With Erwin no doubt testing in WEGO, I've opted for Real-Time.....Set a couple of generous arcs on the Humvees gun-trucks and clicked go! First impressions.....Well it's LLF's Ramadi Map innit, so it's lovely and some of this bit is all new! Nicely detailed and immersive battle area and it all runs smooth as silk on my powerful but fairly elderly PC (I7 Quad, 16GB RAM, GeForce 660GTX, Win7): But things did not go at all well after that.....A narrow miss from an RPG opened matters and a series of direct hits from same ended them! First to go were the security contractors: Two more RPGs fired in rapid succession, one from what may have been a second RPG team, took care of the surviving contractor and then Devil Six.....I'm hoping this was at least in part an outlier, because TBH I quit without remembering to take a screenshot! However I did make a couple of very silly mistakes.....Firstly I forgot to turn Icons, Objectives and Landmarks back on after taking that first screenshot and secondly, well that one is for other players to figure out for themselves in due course. Don't worry, I'm not even slightly discouraged, will clearly have to try harder in my next attempt. Other notes and thoughts, I was surprised (and slightly impressed) that the Humvees never managed to draw a bead on the uncon softskins, very well played those drivers! A trivial but possibly worthwhile adjustment might be to rename the security contractor team leader. PS - Only just noticed but my PC was also running a CM:BS scenario while I started my test!
  23. You wouldn't like my Festerplatz type stuff much then.
  24. If you click the 'Scenario Editor' tab in game and mess around with some of the settings in there for say, three to six months, you'll find you can have all manner of different battles that will last just as long as you want.
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