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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Just opened the stock (I think) scenario 'Panzer Marsch!' at random, to test the new patch.....It doesn't look like what you are playing by any means, but apparently it's based on the same historical scenario? @George MC remake?
  2. It worked on all of them, first time, no hassles.....And my antivirus didn't crash my system, even after a restart!
  3. So I should point all of the installers to the actual game install directory (on D: for me).....Sorry for dim questions, but I figure it's better to check?
  4. @BFCElvis When I run the CM:BN installer it's auto directed to my CM:BN docs folder.....Is this correct or should it point to the actual CM:BN install directory please?
  5. This is something I need to check on.....I've been building some unusual units, attempting to maintain C2 amongst disparate formations by co-locating HQs, hope they're all on speaking terms (Could language even be an issue I wonder, is the game that detailed?).
  6. I understand that the BM-30 has long range precision munitions for use against armour? Now that's a toy we really need, given the game's current puny red PGMs. PS - Artillery deliverable minefields would be great.....I hoped you could place them as reinforcements so you could kind of model this, but no such luck.
  7. Putting the actual explosives into your ERA helps too of course! But yeah, information is king.
  8. All a bit tricky to do without MRLs. Cool to see the old BM-27 Uragan on the Zil-135 still in use.....Possibly the ugliest (& thus coolest) MRL of them all:
  9. I suspect that the intention is the latter, but in practice they may be treated as the former.
  10. That's beyond my Ken I'm afraid.....Maybe enquire on ML, those lads really know their stuff.
  11. It's covered a few posts down in the ML thread.....In a word, no. Tricky.....TBH they were considered 'Sturmpanzers'; armoured assault guns, effectively an even more focussed version of the 'infantry tank' concept, intended to supress bunkers, machineguns etc. in the infantry support role.
  12. It seems the name Brummbar associated with the Sturmpanzer IV is an American/British invention: That'll be Hilary Doyle, co-author of this: More at Missing Lynx, here: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/missinglynx/as-brummbars-are-very-popular-now-one-more-questio-t318945-s10.html
  13. Maybe trying loading one into a torpedo tube?
  14. T-62s beating the mighty Abrams in a spotting match (albeit human vs. AI) seems like pretty conclusive proof to me!
  15. Now that's the bit that I want (in ALL of the titles).
  16. Uncons in CM:SF2 can remain unspotted after they've killed you, in the same room.....Ask me how I know!
  17. Not so IMHO.....If one uses the Assault order in the correct manner; assaulting directly from cover into an nearby objective (ie: within one bound for the assaulting squad). In those circumstances it is entirely predictable & highly effective, again IMHO. Hull-Down remains a mystery to me.....I know how it works, but I just don't use it (yet).
  18. I agree with one exception.....The Assault order seems to work very well indeed in, well, an assault, from cover into a nearby objective. It seems to me that the units are a bit freer with their hand grenades when this order is given.....Of course this may just be my personal perception.
  19. I think that's due to them catching a glimpse of the unit themselves.
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