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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. worst lesson - you don't have Javelins in the ww2 titles....
  2. you guys getting lazy? What's with the not bolding. Yeah I know at the advanced age most of you have reached (nearly mummified) it might be difficult. Boo oh mister wannabe Justicar, are you not even faking an attempt these days?
  3. I think partly because what is "good" is subjective. For example lots of folks rave about Aris work and it is pretty amazing stuff. However the degree of weathering is in some eyes a cinematic effect and in reality vehicles didn't generally look like that (I am kind of on the fence on this but I have to admit color photos I have seen tend to support that). Then you get into uniforms and high definition files (which are more PC demanding) and don't even start on audio files. What should an M1 Garand sound like in game? The way it sounds in real life or the way it sounds in a movie? The only mod I know of in CM that has issues with upgrades is Vin's text mod which does say a lot for BF's position about what they will allow folks access to. You can't really break the game. A mod designer could always sign away rights to their work, but from BF's view why bother. Once the mod is created anyone can load it. Why should BF alter what is distributed in the actual game so a player who loads version 2 sees one set of images and another loads version 3 and sees another. As it stands the player is free to put in what they want and BF can steer clear of that whole debate as to what is "best". For them it is a distraction that does nothing to help sell the game. You do not have to mod the game, it is perfectly fine as is. However you can do so if you so choose with the mods that you prefer. Unfortunately you have to decide for yourself what is best.
  4. Played that scenario against vKleist a long time ago. I think he ended up with a minor allied victory, not sure. All I do remember was it was a vicious brawl. Lots of fun. I don't recall having a StuG though. I only remember the Pz IVs and Panthers.
  5. pfft scenario design is easy! Good scenario design is a whole other thing
  6. I just like the fact that the MG team stored their extra ammo about as far as possible as they could from their position. They should have used Amazon prime to deliver it. They fired for a minute or two and ran totally dry. great planning! That was enough for me to stop watching the action and just check out the equipment.
  7. I would deactivate all the CMSF titles. That reduces the odds of having to contact the helpdesk to clear an activation. The other titles are fine. In some cases you may have to reactivate, but even if you are over your activation limit BF can assist and there isn't anything you can do in advance. The CMSF titles have a different license model, you definitely want to deactivate. I noticed Microsoft is offering a free Win 10 now if you reserve it. Not worth it for me to be a guinea pig, I'll wait.
  8. Personally I really love CMSF, however I really do miss all the additional features and capabilities in the newer titles.
  9. eeeewww you are gonna rub Dorosh's "bottle"? Yeah maybe you should be alone on an island. Try camping in Yosemite. You are far enough from everyone and high enough that you can wave to the astronauts on the space station. Okay maybe you can't really see them, but you can see satellites. That is pretty awesome. Try one better, take a flight to Europe from SF. Catch the timing right and you can see the aurora borealis at 35,000 feet. THAT was friggin amazing.
  10. sure........... hey who grabbed my a**, that was inappropriate touching!!!! I don't find MikeyD's minor rant off base either. Only someone who has designed can truly discuss their motivations, what feedback means or not to them etc. If you have never done it how could you know? I have designed 4 stock ones and a few that are strictly mine for something I want to do, but haven't quite figured out how to do yet. Even with that, despite fitting the bill for MikeyD's position, I still do not feel I can speak for folks who crank out scenario after scenario for release after release. I do not have the energy, motivation or creative energy for that. No amount of feedback good, bad or indifferent is gonna change that. Frankly I am in awe of what some of these guys do and that is despite me actually even having done some. I guess the few I have done have given me a little more appreciation of just how creative these people are and appreciation for what it takes. Someone as MikeyD noted who has never even opened the editor does not have that appreciation for the effort. Doesn't mean they can't comment on whether they liked a scenario or why, but it does affect their ability to comment on the mechanics of it or to truly appreciate what goes into it.
  11. no worries, but the answer to your question is in your post Just google the name. and yes it looks interesting.
  12. You do realize you are on a Battlefront forum /subforum CM RT on a thread about purchasing a Battlefront game asking about a product produced by another company right? Doesn't that strike you as odd considering that company has their own website. This is really inappropriate.
  13. Yeah JonS has a knack for nice looking maps. There are a few people who just seem to have a knack for very natural looking intricate maps and for me it always feels like a struggle to achieve that.
  14. Consider this, no matter what you choose you will now have an additional game and choice. It then becomes harder to decide which one to play. Eventually you have too many choices and it drives you bats**t crazy. Beware
  15. They don't?! Oh my god, the Outrage!!
  16. I am reading your comments Umlaut, but even with that I am not sure I know what you are looking for. I am pretty certain you know I appreciate your work and have given you feedback. It is frankly appreciated, but the nature of scenarios (length of time before the player actually gets around to completing) and the fact that only a small percentage of the community even participates in the forum means by default feedback will be very limited.
  17. I think what mord wants is a way to map the turret and hull for example. Right now if you have 5 turrets and 5 hulls they will mix and match in multiple options, but will not stay fixed resulting in different camo schemes for example. The only answer is they all have to have the same camo scheme or only one set is used. a mod tag won't help as it would still have the same mix and match. What mord wants if I understand correctly is hull 1 and turret 1 would always map together as would hull 2 and turret 2 etc.
  18. Kohlenklau, without violating any NDAs etc I think I can say your perception of beta testers and scenarios is a bit off and has a more organized perspective than reality. And that is probably all I can really say specifically about that. The difference in a user scenario and a "stock" scenario is at least for the stock designer you have a group of other designers to provide some feedback. However the user community designer has access to those same personnel. Heck one of them even went so far as to do a step by step guide. In a general sense though, playtester feedback is a two edged sword. On the one hand you want information, on the other hand the information you get is totally subjective. Different skill sets of players, different play styles, differing opinions on what is enjoyable all mean that two players playing the same scenario can give you completely different impressions. It actually makes me hesitant to provide too strong an opinion as opposed to providing feedback on the timing of the game for me and how the scenario actually played out. As an example Panzermike's Fester Platz Polozk I absolutely loved, it is right up my alley. However I have seen some pretty negative feedback as well on it. My first scenario ever was Venafro. I had an idea for a map, that then morphed into a scenario. The scenario I thought I had in my head was not really workable both because of my skill level and because scenarios in player hands are simply unpredictable. With the feedback I got from folks like JonS and ASLvet and others I completely changed the map and the scenario. It was still an experiment in a blasted urban battleground, but was cut down extensively from my original design (and worked far better). The feedback from other designers was not necessarily from their having actually played it but from knowing what were the probable errors I was gonna make - too ambitious being the biggest one. The scenario that went into the finished product was one I had no idea how well it would actually work for players. In feedback since it seems that for HTH play it is pretty evenly balanced - total fluke as I had no idea in that regard how my victory conditions would pan out. My point is that feedback from players may not be as helpful as you think. Example of that from CMBN is Green hell I played both sides in different PBEM matches and I found depending on the players involved, it can be interpreted as balanced or heavily weighted to one side or the other. A whole other question is did I enjoy it. In this case absolutely I did, win or lose. It is a difficult cat and mouse game. I have had other scenarios that while they play out well and may even be balanced I didn't enjoy so much just because they were not a "style" or battle type I particularly enjoyed. That is totally subjective and useless to the designer.
  19. Well sales decisions are BFs business decisions. So far they see no benefit to them to do so. Companies don't do sales out of some altruistic concern for folks who don't have the money for the full price, they do so to try and wring as much money out of the game as they can. That is pretty much end of story and as far as this thread can go beyond folks disagreeing with that business decision. Sooner or later then BF will shut down this thread like they do every time because we do not get to decide BFs business decision. We can disagree with them, but we don't get a vote.
  20. If I understand you correctly the drop down would effectively edit the tags text file for the scenario with whatever text you included. As long as you know what text to include, sounds good to me! I could then ask Mord to change all his unit mods to have tags..... Mord,... Mord... are you okay? Mord wake up... damn.
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