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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Even so, firing a missile at under a kilometre is a bit daft, especially against a tank with third generation ERA.
  2. Me too.....I still play it every now & again, mostly in co-op mode with a bunch of mad Russians.
  3. That first image, with the view across the valley, really made me smile.....I reckon that jungle looks pretty convincing, just hope it plays well too.
  4. Most of them, yes. T-62Ms are all the rage in Syria these days. PS - The RPG-29 is in Syria, that one will kill an Abrams stone dead.
  5. Ain't that the truth.....My Mujahideen just got roundly beaten by a Tribal force that I set up myself! And that's in CM:A, without fancy triggers & stuff like that.
  6. Any idea what RPG rounds were being used in Iraq back then? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPG-7 The PG-7VR has been around since the late eighties and Syria has been a favoured client of the USSR/Russia over the years (sole user of the T-72A outside the Warsaw Pact).....Is it possible that US forces in Syria in 2008 would be facing different RPGs to those used in Iraq in 2003?
  7. I think that depends on your definition of 'dead' TBH: "Further combat was seen during 2003 when US forces invaded Iraq and deposed the Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, in an invasion that lasted just 43 days (20 March to 1 May). M1 tanks proved instrumental in leading rapid attacks against the Iraqi military, as exemplified by the so-called 'Thunder Runs.' As of March 2005, approximately 80 Abrams tanks shipped back to the United States for repair due to fire from enemy attacks.[32] Abandoned Abrams were purposely destroyed by friendly fire to prevent recovery of vehicle or technology. Damages by 25 mm AP-DU, anti-armor RPG fire, and 12.7 mm rounds was encountered. There were no confirmed instances of anti-tank guided weapons or anti-tank mines striking the US MBTs.[33] However, there is some speculation that Kornet ATGMs were used during the Battle of Najaf to knock out two Abrams, but Russian officials denied selling the weapon to Iraq.[34] What is known is that the two Abrams were struck by unknown weapons, and their ammunition stores ignited. Nevertheless, both crews escaped without serious injury.[35][36] Some Abrams were disabled by Iraqi infantrymen in ambushes employing short-range antitank rockets, such as the RPG-7. Although the RPG-7 is unable to penetrate the front and sides, the rear and top are vulnerable to this weapon. Frequently the rockets were fired at the tank tracks.[citation needed] " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_M1_Abrams As mentioned, a fairly substantial number of M1s need 'major overhauls' after that campaign (my recollection was around 150 rather than 80, but I won't argue the toss on statistics).
  8. Russian tanks, with essentially the same gun, firing a pretty similar selection of ammo, always appear to choose sabot under similar circumstances (when controlled by the AI and facing my idiot Oplots at any rate). I've not played as the Russians recently, so I don't recall what their choices are when under player control, but like I said, a single AI controlled Russian tank just laid waste to three Oplots in about three turns, then another pair in a similar length of time. On each occasion, the Oplots either spotted first and fired a TLATGM (all of which missed I might add), or were lased and retreated in a cloud of smoke, only to be despatched by a sabot round a few moments later!
  9. I have to say, the BM Oplot does seem to have big issues in the game.....I just lost five to a single T-72B3, because of the usual combination of their pathological desire to fire off expensive TLATGMs & retreal in cloud of smoke at the first hint of a laser. It appeared to me that this single T-72B3 lased three tanks across about a 300 arc, almost simultaneously, thus putting three quarters of a platoon (who were lying in wait with covered arcs) to flight without even firing a shot.....Is it even possible to do this with a ranging laser? All this at a range under 1km.....Surely one of the silly sods should have fired some sabot at him?
  10. I reckon this may well be an anti-virus issue.....All my CM games are installed to their own directory and that entire directory is added to my exclude list. I'm running Win10 on a very modern system, everything works just fine. Lighting the Bat-Signal.....If anyone can help you, @BFCElvis can.
  11. Sadly not.....Many of us sincerely wish there were.
  12. Gurkha = Indian Army, +1, Crack, Extreme.....Sorted. Add mods to taste. It's not like they can actually use the khukuris after all.
  13. Keep me informed of how you are getting along.....I'd love to have a go at making a map/scenario for another full on mod. I've had an awful lot of fun with the Heaven & Earth stuff, it's like a whole new game.....Right now I'm having a crack at a CM:SF2 map based on THIS, which I reckon is just about as un-Syrian looking as it comes!
  14. I reckon CM:A has some potential for modeling the Yugoslav conflict, it's not perfect by any means, but most of the basics are there.....The Mujahideen & Tribals would need some serious modding to make them look a little more European though.
  15. Dude.....In CM:SF2, right now, you can find M48A3s, Sampans & even a PBR! While they're not perfect (yet) there is no mistaking what they are, and knowing my colleagues as I do, I firmly expect the models & skins to get better & better as new tricks are added to the knowledge base. I just wish I knew how they do it!
  16. You hit the nail on the head there.....The CM:A textures seem to work better when applied as a Jackson Pollack style splattering, rather than when applied according to a systematic set of rules (my normal mapping technique). Once you get over that, it becomes a bit easier to live with. I don't think THIS looks too bad really.
  17. It's a way of getting maximum bang for your AI slots (in CM:A you only have eight).....So you might give an AI unit orders up to Turn #20, then on Turn #25 you tell them to head for an exit. At some point after around Turn #30 you spawn a new unit in the same AI group and start issuing orders again.....Rinse & repeat as necessary (a bit of testing is required for best results, but it does work and it means you can afford to spread your AI slots around a bit more, allowing your AI units to be more flexible in their actions). I'd agree about the textures, but I love the game.....Best asymmetrical warfare title that BF do IMHO.
  18. That is amazing.....More than I ever imagined would be possible!
  19. @BFCElvis.....Reckon you may be the man to help. CM:A may be an oldie, but it's still a goodie.....Plus I need the company!
  20. Sadly fella, I really don't know.....I could never get the de-compiler to work.
  21. There's a minor issue in the second mission ('High Points - Low points' IIRC), the briefing is a bit inconsistent/inaccurate in its description of your available artillery support.....It doesn't spoil the mission in any way, it's just a bit confusing to read.
  22. Couple of images from testing ('Winter of Discontent') that pleased me:
  23. I look froward to seeing them, reckon I might have a crack at a couple of long-duration, low-intensity type scenarios, as I think these maps would work well for that format (keeping the number of units down would cut down on the workload for lower-end machines too). I'm experimenting with a format in CM:A (the system relies heavily on exit zones), which if it works should also be readily applicable to the more complex scripting options in CM:BS.
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