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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. They said exactly the same both about updating CM:SF and about releasing a Cold War title.
  2. When I'm playing CM:A it's the PPSh's that I always want my units to recover.....I don't much care about the DPs, Brens or AKs, just don't leave those 'urban chainsaws' behind. Here's one I made earlier: That's the product of about five minutes fighting, mostly with PPSh's (on both sides) at point-blank range!
  3. Yeah, that's a well known picture (it's in the Osprey title on Anzio), the Sherman is toast.
  4. Dude, your job as the player is to use your other units to cover their suppressed friends until they are not suppressed any more.....It's not rocket science! Or to put it another way.....Throw a smoke grenade and stop bloody whining!
  5. That & Breach Teams for the Uncons, to square things up a bit tactically. PS - IMHO @puje's small unit infantry scenarios are some of the very best out there....The tension can be quite palpable, seriously nail-biting stuff!
  6. That's truly lovely mate! Can I grab a copy please? PS - @Erwin's quite right, that map looks like it could be fought over several times without exhausting its possibilities. PPS - You might have saved me some work for the 'if it all goes completely wrong' scenario for my mini-campaign (ie: the player fails all the various branches in succession).....I needed a biggish map without too many settlements and you just made one! The synchronicity continues!
  7. I suspect that it used a MAM-L, which may have been rather more costly than the howitzer that it destroyed.
  8. It does feel like he's trying to set a 'Tar-Baby-Trap', let you get all tangled up unpicking his defences then smash into a flank with all of his armour. Those little 45mm AT Guns have a cannister round IIRC.....They can utterly wreck an infantry unit's day at short range!
  9. I think that could actually be done, in a campaign format using branching, ie: between big battles you have smaller scenarios replicating attempts to communicate orders/intel between bigger formations.....The outcomes of these would affect the starting forces & intel for bigger battles.
  10. Agreed! Given Wesley Clark's well publiced utterings on the thinking of the time, many of the possibilities above are viable:
  11. I'd suspect because it required a few less tiles back when the engine was first developed.....There are mods that add 22.50 roads, so presumably BFC could do the same in a global patch at some time?
  12. The very opposite I'd suspect.....Laying out the map itself isn't rocket-science, but the process of taking those raw elements and turning them into an attractive map that's both functional and playable, is the real art IMHO. My first effort at a template based map for CM:CW didn't take terribly long to set up (major roads & river, elevations, settlement locations etc.), technically it was all correct, but my first viewing of it in the 3D Editor came as a bit of a shock!
  13. That's an interesting idea.....I was considering using a series of Touch Objectives (Known To Player) to mark the possibly mined areas. Layered under these would be a lesser number of Occupy Objectives (Known To Enemy) marking the actual mined locatons.....Each of these locations would contain a single real live AT Mine. I'll probably also leave a few clues using dismounted vehicles, crates & craters, to give the player a hint as to where they should invest their efforts.
  14. @kohlenklau These dudes turned up at a very fortuitous time.....Many, many thanks to @boygarvin! We should seriously consider assembling a Post R2V mega-pack with all of these splendid alternative units included.....Maybe @37mm would be interested?
  15. Cool! I'd love to follow the various processes you go through in building one of your maps.
  16. Now that is a sentiment that I could probably agree with. The issue tends to be that in the immediate aftermath of the incident this is often put as 'CM is broken', I've posted comments like that myself in the past.
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