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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. More on Mosul: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/09/iraq-after-isis/538608/
  2. Sorry about that fella, TBH I only looked at the VBIED footage.
  3. ISIS footage of fighting against the Turks: http://jihadology.net/2016/12/23/new-video-message-from-the-islamic-state-shield-of-the-cross-wilayat-Ḽalab/ The BMP suicide attack at 8:45 shows a horrible lack of awareness by the Turkish forces!
  4. Superb article about ISIS' use of armour in Syria (& to a lesser extent Iraq), here: http://spioenkop.blogspot.co.uk/2017/08/armour-in-islamic-state-story-of.html Not entirely convinced by the comments about 'multi-spectral' camouflage though, I think it's more likely a case of disguising the profile TBH.
  5. Got the same notification from Microsoft Security Essentials, Webroot did not pick it up, but I've been talking to them to sort out other issues.....My CM:FI install is screwed. FFS! I've uninstalled it and will wait for a patch/module before reinstalling it, hopefully Microsoft will have received enough false positive reports to have it sorted by then. Fekkin irritating though!
  6. Glad you enjoyed it.....Sounds like you had some really bad luck with the IEDs. In truth though IEDs/VBIEDs have been responsible for much of the carnage in Mosul.
  7. And won't that be great: http://sturgeonshouse.ipbhost.com/topic/1517-drdo-indias-porsche/
  8. That tune rocks JK! That's my casual listening for tonight sorted out. Here's an older one, in a rather different vein, but a favourite of mine:
  9. Perhaps you could heavily sculpt one half of a map creating some seriously challenging terrain, leave the other half level and flat, then route identical teams to a firing range at the far end via each of the two halves to see how their performance compares?
  10. Bunch of cross-dressing pooftahs, someone should chuck 'em off a tall building.
  11. Personally I think the new CROWS-J would have a bigger impact in game.
  12. Only just discovered it JK, certainly looks interesting to me. @LongLeftFlank @Combatintman & I have frequently discussed the range of vehicles used as VBIEDs in the Mosul campaign, we'd all like to see more options.....Perhaps a new vehicle condition 'VBIED' could be added to certain vehicles (Trucks, BMP, T-55 etc.), giving them the same (humongous) blast as the current VBIEDs, at the expense of their weaponry/stores/passenger capacity (and or turret if it wouldn't be too complex to implement).
  13. I only discovered these gorgeous and incredibly talented girls this evening.....Via a military/realpolitik forum! Which I figure in itself makes them worthy of a post here:
  14. Cheers, missed my birthday, but it's very tempting.
  15. Thought the 2A20 115mm might give a better comparison, but even that didn't have a true APBC round in the WWII sense, suffice it to say that the 'monkey ammo' for that weapon had higher penetration than the German 128mm and IIRC the Soviets classified 'penetration' to a more rigorous standard than NATO.
  16. Is it different to the one at the address in the first post?
  17. Good Mosul article in Counterpunch: https://www.counterpunch.org/2017/08/18/endtimes-in-mosul/
  18. Nice map.....Looks like tank-country to me.
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