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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Received & replied. PS - Forgot to mention above that some of the surrenders were triggered after very brief exchanges of fire....As I recall the perps would do OK (potentially very lethal at short range) until the point when they have to reload their pistol. At this point the AK/M16s carried by the patrolmen would start to win the suppression battle, allowing one to surround and detain the perp, often within another turn or two. PPS - Once the b******s squirt, all bets are off!
  2. Well I'm shocked.....We should report him to The Hague!
  3. I'm sure you've all used the BTR-4 many, many times by now.....Does anyone else find them to be too heavily armed for their own good? In a recent game I had two of them 'Target Light' the upper floor of a structure, just on the minuscule off-chance that the enemy had an OP or sniper team overlooking a de-busing site.....The homicidal maniacs used their auto-cannons! For the full minute! In the process they managed to completely level both floors of the building! Then there's their tendency to choose the same 30mm auto-cannons to provide close support for their dismounts, usually amongst trees or other obstacles liable to cause premature, and all too frequently fatal, detonation of HE rounds! All of the above is a lot of fun, but it can be misleading too.....After watching them lay waste to half the map in a matter of minutes, it's all to easy to start treating them like tanks, which they aren't, as you will soon find out if they encounter anything much bigger than an LMG that fires back! IMHO these things are insane.....I feel much safer with the BTR-70!
  4. I've lit the Bat-Signal in your other thread.....A very helpful fellow will be along shortly, count on it.
  5. @BFCElvis (Bat-Signal) will correct me if I'm wrong.....But I believe if you have bought engine 4.00, you can just grab the full installer and the latest patch, install those, input your various license keys (all of them) and you should be good to go.
  6. It depends on the map too TBH.....I wouldn't recommend using big two-leg quick move waypoints in 'The Hornets' Nest'.
  7. Surrounding the unit is big factor IMHO.....Also having a numerically superior unit advancing on a suppressed unit sometimes seem to tip 'em over the edge. Have there been any more developments on the Shift Commander front? I'd love to have another go.
  8. Still not seen this happen. My Strykers seem absolutely rock fekkin solid TBH:
  9. You guys got me started on this one.....Great fun.
  10. Actually.....Yes (well OK, not in the dark, but): CLICKY There are some very creative scenario designers out there! Apologies to @theforger for the brief off topic.....Based on @Attilaforfun 's comments, I'm looking forward to settling down with this scenario even more.
  11. While I could probably agree for some of the platoon & company commanders, IMHO for the bulk of the squad leaders that really doesn't seem unfair. However, against the broader picture that @theforger has painted (and it is very broad), I think that this is a very small issue indeed.....Let's see how it plays out.
  12. This matches the account that I recall.....In it the officer encounters an NCO he has known since the early days of the war, now leading troops who are mostly just kids. Shortly after the officer leaves, a mortar round hits their position killing the NCO.
  13. Priceless! @MOS:96B2P.....Surprised you haven't commented here, I know you learned a few things on this front when we were testing 'Shift Commander'?
  14. The game already has it.....I was playing CM:BN last night, one of my squads overran a US unit which surrendered, a moment or two later another of my squads passed nearby the (previously unspotted by them) surrendering unit and immediately put a burst into them! I was playing the Germans though!
  15. I'd recommend that you also have a chat with @MOS:96B2P He is (IMHO) the master of long-duration high-complexity scripting. If you have either CM:BS or CM:SF2, he has already made scenarios of exactly this type that you can try out ('TOC' & 'Coup' respectively). Almost all of those dudes were dead by this point in time. There are plenty of contemporary accounts of German officers bemoaning the poor quality of their troops in the Ardennes offensive.....IIRC I have exactly such an account from a major within KG Peiper itself, but I'd have to dig to find it.
  16. Funny thing was, I mostly left it to its own devices.....I'd be watching my carefully planned maneuvers fail dismally elsewhere on the map, in the background I'd hear that distinctive 'Boom!' as the Panther whacked another one! BTW, despite the peppering of 37mm & 75mm rounds on the glacis, it was completely unscathed.....Tough tank when you can't get to its flanks.
  17. Couple from a recent play-through of Kampfgruppe Engel: Death in the bocage: The busy Panther:
  18. Sounds excellent, d/ling now. EDIT: Yup, that's some fine looking work.....A whole mini-campaign rolled into a single scenario, I look forward to giving it a full play through.
  19. He probably gave them a 'cold burst' first.....Being doused in napalm would really affect your morale, IMHO.
  20. Did anyone try de-compiling the campaign, removing the bridge, re-saving the map, replace the bridge and test? If the de-compiled scenario works at this point, it should be safe to re-compile the campaign.
  21. This pavement, in Alicante, always makes my eyes go wonky: @Combatintman I suspect this may be familiar territory?
  22. Looks like Oryx is back in business.....Here's an article on the 'Mobile Battle Fortresses of Mosul': http://spioenkop.blogspot.com/2019/10/see-mobile-battle-fortresses-islamic.html
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