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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Didn't the sight include an image intensifier alongside the IR system? @MikeyD Here you go (TKN-2 Commanders Scope as fitted to T-62): "The original 1961 model of the T-62 featured the TKN-2 surveillance device mounted in the rotating cupola. The TKN-2 was the successor to the TKN-1S monocular night vision periscope, differing in that it provided a combined day-night capability rather than a night-only vision capability. Work on "Karmin" began in 1956 at the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant. In 1957, the TKN-2 was tested in an experimental T-55 test bed at the testing grounds of factory No. 183, now known as Uralvagonzavod. TKN-2 later went on to be installed on the original T-62 upon its introduction in 1961, thus becoming the first combined day-night periscope to be installed in a Soviet tank. The TKN-2 was a sufficiently modern surveillance device for its time. It had a target cuing feature, was compact, and had a relatively advanced passive light intensification system supplemented by an IR spotlight. On the other hand, it wasn't stabilized and featured only rudimentary rangefinding capabilities." My emphasis. https://thesovietarmourblog.blogspot.com/2015/12/t-62.html
  2. It should affect Kingtigers, Jagdtigers, Jagdpanthers and Jagdpanzers too IIRC.
  3. Without some terrain to work in they're ****ed! Just today I've watched several T-72 'Urals' soak up three or more 105mm hits to their frontal array (at 2000m) and carry on largely unaffected.....Those are some tough tanks and that's before beefing them up into the T-72A. TBH my only issue with CM:CW is that there isn't more of it.....When did you say you were releasing that module again?
  4. @MOS:96B2P Try sticking the Blast command into the middle of a chain of orders that takes more than one turn to complete.....I think the change from Blast to Quick can be triggered at the 'changing of the turn'.
  5. Maybe run 'em again with Target Arcs, see if they spot quicker.....In my experience they do, massively so.
  6. In this image, the M150 appears to be several degrees below the plane of vision of the T-64A: Could it be below the tanks FOV?
  7. I quite agree, as I suggested in my reply to @Artkin (I'd add that in my run of your test using Target Armour Arcs, it was fractions of a second, essentially instant). My 'slightly dubious' comment in relationship to your test was 'tongue in cheek' seeing as how poor Red were now outnumbered too! Remember, I posted a picture of a M60 parked right next to a T-62 that it couldn't see weeks back: But you didn't hear me yelling that M60s were broken?
  8. If that's the case it makes absolutely no bloody sense whatsoever.
  9. I don't think it's the low bushes that are the issue.....It looks to me like the commander's cupola of the tank on the right may be obscured by low branches. Either way it sucks that an issue like that ruins a PBEM game for you, that always leaves a bitter taste.....However I think the balance of evidence presented in this and other threads deomonstrates that broadly there isn't an inexplicable or game breaking issue with spotting in CM:CW. Would it be possible for you to replay the turns using Target Armour Arcs as an experiment?
  10. Run @The_Capt's 'slightly dubious test' with & without Target Armour Arcs.....Draw your own conclusions. PS - My suspicion would be that it determines the main focus of the commander's primary optic.....Finding targets is his job, not the gunner's, so it matters very little which way the turret is pointed if you have a cupola/panoramic sight.
  11. This test is more than a bit dubious dude.....There are 17 M60A1 RISE+ and only 14 T-72 'Ural's! By the simple expedient of giving my T-72s a Target Armour Arc I still ensured the T-72s both spotted and fired first.....Sadly our gunnery was truly awful and the return salvoes laid waste to our formation! However on the second run however my 14 T-72s defeated all of the M60s! I'm just not seeing anything in CM:CW that screams at me the way certain bits of CM:BS did (and I've mostly learned to live with those TBH). Still figuring out how to look at it.....I'm wondering why you don't have your tanks on a Cover Arc? To me this means that your TCs will be wasting their time looking for targets in the 80% of their potential FOV that you don't give a **** about! Your gunners just won't see anything until the TC's lay them onto a target (Put a box on your head, punch a drinking straw through it to use as a sight and then walk around your house for a bit.....See how it goes).
  12. Which scenario is that please.....Is that 'The Gravel Pit' in the bcakground? Pretty sure I played this yesterday and had a lot of fun in an insane pointblank knifefight on the wooded hill out of shot to the left in your images (Hill 375?). As a possible answer to your spotting issue I'd posit a combination of thermal sights on the Dragon (which is possibly a little inappropriate as they were only really intended for night time use) and C2. The AI shares information too, so I suspect it knew where to look fo your tanks, because of the (possibly dubious) spots from the Dragons. In my own game I was spotted first by the M150 TOW vehicles, but my T-64s shrugged off the impacts and nailed several of them before they retreated.....I had the whole company parked along the ridge and we pelted the **** out of them!
  13. Yep, as I said M60A1 vs T-72 'Ural'.....Both crews were Regular, Normal, 0. Nothing about this singularly lengthy single test particularly bothered me, nor did it prove or disprove anything.....Except that your units will do a lot better if you 'use them'. Had I put a tight Target Armour Arc on that M60 after we first acquired it, this would have ended much sooner. Indeed, had I too opened up when I realised the Yanks were cheating, I suspect the spotting would have been more even that it was. However one thing did really impress me.....The way that T-72 soaked up or deflected the two 105mm sabot rounds that hit it, just as it should (with a bit of luck). I actually titled the partial penetration image 'The End', because I thought it was, but the CM model is properly rugged and my crew got a little bit lucky. I must reiterate that throughout the whole process it felt to me like the game was screaming "You are a human being Sarge (allegedly at least).....Use your divinely sourced powers and kill that ****ing tank!".
  14. At 16 minutes and 15 seconds we reacquired the target and opened up.....The first round went laughably high, the second fell just a couple of meters short: It sounded like we injured the M60 commander.....Serves him right for cheating! But then we lost sight of him behind the dust. We reacquired him at 18 minutes and 50 seconds, the gunner was on the ball and fired almost immediately: Causing us to immediately lose the target again: But there was a very satisfying clang! At 19 minutes and 2 seconds we reacquire the M60 once again, there's a neat hole in the centre of its glacis: The tank commander isn't sticking his head out any more.....Probably because most of it is splattered all over the engine deck, I suspect! Our first round goes high, but our second finds the mark and by 19 minutes and 45 seconds it is all over.....The M60 is a blazing hulk: There were no survivors. Because I area targeted the blazing hulk until my ammo was gone because that's what cheats (AI driven or not) deserve!
  15. Seems fairer.....Probably encourages 'em to take the job seriously too!
  16. At 12 mintes and 30 seconds a round ricocheted off my gun mantlet and at 12 minutes and 49 seconds we received a partial penetration to the glacis damaging the tracks and causing minor spalling/blast damage to the optics & radio antennae: But T-72s are tough and they seem to have lost sight of us again, so the test continues (I'm on my second cup of tea). We are at half-time:
  17. At 10 minutes the M60 fired again, but again seems to have lost the target.....I have to admit that it feels like the game engine is practically on its knees begging me to intercede for the sake of my poor pixeltankers! Will report back in the event of decisive contact or the default 30 minute timer running out.....I'll also draw some conclusions, but they may not be what you expect.
  18. Target! Tank! 2000m! At 9 minutes and 15 seconds we have a firm contact: Interestingly the cheating bloody Yank has opened up.....I deliberately set both tanks to be buttoned up when I built this test scenario. Seven seconds later we have a firing solution and a round is sent downrange: Causing us to loose the target in our own muzzle blast a few seconds later: How will it all end? How much time will I waste testing this? The tension is palpable!
  19. Just so you know that I really do test what I say I test: Six and a half minutes in.....I think the Americans may have dismounted and gone for a beer!
  20. After five minutes the M60 reacquired the T-72 and fired again.....And then immediately lost the target again. I'm having to restrain the urge to have my tank open up and put a target arc on that m**********r to end this thing once & for all!
  21. I'm currently testing this (T-72 'Ural' vs M60A1 at 2km).....It is quite possibly the most boring thing I've ever done! They are both utterly bloody myopic! In my current run the M60 spotted the T-72 first, fired a couple of rounds, then lost the target in its own muzzle blast, it hasn't fired again since. The T-72 seems to have noticed the big cloud of dust on the horizon and apparently suspects there is a tank behind it (tentative contact).....Cunning these Russian lads!
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