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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. While I don't know if the markers cause a modifier of themselves, the fact that the unit now knows which direction to look and can be given a face command or target arc, surely increases the odds (intervening hills/forests etc. excepted).
  2. However, genuine arrests of armed suspects are possible.....This guy's going down for a very long time:
  3. Not convinced that this behaviour is a characteristic of the Move order, I suspect it has much more to do with the AI's 'seek cover' routines.
  4. Your troops generate no fatigue and may actually even recover energy very slightly if kept at this pace.....Useful for troops approaching along cleared routes, but a death-trap if they are on point.
  5. It's kind of like 'Hill Street Judge Dredd'.....The CM Engine is not kind on those who resist arrest! I can honestly say I have never laughed so much playing CM.....It's great fun!
  6. No comment. Actually screw it, I will comment.....Only Freddy Mercury should ever perform that song, it's not about Queen, it's about him.
  7. Missing Freddy Mercury more than usual after that caterwauling:
  8. Did you just torpedo the Lusitania? That might not end well!
  9. Just declare unilateral sanctions.....It works for everyone else, apparently.
  10. I could never get CM:BO to work on my (not) new (anymore) Win7 machine, CM:BB works fine as does CM:AK.
  11. If we don't see a CM:Fulda Gap style game, IMHO based on the comments hereabouts, it would represent a massive missed opportunity.....A fair chunk of the WarPac equipment already exists in CM:A & CM:SF, seems a shame not to (re)use it. PS - A Cold War game could easily feature an expansion pack later on, set in, say.....Afghanistan!
  12. This is so true.....Nothing makes it clearer than experiments with IEDs!
  13. All it takes is a little imagination: & quite a lot of effort! Image content courtesy of the mighty @MOS:96B2P
  14. The bit with the Ghurkha in particular made me ROFL quite hard!
  15. May I suggest judicious use of the 'Pause' command? PS - Permanent pauses should keep vehicles under control even if they are being plinked by snipers, at least until someone dies!
  16. It would be good if it were possible to merge vehicle crews from the same platoon/company, especially in a campaign format.....Maybe one day.
  17. I'll keep that in mind JK. I love Lardy products too: https://toofatlardies.co.uk/ http://toofatlardies.co.uk/blog/ CoC is probably my favourite, but I'm also a big fan of Terrible Sharp Sword.
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