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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Mitsubishi looking to produce for the Marine Corp https://www.yahoo.com/tech/s/mitsubishi-eyes-technological-leap-exports-armored-vehicle-211002206--sector.html
  2. wouldn't have anything to do with the aforementioned recon team would it?
  3. I don't think so, but I do know designers appreciate feedback in both styles to make sure they haven't missed anything. I tried real time once...and then I wanted to see what had happened in this one scene again and I never again played real time. I think Steve just wants to avoid seeing too graphically how he leads his pixeltruppen into disastrous encounters time after time.
  4. Sorry I hate missing typos. The alternative is they don't see the point of continuing. For example suppose I gave you a great example right now. You in all likelihood would say that isn't one or just argue why you disagree that is a "major" change. I don't think anything I can say is going to change your position. I honestly think you are totally convinced that you are correct and I am coming from a place where I can't even fathom how you came to that conclusion. Hence my admittedly snippy little comment of the world is not flat. I just don't see this being a productive discussion. Others can take it up with you if they so wish, but I just feel like this is that Monty Python skit where the guy pays for an argument and all he gets is "no it isn't, yes it is, no it isn't". I am just not the right person for you to have this discussion with, ask for your money back. (That is again a reference to the Monty Python skit)
  5. LOL maybe true, but that isn't quite what I mean. It is more the transition from what I had to where it has come. I actually see something similar when trying ARMA. I was actually a big fan of Flashpoint when it first came out. But I don't seem to get the same feel from a first person shooter and I couldn't tell you why. I guess because maybe there isn't a direct cardboard to video transition. CM however for those of us with an SL/ASL/PB/PL etc history is a semi direct translation to a 3D world that is also (at least to me) far more realistic. So the years of deciding to fast move a half team in ASL across a fire swept street with smoke obscuring the enemy, artillery rounds blasting nearby, tank engines growling from a vehicle just out of sight... like DCs current AAR with Mord of an Arnhem battle. Heck I get a chill reading his AAR. Maybe I am too close to it, but I don't mind folks questioning the software. To me it is more how they do that. There are a ton of very good ideas out there. I was trying to say that at the beginning. This thread isn't to say people who ask for changes can't feel that thrill. It seems though the only time that comes up is occasionally in the screenshot thread. The folks who really focus on that level of detail to post seem to share that. What I can't tell is if that is a general sense or if a lot of players just play at a high level (this comes up occasionally in the RTS style of play discussions. To manage an RTS play, the player has to spend most of their time not at eyeball level) So let me ask you that directly - yeah gonna put you on the spot LOL Do you ever get that thrill?
  6. I'll leave others to write up the several pages of response you are likely to get. I won't do your work for you. Go pull the features list in every release then come back. I do have a better perspective as I have been one of the folks testing all the new stuff for a couple years now both for trouble reporting and bug testing for new releases. If they weren't changing stuff they wouldn't have much need for beta testers.... Maybe one of the Old hand beta testers can comment about what it has been like for them going from CMSF to now. I am a relative newbie there.
  7. Sorry meant to respond to this too. Don't read too much into it. No I don't think you are any one of those individuals. I did notice you have been around since 2010 as a member. It was more about the nature of your posts. They are eerily familiar to the point that you should probably recognize the similarity if you have actively been reading the forum over the last couple years. I could probably drag up a dozen threads that usually ended up with a banning and always ended up locked. That is why I cautioned you about tailoring your responses to be less all encompassing "the world is falling and BF is essentially ripping us off just cranking out the same old tripe" My words, but they are pretty close to what you have said.
  8. But that is the point, the game is getting better. That you can't see the difference between CMSF and CMBS just goes to show how little effort you are putting into examining them. And as much as I would like something different there is no way we were going to have a productive discussion with a statement like It is venting, and I made every indication that that is what I was doing. It isn't "blatantly and ridiculously wrong" though - Normandy, Afghanistan and Black Sea and the like all amount to expansion packs for Shock Force. The game hasn't changed, aside from minor bug fixes and tweaks, just the scenario it's in. That is not the starting point for a productive discussion. Sorry I can't entertain that as even remotely a valid position. The world is not flat.
  9. Expansion packs to CMSF? LOL that is so out there it is simply funny and not really worth responding to. But I did get a laugh. As to the response from others, you may want to look around a little more closely. Most of this forum is probably suspecting you are a return poster that had been previously banned and is probably headed for it again. I personally am not offended because the opinions you have expressed are so far off the mark they simply are not worth taking seriously.
  10. This is not to start a thread saying BF and CM are about, well not above criticism so much as CM has room for improvement. It certainly does and the folks at BF will be the first to say that. What I sometimes wonder though is how many folks are like me. I open up a game, I start into it and I have a moment - usually every game - where I just stop and think, I can't believe I am freakin playing this! Like well, now. I am testing something for another player in CMBS and I am watching a team at twilight rushing across a stream to recon an enemy position. NV equipment on, weapons at the ready. I have what I think is a modified version of waclaw's HQ sound mod and I am listening to their gear rustling and the breathing as they rush forward and I get this chill... I envy you 20 and 30 year old players who have this. I am past 50. Most of my gaming life I had to imagine this stuff. There is something to be said for using one's imagination..but this just totally rocks. I have a pbem going on with another player on Pete's masterpiece Breaking the Panzers. It is this epic of sound and fury and frankly I have no idea how I am doing. It is far too early, but we are both just clawing at one another with these amazing vignettes of tragedy and triumph mixed with just this overwhelming sense of almost a twilight of the gods. I just watched as a Pz of mine butchered a few of the enemy in a field, finally one isolated guy throws up his arms to surrender. A few seconds later an artillery round strikes not too far away and down he goes.. one more casualty in a field of them, but for a moment it looked like he would be a survivor even if as a POW. It is as amazing as any war movie battle scene I have watched and it is 2 hours long..... the opening scene to SPR as epic as it was is easily surpassed in this game. I wonder some times in reading user comments if folks just don't talk too much about that aspect and just focus on improvements they want to see or if it genuinely isn't something some folks get out of this game. Is it just because of the years spent wishing for something like this pushing cardboard around? Even CMx1 didn't grab me quite this way as impressive as it was for it's time. If it is age and having had only cardboard then maybe I shouldn't envy you younger guys. Does it make the same impression or are you too used to video games in general to get that same chill up your spine?
  11. it isn't helpful to draw conclusions from CMx1 for CMx2. It is a new game from the ground up. As to some of the reactions you are getting - you may want to tailor your responses differently - for example saying Well if they're so limited in resources that they don't have the time to code a follow command, where did they find the time and money to develop all the new 3D models, research the realistic characteristics, design new missions and campaigns, and develop a storyline for Black Sea? Those items are absolutely necessary to have a product to make money and survive. Creating a follow command generates zero additional income, but sucks up resources. You are comparing apples and oranges - time to develop a new feature versus time to create necessary components for a new game. In addition a lot of the scenarios and campaigns are done by folks who are volunteers and do not have anything to do with writing code. The follow command demands time from one specific critical individual - Charles and he apparently does not feel it is an item at the top of his queue. The fact that this roster concept was brought up and heavily discussed over 3 years ago only solidifies my fear that not a damn thing in the Combat Mission series is ever going to change. That is simply venting. It is blatantly wrong, even ridiculously so. It is totally human to be frustrated, but venting like that will immediately get you a reaction on these boards. You can just say you are simply frustrated over the slow development of the UI. It has been quite a few years since CMBN came out so that is not an outrageous thing to say. Steve would likely agree, unfortunately as a resource versus income issue it just hasn't reached the priority queue yet and if Steve wants it and it hasn't gotten there then you gotta realize that it isn't from lack of desire. First and foremost it is a business.
  12. actually they do have some situational awareness items, flashing icons etc. . Hyperbole doesn't help get answers, they usually just get annoyed. It is fine to say that the tools at hand are too limited. That is opinion and a defensible position. It is another to say none. Steve prefers RT so it isn't like he doesn't understand the play style. Now in regards to this thread - 3 years old that it was, (cough cough, dusty in here!) Steve actually has commented somewhere (not in this particular one) that he really wants to hit the UI, but it will be an organized major upgrade approach. An engine version difference is what I think he said at the time. Don't look for it soon, but the fact is he isn't happy with the current state of affairs either. That is about as much as I think they are willing to say.
  13. I think that is more the issue. Whether is it a partial or full penetration isn't the core issue. It is where it hit and what is effect. The variables are huge here. A partial penetration at one point may be worse than a full penetration at another and either may not matter if the crew is already in a state where they might bail. I suspect you are exactly correct. There is no straightforward black and white answer as to result.
  14. I see, that must be the clause in the by laws: "Olde Ones being susceptible to bouts of senility are exempt from most laws. This includes but is not constrained to civility, incontinence, drooling and general hygiene.".
  15. We called that lowering our expectations and still failing to meet them.
  16. You know, I don't think I'd want to steal from a bunch of military guys. Darwin's theory and all that I'd like to continue to be part of the survival of the human race versus the dying off of the less fit members.
  17. yeah really. I wonder what folks are comparing it to. *shrug*
  18. THE file? Are you unzipping the file? It should be more than one. .rar means an archived file, same as .zip.
  19. I think so. You are a slacker undeserving of the title Justicar and therefore you will always be a wannabe Justicar. Yeah sounds about right. Carry on slacking off. PS put on your cap, we might then give you some slack for your slacking off
  20. Yeah to add to Agusto's point you may be mis interpreting CMSF. While the core of the game is RT, it isn't true in terms of play style. It has always had wego and it was just as valid then as now. I think I understand why some players like RT, being able to act immediately, but I really like the playback and you only get that in wego. If you are having trouble managing units I'd definitely suggest wego, with one caveat. Be prepared to see your men die anyway, but you will at least see it. For 60 seconds though that is all you get to do.
  21. Nah it is more like they grew up in an elevator and can only write music for that venue.
  22. Lol no worries Lee. Your answer very simply is there are multiple formats for archiving and zip is just one you are familiar with. Get 7-zip software, free and it will eliminate your problem. There really isn't anything weird about rar or 7z just a matter of personal preference.
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