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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Just remove everything in: [Your CM:BN Game Install Location]/Data/Z That should remove all the mods you've added (I don't believe CM:BN has a seperate Mods folder like the later games). HTH
  2. Great to see you back fella, hope you are feeling a bit better. I have a feeling this camo may make an appearance in the 'Aftermath Period' of a certain Far East mod (with your permission of course).
  3. Indeed, but I can't very well demonstrate crew-swapping in CM:BN (CM:RT et al) as it doesn't bloody work!
  4. I wonder if one of the Mod-Making Mad-Scientists could somehow graft a Wirbelwind onto a Stuart? @Aquila-CM.....Fancy a challenge?
  5. That'll be a mismatched mod.....Pull your mods and all should be well. You can then add them back one at a time to see which are still compatible.
  6. Tank so much more valuable than comrade.....Comrade you lead, I cover you from tank (sound of main gun loading, co-axial being cocked etc.).
  7. Not without a roller. C'mon @Battlefront.com we really need Soviet (& post-Soviet come to think of it) Mine-Roller Tanks.....All the assault columns in Bagration were led by companies of T-34 Minerollers IIRC. Here's a Polish one: Let's be honest.....The game doesn't handle mines brilliantly and these vehicle would really help to make up for that (IMHO). This is the key to it.....The infantry could feel a lot more confident if a tank had driven somewhere first (but I bet they gave wrecks a wide berth).
  8. Some slightly gloomy but much more realistic images from testing of 'Winter of Discontent', courtesy of @37mm's Winter Mod: @37mm's Winter Mod thread can be found here: It appears to be between iterations at the moment, but it's definitely worth getting a copy when & if it is updated.
  9. Sadly not. That's something I'd like to see changed TBH (plenty of historical precedent).....Unrestricrted crew swapping can add huge amounts of interest to this game (IMHO). This sort of thing: For instance.....But with a lot more options. I tried to make a scenario with German stragglers driving Soviet vehicles in CM:RT.....No dice.
  10. Apparently not as the de-compiler doesn't provide you with the campaign script (I believe, I could never actually get it to work).
  11. They'll need some tanks.....I'd particularly love to have these (I believe they made a couple or more): https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/light-tank-m3a3-20mm-flak-38-flakvierling/ Yugoslavian Stuart/Marders are cool too: https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/Yugoslavia/light-tank-m3a3-with-7-5-cm-pak-40 Good article on the various Yugoslavian Stuart conversions here: https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/light-tank-m3a1-a3-in-yugoslav-service/ I knew about the mortar carrier, but the Stu(art)IG-33 is a new one on me!
  12. Not fit for general consumption just yet, but I'd highly recommend 'Year Of The Rat' (@puje's campaign) when 'Heaven & Earth' is released (which I believe may be quite soon).....It's very nicely done and TBH, it doesn't feel even slightly like you are in Syria: Except maybe when you are trying to get your mortars to hit a particular hooch. PS - That is the very sniper.....He got not less than six of my men, from three different units!
  13. I'd like to know the answer to that question too TBH.
  14. I've been using them in CM:A, which is not a particularly kind environment TBH, manually positioning them hull down works for a while, but god help the gun crews if you don't displace them after a turn (or less). I suppose this reflects what we see in reality, with technicals frantically reversing into position, firing a couple of wildly inaccurate bursts and then screaming off to cover.....But it makes it really dificult to effectively use them with the AI, they really need a slot each to survive!
  15. 2nd Tactical Air Force were doing their thing from June 6th onwards, I forget the precisce levels at which Air Controllers were attached to formations, but as you know we had a plethora of custom vehicles (& aircraft) just for that job.....IIRC 2TAF were on the ground in Normandy within a week or two (at the maximum) of the invasion. However IMHO this would not make point strikes on individual tanks or even buildings legitimate at the CM scale.....The aircraft should interpret their missions quite broadly (many more KOed tanks were struck by RPs than live ones). @MikeyD Do you know if aircraft themselves (controlled or uncontrolled) are affected by TRPs? This might give options for pre-planned precision air-strikes (which could still go horribly wrong).
  16. On a vaguely related note, how do those of you who use them keep 'Technicals' alive (I guess MG Jeeps would be similar).....I've taken to using them only from keyholed shoot & scoot positions, for short busts of fire, but when used this way their own accuracy is truly horrendous (ZPU Technicals can be a real menace)!
  17. Seems a bit harsh on the British TBH.....We were pretty bloody good at it by then.
  18. One thing that's worth keeping in mind (as I know @Erwin would agree) is just how small many CM maps are in real terms.....Most fighting in these titles takes place at what might be considered close or point blank range. A couple of us are experimenting with long duration, small unit scenarios set on whopping maps.....The game plays & feels rather different in that coniguration. @puje has written a whole campaign in this format for CM:SF2 'Heaven & Earth' mod.....Never has a single sniper given me so much hassle!
  19. I believe the situation is broadly similar.....I think there's a comment on the subject in either the game manual or the update notes for one of the patches.
  20. No worries, searching can sometimes be a bit hit & miss, just happened to know about that thread 'cos I was in it.
  21. Have to say, from a design perspective, it's hard to imagine how that could happen unless it's a patch related quirk of some kind.
  22. Hey, he already said 'Partisans'.....What more could we want?
  23. Yup.....There are several (in some cases ongoing) threads on this subject, here's the most recent I can think of:
  24. I think you may be taking what you are seeing too literally.....I suspect (althought I do not know for sure) that the men between the sandbags still receive a cover benefit for them, it's just a representation of the situation rather than a direct model of it (as very neatly summarised by @StieliAlpha above).
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