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Everything posted by sburke

  1. The Thrush flies at midnight. I repeat, the Thrush flies at midnight.
  2. So out of curiosity and because it is a constant source of debate here, how did you find out about CM? We know you didn't find it on a 3 1/2 " floppy of demos in a game magazine.
  3. you didn't say that within ear shot of your tank crews did you? That sounds like one of Ken's morale building speeches.
  4. Don't fall for it. You know if he had to pay the price for full from scratch development, the first thing he'd ask is why they can't use the old model and reduce the price. Some people don't ever think about what they are saying, they just want to be negative and draw attention.
  5. I am assuming you meant this. Ghost Fleet: A Novel of the Next World War There are reviews on Amazon. My only concern is the initial portion sounds eerily like the beginning of the latest Battlestar Galactica series where the Galactica survives because it is old tech about to be mothballed...
  6. brush as it is called in the editor is something you can add, it isn't a base tile. It doesn't fall under foliage (trees and shrubs). It is it's own little thing. It is kind of cool how many variations you can make in a tile. You can put brush in just about anything except XT grass. At least I can't see it in XT grass.
  7. I think he isn't asking for the usual, "what degree of concealment am I getting", but rather simply what is the base terrain tile. It can be a little confusing at times. I mostly just roll with it and I have also experimented with rubbled towns where there are mud tiles disguised as rubble (think bogging in rubble piles). I'd rather the player not know in those cases.
  8. LOL I can see it's first implementation. The first guy who tries it: WTF MAN!!! ALL MY SQUADS WITH MGs FIRED ALL THEIR ROUNDS AGAINST UAVs. MEANWHILE MY OPPONENT JUST WALKED UP AND SHOT THEM!!! And yes you know it will be in all caps. At the moment AA fire is uncontrolled so not only would they have to add code to allow for it, they'd also have to write code to decide when to use it....
  9. As an affirmed Doody head, let me reference you to your last statement The insanity of war, and what it does to people's lives all over the world. Will it ever end? You paint with a very broad brush about human stupidity. I answered with Human stupidity is the answer to your question. You need a doody cap, your brain is obviously getting overheated. Did you at least use some sunscreen up there?
  10. We can't tell you until you don a cap.
  11. Fascinating, wonder how this statement will influence folks who really like the weathered look on their vehicles? This included the one other thing they had which was absolutely essential tank equipment if you were in Patton’s Third Army; a broom. One of the stories that doesn’t get out too much is that any tank unit in Patton’s Third Army had to have a broom. The reason was that you had to keep your tank swept down and clean. Because Patton would show up, and Patton had a bad habit of showing up at the 4th Armored Division because it was his favorite Division. He had people fined if the tank was too dirty.
  12. Yeah if there was one item I had to select to fix (not a new feature) it would be bridges. I tend to totally shy away from them even when I want them on a map. They just seem to be cursed with movement and pathing issues. Just be glad you didn't get into the town Mord. At close range the paras are even tougher
  13. while I think Apple has gone off the deep end regarding games, Lynyrd Skynyrd saying it is time for the south to rise again and waving the confederate flag is EXACTLY the kind of crap that I went to prison opposing. Maybe Skynyrd thought it helped increase album sales amongst their knuckle dragging audience, but I was engaged figthing the Klan in NYC neighborhoods and saw them organizing amongst NY state prison guards. Personally I had little regard for Skynyrd's antics in that context. That you served in the US military does not get you a pass. Flaunting like skynyrd's of white supremacist regalia (something that was getting black people lynched), is inexcusable. You swore to honor and uphold the US constitution ARTICLE XIV. SECTION 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. The "south rising again" means denying this amendment and dissolution of the Union. While I will defend the free speech rights of folks who's actions I abhor, this isn't about being PC. This crap has no place in a government supposedly dedicated to the idea "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Skynyrd were a bunch of racist yahoos looking for a buck with an audience they deserved. That is completely different than a game company putting together a strategy game on Civil war battles. We should ALL be able to tell the difference. On that note, we are I am sure way off course and probably a few moments away from a thread lock.
  14. yeah it will end. We are doing a pretty good job of destroying our planet. It may take a bit yet, but going by present trends humanity will extinguish itself in a very relatively short time. You have morons in Southern California during the worst drought in our history using MORE water because they think money decides how much of our planet's resources they get to waste. Not that it is only the rich, my neighbor across the street still has water flowing into his gutters from over watering his lawn. He must be pissed at me "lowering his property values" because my lawn is dried up and brown - he can relax, I am gonna plant native grasses I promise it will look better.
  15. JonS, I am not a yutze. I may have a doody hat, but that is a whole other subject. For the topic in question, yes it absolutely makes sense that a secessionist flag that only became really popular (post civil war) during the US civil rights movement should be an object of derision and should never have been part of any governmental institution period. That was never what anyone on this thread was objecting to. Removing it off everything seems stupidly counter productive. For example Do we now turn in all existing history books because they might have it? Do we ban it ever showing up even as we espouse free speech Can an author that writes a book on the civil war not have a cover picture depicting confederate troops with that flag? Why can it not appear in a game depicting the civil war, it's historical starting point and the origins of the whole subject? The argument that BF had to expunge the Nazi flag originated for the same narrow minded knee jerk response doesn't lend weight. It has had absolutely no impact apparently on the development of neo nazi movements. Once you start down the road of banning icons because of political criteria it goes both ways. Do we block the depiction of NLF flags in games on the Vietnam war? They were the enemy. If someone does a game fighting ISIS, do we ban depiction of that flag because it might recruit people to ISIS? It isn't about "historical accuracy" per se. It is really a question of what are you trying to accomplish and why. Absolutely the whole issue of "southern pride" and the use of confederate regalia in US southern institutions is ridiculous. Yes it is a guise for white supremacist BS. But a war game that depicts a battle line of US and Confederate troops that censors the Confederate flag because of the BS that happened afterwards in the US is still silly. The game is not about espousing the political viewpoints of that flag. It is simply a war game simulation of battle in the 1860s. Apple's response is over the top and silly. It is an overreaction based on corporate merchandising that can't discern an issue as being worth a more introspective look versus just making sure they don't take any flack. It does not reflect an appreciation for the significance of what is happening now nor an honest corporate decision. Apple would have been just fine selling record albums with Confederate flags on them if no one had brought this up.
  16. We are going off on a side track that is never productive. I honestly don't really care what some other developer or game has. Good for them, I hope for them the best. The position that CM hasn't changed since 2007 is fine if that is your position. It is hopelessly wrong, but I don't have the time to waste to hash that debate over endlessly. Instead go to this page, read it and if you still hold to your position... well have a good day. A Partial list of changes to CM from CMSF to CMBS compliments of ChrisND. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=338&Itemid=583 You don't like the direction BF has gone, you are totally entitled to that opinion. For what it is worth I still play CMSF despite it not having the latest feature. Even without them CMSF beats anything else in this genre.
  17. LOL no just ribbing you. I don't know that they hate mentioning other games, I do know they don't like links.
  18. noooooo don't go there....... oh crap, gotta run. i don't want to be an acceptable collateral casualty!!!!! Just two things. PBEM and WeGo. That killed any consideration at all for me to even bother with the product.
  19. if it is another game, it will have to wait. i am so over committed right now it isn't funny.
  20. beautiful example of what would not happen with borg spotting. Nice Ken it helps me understand a little better what it is about CMx2 that has hit me more than even CMx1.
  21. The Dutch are awesome LOL and this is before he saw Trump's campaign announcement.
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