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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. Search for some of c3k's testing threads in the CMSF forums. When you have two whole days running agonizingly thorough test scenarios like his, then you can come back and suggest something needs looking at.
  2. But if you mortar just PAST the minefield where everyone has stopped, because mines suck, you increase the suckage factor exponentially.
  3. I was playing Platoon a couple of times in a row to sort out my bocage tactics, one of its AI Plans has an issue. All the Germans started on the wrong side of the hedgerows, So they had little or no cover from American fire. It is the plan that has the German LMG on the American far right. Save game available.
  4. Consider it a petition from a loyal subject. Could Your Royal Majesties' wizard please just get us the automatic one minute pause in real time. Your loyal subjects are very content overall, by the way. Long live the King.
  5. They should give the CIA to Arnold, Make Petreaus the big dog at the Pentagon. I don't know if our Austrian friend has ways of making people talk, but his methods for keeping them silent must be truly frightening. I am babbling like this because my download has said a hour to go four an hour and a half now.
  6. Moon did say it would happen this way. Although I would bet it was more like .03 seconds.
  7. Got mine. I would say its the best news in a long time, but it doesn't outrank Bin laden sleeping forty fathoms down.
  8. Their is a much more readable/printable PDF version of the manual coming with the game itself.
  9. I disagree with the initial posters tone strongly, BFC has done an amazing job overall. I also think the basic game mechanics have reached the stage where either a whole bunch of AI programming options, or better multi-player has to be the next big focus. The basic simulation works now, it can always be improved, but it works. AI and better multi-player now the single largest holes in the game experience. I really think they need to be pushed towards the very front of the admittedly endless list of desired improvements.
  10. Try running it as administrator, try turning your anti_virus off, and try giving us enough information to actually help you. The demo runs fine on win7/64 for most people, including me. A full spec sheet and the exact type of anti-virus and firewall you are using would be an excellent first step.
  11. This happened to me. I just started task manager and ended the program manually. Not a truly huge thing but it would be nice if it got fixed before the game came out. And yes I have Windows 64 and an ATI card.
  12. We have family in the UK, and the Royal Mail can ruin your whole day. Whatever you do DON'T insure anything. It can turn a hundred dollar gift into a 250 pound hassle.
  13. I have said several times that they should just go to a monthly subscription model at what ever price makes their end work out. Steve seemed less than fond of the idea as it happenns. They are quite wedded to their business model, and as long as they keep turning out product I will keep buying it. While we are trying to run their business for them, I would like to reiterate my plea for them to merge with the "Theater of War" guys. They already have some sort of relationship obviously. That would allow them too start turning things out two or three times more quickly. I am not holding my breadth on that one either though.
  14. I am deeply offended that you exposed my utterly base nature with this shameful headline. That is as close as I could get in one sentence to the idiotic drivel coming out of Pakistan right now.
  15. If your down to a 37mm against a Panther I humbly submit its too late to matter.
  16. The most excellent website you are reffering to is here. http://mysite.verizon.net/pchardwarelinks/cm/ It really is quite good.
  17. No, I pretty much discovered BFC when CMSF came out. Its just that my post count since then implies that my wife is correct when she says I am obsessed.
  18. Sad isn't it. I get this little flash of futile hope every time I check my email.
  19. I intend to play quite a bit whenever that last patch appears. I have always enjoyed iy greatly.
  20. The other half's inanity is always worse than your own. My wife hates the game more than porn, but her vegetarian vampire obsession(Twilight) is no big deal. Too her, that is
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