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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Is that a Red CV-90.....You play interesting games Slim-San.
  2. I've finally got the CTS Core onto the map, into the correct vehicles and in place in the setup.....Here's an overview and a little preview of the toys on offer: Not shown here are two CTS Engineer Sections (& their 4x MRAPs) which arrive at approx. H+0:05 and an F-16CJ that should arrive before H+0:15. You even have a little 'help' from some friendly locals: Next on the menu are these guys at approximately H+0:15.....They would have been here sooner, but VBIEDs, so they've used some ammo too: At approximately H+0:45 you are served up with more of the same (these guys came the long way round, so they're still fully tooled): Included among the two reinforcement groups above is a whole fresh serving of artillery & mortars, just in case you finished the first lot! and finally at H+1:00 or thereabouts.....A SEAL Trident Team (These guys are just advising and looking for intel, on no account get any of them killed!): If you feel under-equipped to deal with a hundred or so head-choppers with that lot in your quiver, you are in the wrong game! PS - Notice the little cluster of six infantry units at the top of the pile in the first picture.....That would be these guys: They're on the run and in trouble, they were headed for the mosque, but it looks like the spotter's up there and now they are pinned down by mortar fire with ISIS only a street away.....Can you save them from a grisly fate at the hands of the head-choppers? (Bonus VPs if they survive the fight) PPS - Almost forgot, at H+???, just for Erwin: As an Iraqi national hero, this is another one you really do not want to get killed! Other points to keep in mind: The mosque is to be captured intact, artillery and tank fire are not to be directed against this structure (you can if you really want to, but it will cost you). While you do have the means to level entire city blocks (I have tested and confirmed this), remember that civilians are still trapped in many of the buildings in this area. ISIS have a nasty habit of taking potshots from the upper levels of occupied buildings, they are also known to booby trap them. Every dirty trick in the book is a distinct possibility (and you know I've been experimenting)!
  3. IIRC a bunch were made in one go and then the idea was allowed to die a natural death. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ampulomet
  4. Then there's that too. Combatintman tried the earlier version, compared to that, this one's a cake-walk!
  5. Probably the fallout from Chernobyl, or something.
  6. There are three CTS Engineer Sections with a total of (IIRC) eighteen satchel charges between them (the maximum they can have).....Use them wisely! You do get three Abrams tanks in this version, so your blasting options are a little wider than the earlier iterations, indeed you have mighty firepower in several spicy flavours, but you also only have six platoons with their attendant HQs & support elements to sweep the whole map. All the buildings (should) have been tuned by hand, so there are often routes that are not immediately apparent.....Take your time with this one, it is filled with spiteful things (all of which you can crush in an instant if you spot them before they spot you). Currently on my third attempt at importing the Core Units, I keep deleting the wrong things and having to start over.
  7. Good points.....Red needs all the help it can get against Abrams!
  8. I don't know about you Doug, but personally I wouldn't take on tanks with BTRs (or Strykers), that would be daft!
  9. 1:39 in the first video is the stuff of nightmares!
  10. I think the map is finally done, here's a couple of scenic views: 'Mosque Of Believers' - Securing this building (intact) and the attached madrassa compound is one of four 'Terrain Objectives' (the other three are 'Phase-Lines' requiring the player to sweep the insurgent held area), ISIS forward observers have used the minaret to direct heavy mortar fire against CTS advances on the Maqbara Road: Consequently CTS is initially obliged to enter the area through the side-streets: Avenue or alleyway?
  11. I loved the chaos that Molotovs (& Ampulomets) could cause in CM:BB.....Put 'em in a giant wheat-field on a windy night for best effect!
  12. Can't see there being too many AI issues, maybe check the AI Targets as modern artillery can be pretty hardcore.....Cheers for posting the map, will grab a copy and have poke around.
  13. Great to see this thread spring back to like, great screenshot too.
  14. Cheers.....It's based on the best! Combatintman's idea of chopping the map is the way forward for the eventual campaign variant, but the chunks were just too small.....It's going to take me a while to finish the Master-Map for the campaign, but I'll have the stand-alone done pretty soon, all being well. Here's where it's at after tonight's efforts: Yes I know it looks the same.....But it isn't, honest!
  15. As it should be, possibly even slightly generous.....I can just imagine what the tabloids would do to a commander who got five squaddies killed. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will give it another go in WEGO in due course.
  16. If you get the CM:BS map squared away could I grab a copy please?
  17. Bravo & well played.....Those victory conditions must be very close indeed, the difference in our points score was actually quite small, but my extra casualties made all the difference, exactly as they should.
  18. Sadly the question of 'What comes after?' appears to have been conspicuously absent in recent strategic planning. I'm fiddling with the last few bits on the map as I type, just adding colour & flavour (was hoping to find images of the 'Mosque of Believers', but no luck).....The extra space will allow me to deploy the entire CTS Core per our discussions elsewhere, I could probably deploy them all mounted, but keeping half on foot seems the best bet (even if it is slightly contrary to apparent practice on the ground). Almost everyone will be on the map at the start in the revised version, with only the tanks, HQ units and Erwin's Easter-Egg arriving as reinforcements. AI scripting will be much as you tested, revised as discussed elsewhere. Some fiddling with set-ups and AI order painting will be necessary, but nothing massive. Here's the new bigger map as it currently stands (the Mosque is still 'de-tuned' right now): Everything in the foreground from the main-road to map edge is new (it will largely be the Blue setup area).....I just spotted another half a block that I haven't tuned yet!
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