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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. My apologies then, I didn't think you were that sensitive. To be fair though it isn't simply name calling when an expression like that is used for someone who has on 3 occasions (so far) attempted to friend me. After the 2nd time was denied one would have thought you would have gotten the message. I assumed perhaps incorrectly that this behavior combined with the blatantly passive aggressive nature of your postings was indicative of some sort of psychological need. Again my apologies if I am simply misunderstanding issues you may have communicating in what I assume is a second language to you. If that is the case I would suggest maybe taking some time to review the responses you have received as it may be your perception of how one expresses themselves to a native English speaker may be off by a bit. edit - correction I see you sent a 4th request just now. Sorry, this one will be denied as well. You know this is now bordering on stalking. Maybe I should file a complaint. 2nd edit - wow, really? You "upped" my post. That is just a bit too weird you know. Wiggum15 sent you a friend request Sent Today, 10:25 AM
  2. LOL that he is even thinking about it to me means work has begun...the brain cells are churning.
  3. nah he just has tests at school... Just means that they do have longer range plans and those they almost never share as they just aren't fleshed out enough. Usually devolves into a discussion of space lobsters of doom. Part of the issue is things are subject to change, the continued updating of game engines for example just kind of came out of nowhere and is one of the best things they ever announced. It was not a minor commitment on their part and has had a cost in labor time that is probably not trivial, but IMHO is really worth it. I don't mind paying for it as long as they can keep it up.
  4. Reposted because our resident attention deprived child is once again at it. Back to the OP while Steve is in a talking mood. yeah really So to get back to the thread in the barn. What we know Late NWE game release coming line up to include CMBN Battle pack CMFI Module CMRT Module CMBS Module Work is in process on CMx2 Version 4 engine One would assume then things would proceed with the East front family of games 1941,1942 and 1943 - Those are the only game families that have been previously announced How about CMSF, any thoughts on when we might get some CM love there?
  5. yeah really So to get back to the thread in the barn. What we know Late NWE game release coming line up to include CMBN Battle pack CMFI Module CMRT Module CMBS Module Work is in process on CMx2 Version 4 engine One would assume then things would proceed with the East front family of games 1941,1942 and 1943 - Those are the only game families that have been previously announced How about CMSF, any thoughts on when we might get some CM love there?
  6. Same here, funny thing is I think that one might actually be the most work for BF what with the proliferation of commonwealth troops.
  7. nah that is a super secret Ovaltine handshake way of saying CMSF 2 is coming.
  8. what the? you are..... human?! Skynet was a dream? Hell Bil, as much as you have entertained us over the years, the last thing you should be doing is apologizing. Thanks again for another show.
  9. Awesome, all it needs now is a doody hat!
  10. CMSF Search the CMSF repository for Panther, getcha right there http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=304
  11. Ha, well I think if you really dug into the forum you would find almost overwhelmingly folks agree with you. Activity on the forum can alter that impression, but if you take the time you'll see you aren't so alone on that. Poking the Bear is very cool. Not only a fun scenario, but a teaching scenario. It is IMHO the best one for learning how to coordinate assets as that is pretty much all you have to bring to the fight. Shame it is in the campaigns as usually I would head for those after the scenarios..then I get to that one and go DOH! so that is how I should have been doing this!
  12. c'mon man show some of the other campaign designers some love. One of my favorites was actually Chris's TF Panther.
  13. No fair! I almost choked on my sandwich. My wife was about to start with the Heimlich maneuver. You gotta warn people before tossing things like that out there.
  14. LOL that is what computers are for- to thoroughly embarrass us. they are real good at it to.
  15. I agree with Ian, here shouldn't be any association. The closest approximation might be the game exe but you can't do that as they'd all associate to one game. You don't open the file outside the game application so you should not have it associated to anything.
  16. Well there have been multiple requests from the community for exactly this - a pack specifically devoted to scenarios and campaigns and stuff that utilizes the vehicle pack. That BF has found a way to accommodate that request would seem to be a good thing, what is the down side? It isn't an "update", no one is required to purchase it to keep in line with engine versions. Just those people who want this particular content. It would seem to be a win win all the way around.
  17. It is important in these discussions to separate opinion from fact. It doesn't make one's opinion invalid, but it does establish a different parameter as everyone has their own opinion about what they would like in the game. Also characterizations of what went into it are not really helpful. I can attest to some of the play testing effort that goes into these and as any designer can tell you whether they are working on game provided content or user provided content, it is hard to find a medium to please everyone. The OP has an opinion that there is too little content and that some of the content he considers inferior quality. Fair enough. The problem becomes in saying that is entirely fact. So for example the recon scenario he did not like. However many players have asked for exactly that type of scenario. Who's right and who's wrong... neither and both. (That is real helpful eh ) BF does shoot for a goal in content. There are only so many designers and the change to CMBS was as big a deal for the designers as players. I did I think 3 scenarios for the MG module. I feel woefully incompetent to do material for CMBS. I love the game, but it is a much more complex environment to design for. On the other hand I tried hard to play test as much as I could. I loved the variety in scenarios that were created. They gave me the opportunity to try different systems and capabilities. That is another part of what BF aspires to is to try to expose the player to the variety in the game, not just cookie cut stuff. The issue isn't about people reacting to complaints about the shortcomings real or imagined in CM. It is how those complaints get registered. Being able to express opinion as opinion only is an important starting point. Knowing that what you want is not necessarily representative of the whole community is another. Knowing what is possible is still another, but most important is being civil. While this doesn't justify folks just responding back "just go play something else", it can be a human response if someone is trashing your very hard work creating something. For example, in criticizing the scenarios/campaigns - those represent a LOT of work. To say I liked them, but I really would like more missions is different than the way it got presented and frankly I don't think anyone would necessarily disagree about getting a couple more missions in. Saying you'd prefer more complex missions, totally valid and acceptable. Saying a mission "felt like pure unimaginative padding hacked together in one evening" is pretty rude even if not intended as such. Remember there is no nuance in expression on a forum. I have been accused of being a fanboy because I don't criticize. Fact is I do. When I show an example of that I get told I am too polite.. what the hell? I am an adult, I don't believe in ranting at a company like that. Especially a company I respect and that produces something I like. I also work in IT so I understand how difficult coding issues can be. So yeah, bridge pathing issues drive me nuts. Some scenarios simply don't appeal to me at all. I have some issues with the way UAVs work in game. I wish the animations for infantry were more varied. I'd like more sound options, more building types, roads that curve better... the list is frankly probably endless. But yes I am still a fanboy somehow, because I am too civil to the creators of the game. You can be critical of the game, even very critical and still maintain a civil discourse. Usually but not always that leads to a more civil discussion. You may not get the answers you like...I still want more curvature in the roads, but I get that it isn't a simple thing and it is low on the priority list (if it is even on the list). As to our reactions etc, we are all human. We all can get defensive, we all get short with one another. Forum posting is a lousy place to communicate. Frustrations once uttered are there permanently. I took two days off from most of the heated discussions as I was being... well less than helpful. It was a good break and gave me a chance to step back emotionally from the discussions and calm down a bit. For the OP there is one thing regarding perhaps a bit of a mis understanding. Red rage has been a member since 2008 but a very infrequent poster. I can't tell from that whether he/she has actually been involved the last 7 years. Content from BF only comes out with the game/module releases. Any scenarios and campaigns beyond that are strictly user community. That may actually include folks who design for the releases, but they do so strictly on their own. CMBS is one of 4 soon to be 5 titles. New content for any one title will by default be slower the more titles there are. There really is only one answer to the question of more material - the user community. That paradigm however also affects the user community. People prefer certain titles and design for those. Even were BF to consider a campaign pack that would directly take away resources from some other release not to mention present issues about how to make it financially viable in the sense that right now scenarios and campaigns are tied to content. If someone already has the latest version, how do you prevent sharing of the content?
  18. Damn you Vanir, now you have me wanting to play CMSF again.
  19. ouch. according to Doug's last post, the M10 is down (burning) and a Sherman is likely dead. I would still be real cautious against Bil even with an equal Panther on Sherman set up, but this looks to have suddenly gotten more interesting.
  20. The other was the Audie Murphyesque performance of Her Probst at Bois de Baugin. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/95381-cmbn-screenshot-thread/?p=1296285
  21. Two of my favorite scenes. Neither was really a critical moment in their respective battles, but they really showed off the game. From our Hamel Vallee AAR - Hardenberger shows his stuff.
  22. Do you like green eggs and ham I do not like them Sam I am I do not like green eggs and ham Would you like them here or there I would not like them here or there, I would not like them anywhere I do not like green eggs and ham I do not like them Sam I am. You made me do it Chris
  23. Oh god please no, he already derailed and completely monopolized the other thread. This one has been answered, no reason to keep this open either. I am Sam Sam I am That Sam I am, that Sam I am, I do not like that Sam I am Don't make me do it Chris.
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