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    rocketman got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Fire and Rubble Update   
    Nice maps - like postcards. Now let us blow them up 💥
  2. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from jtsjc1 in Fire and Rubble Update   
    Nice maps - like postcards. Now let us blow them up 💥
  3. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in Bridge bugs are back   
    Ok guys, just did a trial test and in a couple of turns I caused seven (!) teleportations from under a bridge to its top. Just like that. First observation that causes it is road under a bridge with a clearing that comes close to the tank to get through. The other is if a vehicle drives to close to a pillar and with the waypoint line through it. So I'm optimistic about this type of test getting somewhere. Will release in the coming days for those who want to participate.
    Here is the basic test area. Will explain more later on.

  4. Upvote
    rocketman got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Bridge bugs are back   
    Ok guys, just did a trial test and in a couple of turns I caused seven (!) teleportations from under a bridge to its top. Just like that. First observation that causes it is road under a bridge with a clearing that comes close to the tank to get through. The other is if a vehicle drives to close to a pillar and with the waypoint line through it. So I'm optimistic about this type of test getting somewhere. Will release in the coming days for those who want to participate.
    Here is the basic test area. Will explain more later on.

  5. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Bridge bugs are back   
    Ok guys, just did a trial test and in a couple of turns I caused seven (!) teleportations from under a bridge to its top. Just like that. First observation that causes it is road under a bridge with a clearing that comes close to the tank to get through. The other is if a vehicle drives to close to a pillar and with the waypoint line through it. So I'm optimistic about this type of test getting somewhere. Will release in the coming days for those who want to participate.
    Here is the basic test area. Will explain more later on.

  6. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from Ithikial_AU in Bridge bugs are back   
    Ok guys, just did a trial test and in a couple of turns I caused seven (!) teleportations from under a bridge to its top. Just like that. First observation that causes it is road under a bridge with a clearing that comes close to the tank to get through. The other is if a vehicle drives to close to a pillar and with the waypoint line through it. So I'm optimistic about this type of test getting somewhere. Will release in the coming days for those who want to participate.
    Here is the basic test area. Will explain more later on.

  7. Upvote
    rocketman got a reaction from PIATpunk in Bridge bugs are back   
    Ok guys, just did a trial test and in a couple of turns I caused seven (!) teleportations from under a bridge to its top. Just like that. First observation that causes it is road under a bridge with a clearing that comes close to the tank to get through. The other is if a vehicle drives to close to a pillar and with the waypoint line through it. So I'm optimistic about this type of test getting somewhere. Will release in the coming days for those who want to participate.
    Here is the basic test area. Will explain more later on.

  8. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in No longer able to post screenshots on the BFC forums.   
    Test screenshot post:

    Works for me, use "direct link" and the button below "other media" and use "insert image from URL".
    Edit: I have never noticed images disappearing from this forum using Imgur. But I don't have a ton of images there.
  9. Upvote
    rocketman got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in No longer able to post screenshots on the BFC forums.   
    Test screenshot post:

    Works for me, use "direct link" and the button below "other media" and use "insert image from URL".
    Edit: I have never noticed images disappearing from this forum using Imgur. But I don't have a ton of images there.
  10. Like
    rocketman reacted to sburke in Fire and Rubble Update   
    Friday afternoon and finally off video conference calls.  Gawd I both love Zoom and hate it.
    There are lots of reasons for delay and for those of us who have been around a while it is a constant joke on Steve's ability to wildly overestimate when a product will be out.  We love ya steve but I always double or triple your estimates.    Covid has impacted all of us and I really appreciate Combatintman's concerns.  My wife and I both have aging mother's that are very vulnerable.  In my case I can't visit her because of the risk, my wife is unable to even assume risk, she is simply prohibited.  Despite all the fluff from the orange man, a vaccine is a ways off and even then we are looking at manufacturing and distribution - and a possible mutation.  From a work perspective my job has gotten extremely time consuming and difficult and I barely even have time to play CM much less beta test it. For Steve etal sure they had requirements for their other contracts as well as trying to patch all the titles for various issues continue work on modules and deal with their personal lives.  Right now if anything we should all be giving each other leeway to deal with a difficult time.  Freakin sky is at least not yellow here today with smoke forcing everyone indoors.  I have a bottle of wine, some sashimi grade seafood was just delivered, my wife is healthy and it is the weekend.  I'll take it.
  11. Like
    rocketman reacted to Hilts in Bridge bugs are back   
    I always thought that this bug related to narrow bridges but in one of the SF2 Task Force Thunder missions I encountered it on a wide highway bridge. Tried with a number of different vehicles but just got the "rubber band effect" about halfway across. Interestingly, I moved the cursor slowly across the bridge and found that at the point where the vehicles stopped I was getting an "impassable" sign as if I was trying to move the vehicle over the river below. This may explain why the vehicles would move no further. Would be interested to know if anyone else has noticed this on any of their bridge problems
  12. Like
    rocketman reacted to Ultradave in Bridge bugs are back   
    Yeah, I'll raise my hand. I've had an on and off issue in beta testing that someone else couldn't duplicate, so I'd be interested in whatever test you come up with. Anything that narrows down the issue is helpful. Documenting what is included in the test is key so that we can do some tracking as to what causes or doesn't cause problems.
  13. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from Lethaface in Bridge bugs are back   
    I have started to make an extensive test in the editor that I will post more on in the coming week or so. My intention is to get a group of volunteers to try my test and document weird bridge interaction and bugs. Then we might get to the bottom of this problem once and for all. The test is made in FB and will have one version for US vehicles and one for German.
  14. Like
    rocketman reacted to Howler in Bridge bugs are back   
    He's asking for volunteers. I'm not sure what @rocketman has done to you in the past that warrants you sidetracking his effort.
  15. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Bridge bugs are back   
    I have started to make an extensive test in the editor that I will post more on in the coming week or so. My intention is to get a group of volunteers to try my test and document weird bridge interaction and bugs. Then we might get to the bottom of this problem once and for all. The test is made in FB and will have one version for US vehicles and one for German.
  16. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Bridge bugs are back   
    I have started to make an extensive test in the editor that I will post more on in the coming week or so. My intention is to get a group of volunteers to try my test and document weird bridge interaction and bugs. Then we might get to the bottom of this problem once and for all. The test is made in FB and will have one version for US vehicles and one for German.
  17. Upvote
    rocketman got a reaction from Eicio in Exciting news about Battlefront and Slitherine   
    Congratulations on the deal. Can only mean good things for BFC and the community as a whole. A lot more people will get hooked 👏
  18. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in Operation Goodwood?   
    How about that - I was just going to post the same question. Saw a documentary about Goodwood with interviews with some of the unit commanders and thought that the operation would be interesting to make scenarios for, including large scale tank action. Colossal Crack is a lot of fun, but more could for sure be made. In time maybe...
  19. Like
    rocketman reacted to Andrew H. in Fire and Rubble Update   
    It's battlefront. You know it will be more complicated than that.
    First they will need to determine whether the hole is above or below the waterline.
    No, wait, I skipped a step. First they will need to determine where the waterline is based on the number of men and equipment being carried by the SW. As well as the density of water, which can vary slightly based on temperature and salinity.  
    Then they determine whether the hole is above or below the waterline...the angle of shot will be important because some shots may enter above the waterline but exit below it. 
    After that, it's a simple calculation of amount of water that can enter based on the number and diameter of the holes.
    However, what might be tricky is that as a SW takes on water, it will gradually sink, meaning that the waterline for a holed SW will constantly be changing over time; this will be critical for determining the effect of new hits. 
  20. Upvote
    rocketman got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in Wild animals in the street.   
    I had a look and a few might work as menu/splash screen. I might do one in the future, maybe if we get any Scheldt scenarios/module.
  21. Upvote
    rocketman got a reaction from IICptMillerII in CMBN New AFV models   
    @NPye: wonderful stuff - looks awesome in CMFI, shaders/shadows on. If you want a new project, building mods for CMFI is high on my wishlist. There are none yet.
    These don't need more tweaking as far as I'm concerned, but maybe variants with different numerals for a platoon of the same vehicle.

  22. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from Commanderski in CMBN New AFV models   
    @NPye: wonderful stuff - looks awesome in CMFI, shaders/shadows on. If you want a new project, building mods for CMFI is high on my wishlist. There are none yet.
    These don't need more tweaking as far as I'm concerned, but maybe variants with different numerals for a platoon of the same vehicle.

  23. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from NPye in CMBN New AFV models   
    @NPye: wonderful stuff - looks awesome in CMFI, shaders/shadows on. If you want a new project, building mods for CMFI is high on my wishlist. There are none yet.
    These don't need more tweaking as far as I'm concerned, but maybe variants with different numerals for a platoon of the same vehicle.

  24. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from user1000 in Bug and stuff thread   
    I still have these issues after the latest patch
  25. Like
    rocketman reacted to Combatintman in Map Symbols for Scenario Makers   
    This is a pretty good free online tool which requires no downloads for those wanting to create great tactical maps for their scenarios:
    Example graphic that I knocked up in half an hour using it:

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