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    jtsjc1 reacted to kohlenklau in CMFI KOREA 1950 MOD scenario creation thread (and later with PBEM DAR)   
    @jtsjc1 I have a project in development for Christmas release. A humble battle pack for single-player versus AI of my CMFI Korea 1950 mod. 
  2. Like
    jtsjc1 reacted to kohlenklau in CMFI KOREA 1950 MOD scenario creation thread (and later with PBEM DAR)   
    The NKPA leader gets nailed by somebody. About 20 guys were plinking away at him.

    I am setting up to try and take the orchard and approach in the blind area where the village cannot see me. First I will direct fire at a sound contact in the orchard with the tank, the mortar and the Meatchopper. Their fire is set to turn off after 30 seconds or so. I have a 3-man team on delay and then will try to rush in and maybe get a small toehold in the orchard.
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    jtsjc1 reacted to kohlenklau in CMFI KOREA 1950 MOD scenario creation thread (and later with PBEM DAR)   
    The North Korean soldiers swam and waded across the Kum River with their equipment kept dry up on their heads. They went through the rice paddy area very quickly and headed for the highground. The ASL scenario has victory conditions of victor holding 2 of 3 options. The 3 options are (1) the highground designated hexes, (2) a multi-hex building - which I now dubbed as "The Temple", or (3) at least 5 of the 9 houses in the village.

  4. Like
    jtsjc1 reacted to kohlenklau in Missing file CMBN   
    v220 is from 8/20/2014 so maybe a patch or an upgrade.
    If you have always used the same PC, you MIGHT still have the download that should give you that brz
    But good advice is to open an official helpticket to talk to a real doctor
  5. Like
    jtsjc1 reacted to JoMac in Missing file CMBN   
    If you haven't already, then go to 'Battlefront.com' and to your 'Purchase Screen' and click on CMBN and it should take you to the 'CMBN All in One Installer'...It's a Full Installer with all patches integrated. I know you don't want to reinstall CMBN again, but this will insure CMBN is fully installed.
    Or...Battlefront.com, Inc. (sharefile.com)
  6. Like
    jtsjc1 reacted to George MC in Panzer Helps You! Section IV: Infantry Armored Vehicle (S.P.W.)   
    This video covers the translation of one section (Section IV) from a larger pocket-sized booklet, printed by the German military during the later stages of the Second World War titled 'Panzer Hilft Dur!' translates as 'Panzer Helps You!' 
    Section IV in ‘Panzer Helps You!’ covers the mittlerer Schützenpanzerwagon (Sd.Kfz.251), known as the m.S.P.W. or just S.P.W. To provide context I have included a couple of primers regarding the Sd.Kfz. 251 and German SPW advice on correct use and deployment of SPW.
  7. Like
    jtsjc1 reacted to WimO in Operation Coup de Main Campaign progress update   
    Operation Coup de Main campaign update.
    Play testing has started on the campaign script.  I expect a few more months of work debugging. Recently had some time away to deal with creative burnout and work on some home renovations and furniture restoration. Back at the campaign now.
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    jtsjc1 reacted to Ithikial_AU in New Years Bones 2023 - CMBN BP2 Utah Beach   
    @BFCElvis - For pinning please.
    Steve has let me off the proverbial leash to release some bones for CMBN in 2023.
    Relive the opening days of the Normandy Campaign from the perspective of American and German forces fighting for control of the Cotentin Peninsula of France. From D-Day through to the 13th of June, take command of forces from the 4th Infantry, 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions, as they fight for a foothold on the western edge of Operation Overlord. Alternatively, take command of German formations in the area, including the 6th Fallschirmjäger Regiment as it tries to hold back the Allied Invasion.
    A Taster of Included Content
    -          Three Campaigns
    o   We Start Here – Follow the exploits of the 101st Airborne and 4th Infantry on D-Day. Follow the first paratroopers to hit the ground just after midnight, through to the evening of June 6th. Get off the beach.
    o   Purple Heart Lane – Command the 101st Airborne from the Battle of Ste Come du Mont through to the Battle of Carentan.
    §  A slight experiment in campaign design, allowing the player to fight a rolling battle at their own pace over several in game days. Can you keep pace with history or will the 17SS Panzer Grenadier Division arrive in time to make your task more difficult?
    Current count, 110 scenario variants so that is quite a long campaign script.
    §  A recreation of the Carentan Operation from Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord.
    o   Fist of Iron – Take control of the 17SS Panzer Grenadier Division on the 13th of June as they launch their counterattack to retake Carentan. Can you defy history?
    -          Scenarios (purposefully incomplete to leave some surprises)
    o   La Madeleine / Tare Green – The 4th Infantry Division head north along the beach to clear the German Strongpoints.

    o   Clash of Eagles – 101st Airborne and 6 Fallschirmjäger Regiment elements clash around Vierville.
    o   Hill 30 – 101st Airborne try to hold the line southwest of Carentan against a determined 17SS Counter Attack.
    -          Master Maps
    o   Seven maps covering just over 70 square kilometres of now famous battlefields, recreated from Allied aerial photographs and D-Day planning maps from 1944.
    -          (Possibly) Master Unit Files. In combination with the Master Maps will allow players to easily put together fight their own linked multiplayer campaign battles. [Let me know views on this one].
    Players will be required to own:
    -          Combat Mission Battle for Normandy Base Game;
    -          Commonwealth Forces Module;
    -          Market Garden Module; and
    -          Vehicle Pack.
    Likely Questions
    Why are we going back to D-Day?

    When the CMBN base game was designed there was a conscious decision to focus on the US Army and German Heer forces only. This meant that key German formations that were fighting around the 101st Airborne area were not available. With Waffen SS and Fallschirmjäger formations now part of the game family we are able to recreate these famous engagements inside the CM2 engine. It's also a chance to present a number of different tactical scenario situations rarely used in previously in stock scenarios such as the use of naval gunfire, extensive fortifications, spotting victory point allocations etc.
    Why the focus on the 101st Airborne? No love for the 82nd Airborne?

    There are already a number of community made scenarios and maps available for players focusing on the exploits of the 82nd Airborne to the north of the location depicted in this Battle Pack. We didn’t want to crossover too heavily with the work the community had already undertaken.
    Will any new formations or units be added to the CMBN family with this release?

    No. Like other Battle Packs the focus is on campaigns and scenarios. Unlike Modules which focus on the new units and formations introduced, Battle Packs provide us the opportunity to mix and match all the content available in a game family.
    What’s the release date?

    When it is ready. This will be sometime after the CMBN Steam release. This pack has also been a bit different when compared to others to date. When this was announced at the start of the year the actual work had only just commenced rather than being in development for some time already. Saying that, the mapping is virtually complete and scenarios are being built.
    How will I be able to get my hands on it?

    From all the existing places you can currently buy Combat Mission products.
    In the promotional photos that bush is 0.764 meters away from where it was historically!

    Everything is a work in progress. Also, I suggest you may want another glass of a fermented vegetable drink.
    Wait a minute who the hell are you?
    One of the volunteer beta team. Like GeorgeMC and JonS before me, one of us generally leads a Battle Pack development though this time I've been lucky enough for a number of other betas to help out and get all that mapping done. Also dabbled in some modding and YouTube in previous years.
    Can we see some pictures?
    Oh alright.

  10. Like
    jtsjc1 reacted to Ts4EVER in Carbine Grenade Video   
    There was a grenade launcher attachment for the M1 Carbine, which was used in late war.
  11. Like
    jtsjc1 reacted to Free Whisky in New Video: Domfluff gives us a guided tour through the wonderful world of Cold War Soviet doctrine   
    I asked Domfluff to help me out in creating a video about Soviet military doctrine in the Cold War era, and how those principles can be applied in a Combat Mission scenario/QB. He played a game against me as the Soviet Army, gave me an arse kicking, and then sat down with me and explained why he did what he did. The result is the video down below!
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    jtsjc1 reacted to ManyMilesAway in Kriegsburg 1979 Video AAR   
    Hey folks!
    This is my second video AAR and I decided to use a bit of a different style with this one.  Let me know what you all think!  It's by no means perfect but I poured a lot of effort into this one.  Special thanks to @domfluff and the CM discord community for helping me through the editing and creation process!
  13. Like
    jtsjc1 reacted to TheFriendlyFelon in CMBS 2022 - Battle of Antonov Airport/Hostomel   
    Hey guys, I am putting the finishing touches on a campaign that focuses on the Russian VDV landings at Hostomel Airport on February 24th and 25th of this year, during the opening days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
    I could use some play testers to play through the missions and offer feedback to help me polish this up for release.

    The campaign features a 1:1 detailed scale map of the full airport and portions of the surrounding towns (Ozera, Blystyvytsia, Hostomel), a map of a town called Sosnivka that I thought would make a nice ambush location northwest of the airport, a map of the crossroads at Berestyanka, which you'll likely recognize from satellite imagery of the infamous 64km long Russian column from early in the war, and several custom flavor objects created for me by the incredible @Lucky_Strikeand @JM Stuff

    If you are interested in helping, please leave a comment below or DM me. Thanks in advance! 


  14. Like
    jtsjc1 reacted to NPye in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Winter at Pavlov's House 1943.

  15. Like
    jtsjc1 reacted to Ts4EVER in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    Driving into that infamous ambush at Ogledow:
    Will I be able to do better?
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    jtsjc1 reacted to Grey_Fox in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    discussion livestream starting in a few minutes:
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    jtsjc1 reacted to Grey_Fox in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    I will be hosting a discussion with @George MC and @domfluff on my youtube channel about the battle pack, as well as campaign and scenario design in general, on Thursday 24th November at 20:00 GMT if anyone is interested:

  18. Like
    jtsjc1 got a reaction from Anonymous_Jonze in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    Thank you George and everyone who worked on the Battle Pack! 
  19. Like
    jtsjc1 got a reaction from badipaddress in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    Thank you George and everyone who worked on the Battle Pack! 
  20. Thanks
    jtsjc1 got a reaction from George MC in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    Thank you George and everyone who worked on the Battle Pack! 
  21. Like
    jtsjc1 reacted to MOS:96B2P in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    Some screenshots from testing for a new CMBS scenario.  In part, thanks to a challenge by @kohlenklau who started the below topic.  Check out the topic.  There are several new scenarios from different titles being worked on.   
    Buran-30 Battalion Tactical Group (BTG).
    Command a Russian BTR Battalion Tactical Group.  
    Map: 5104 meters x 2512 meters = appx 12.8 square kilometers.                                                                      Ground conditions: Wet.  Weather: Hazy.                                                                                                          Supply: Scarce.  Headcount: 70%.
    In a few days I'll start a topic in the CMBS Maps and Mods forum. 

  22. Like
    jtsjc1 reacted to George MC in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    Ah I meant to upload that as can’t add it to the BP. It was more just an outline of the campaign structure. I’ve attached it here fir now. 
    Five Days Campaign Overview_v1.pdf
  23. Like
    jtsjc1 reacted to Free Whisky in Could this bridge hold tanks (photo's) - help needed for video research   
    The mystery has been solved ☺️
  24. Like
    jtsjc1 reacted to Commanderski in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    I have it, read it and used it for my Tank Battle of Lisow scenario. It's really a decent book.  It does cover some aspects of the battles from the German side. The main reason for having more Soviet information is that there isn't much information from the Germans due to incomplete records from them.
  25. Like
    jtsjc1 reacted to George MC in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    The action the Ogledów covers is very specific to in and around Ogledow. There was a great deal of fighting in the whole sector but the campaign focuses on a few square km around Ogledów.
    Numbers were hard to pin down as both sides do not tally. However the following extracts from the designer notes and their source I've listed below:
    From the designer notes:
    "One of these units, the 501st Heavy Tank Battalion, commanded by Major von Legat, was a source of German great expectations.  After being destroyed in fighting during the earlier stages of Operation Bagration, it had been reconstituted at Ohrdruf on 14th July 1944 and equipped with the new Tiger IIs. On the 5th August 1944, the 2nd and 3rd  companies totalling 31 Tiger IIs (the 1st company with an additional 14 Tiger IIs did not arrive at the front until the 12th August 1944) of the 501st entrained bound to join Army Group North Ukraine. Their combat debut proved very inauspicious, as after detraining, most suffered final drive breakdowns while on a 50 km road march. After a supreme effort by the mechanics twenty Tiger IIs were available for immediate combat. This mechanical unreliability was to plague the unit throughout its future combat operations ." 
    ‘Tigers in Combat I’ by Wolfgang Schneider
    "For this operation 16th Panzer Division, with the 501st and 509th Heavy Tank battalions attached to it, was divided into two main kampfgruppen - Kpf.Gr “Bloemecke” (reinforced Pz.Grn.Rgt 64 – I Bat (mot) and II Bat (gep)); and Kpf.Gr “von Busse” (reinforced Pz.gren. Rgt. 79). "
    Source ‘Fire Brigades: The Panzer Divisions 1943-1945’ by Kamen Nevenkin
    "The 501st Heavy Tank Battalion (consisting of 2nd and 3rd companies) was now down to only eleven operational Tiger IIs out of the twenty it went into action with twelve hours before - due to on-going mechanical issues with the new vehicles.2 However this did not affect the morale of the Tiger crews of the 501st who were very confident that their new Tiger IIs would be more than a match for the Soviets in their lighter armoured and armed T-34s. "
    Source: ‘Germany’s Tiger Tanks – Tiger I & Tiger II: Combat Tactics’ by Thomas L. Jentz
    At this point I should stress and note that when reading through these accounts there are some discrepancies that can be troublesome to reconcile with other sources (although detailed German accounts of this action are scarce to non-existent it would appear). The key one is the date in the Battlefield.ru account is incorrect – this is then repeated in other versions/retellings of this action. To confirm - the action/ambush occurred on the 12th August 1944. This is confirmed in several Soviet sources, including Guards Junior Lieutenant Oskin’s commendation for ‘Hero of the Soviet Union’ which states that the date of the action he was famously involved in was the 12th August 1944. 
    The reference you mention most likely pertains to this action on the 13 August 1944.
    At 0900Hrs on the 13th August the 2nd TBn, the 2nd Tank Company of the 71st Independent Guards Heavy Tank Regiment, and the 289th Rifle Regiment from the 97th Guards Rifle Division3, began moving toward ZARAZ (just over 1km north west of OGLEDOW). King Tigers which were positioned west of Ogledów, blocked the attacking infantry with gunfire. A platoon of JS-2 tanks, led by Lieutenant Klimienkov, advanced and joined in the battle. Soon one of the German tanks was on fire, and another one was knocked out. The infantry, without opposition, then moved into Ogledów, where tanks of the 3rd TBn were already eliminating the remaining Germans.
    Later in the day seven Tiger IIs moved in from the direction of Mokre. An IS-2 belonging to Guards Senior Lieutenant Udalov opened fire at 800 meters, destroying two Tiger IIs, one of which also caught fire. The German tanks retreated, regrouped, and advanced on PONIK. Lieutenant Belyakov's IS-2 was in ambush in that direction. Opening fire at the column from 1000 meters, he set fire to one Tiger II. The rest turned back.
    Thats most of what i found. As I said reconciling numbers of tanks etc at specific times and places was nigh impossible. So educated guesses were made where exact/differing numbers were given.
    Hope this helps?
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