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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. They are also at great risk of Saddam's 1991 mistake. Starting a war right Before you get the bomb is an excellent way to get your country backed up a 100 years or so. Blocking the Straight would the the absolutely guaranteed causis belli that the rest of the world would blame them for.
  2. Details of caliber and technique aside it worked rather well for Stalin.
  3. Brinkmanship on both sides is one of the classic ways to start more than anybody meant too.
  4. I didn't say it was a pleasant possibility IRL. But its a great excuse to get the Iranian OOB in the game.
  5. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/28/world/middleeast/iran-threatens-to-block-oil-route-if-embargo-is-imposed.html?hp It appears that Iran wants to stimulate the economy the old fashioned way.
  6. We could take up a collection to have several tons of cheap clinky coal dumped in his front yard. We could have it topped with an equal quantity of dung.
  7. Something similar happened a year or three ago in London. A Thai restaurant was frying a wok full of peppers and it was nearly incapacitating for people walking down the street outside. It caused a medium sized panic. I think they were "counseled" to install some sort of scrubber for the vent system. I so want to eat there.
  8. New baby is finally getting more manageable, thanks be to the deity of your choice. Count me in for the second bracket. oldskibum@comcast.net
  9. The U.S. problem has more to do with our idiotic inability to deal these places after we have conquered them. Grave confusion, at the very highest political level, over the actual long term goals doesn't help.
  10. See, its working exactly as advertised. It will stay zeroed till doomsday. They didn't say how it would stay perfect, did they now?
  11. Coolest site ever, well except for Battlefront of course. They should include a version of this in the game disc as a separate utility.
  12. There are ways to work around the problem with exit zones. They all basically come down to thinking through the scenario victory conditions such that pell mell retreat doesn't work. It hasn't won many wars after all. Units that are out of ammo and have no reasonable hope of resupply really should be able to leave, especially if they are on the side stated to be defending. Maybe what it comes down too is that attackers shouldn't have destroy units objectives, at least not ones they cannot win without. It makes a great deal of sense to give destroy objectives to defenders, though. They should be rewarded for making that hill or road junction just too )**%$###ing expensive.
  13. That must be BAD for the rest of the crews morale?
  14. "Private whatsisname is drunk again, I mean still. That idiot, wait I have the perfect job. He can take his bottle with him for all I care. What jeep is in the worst shape, I wonder? " The unspoken thoughts of an unnamed company commander some where, some when.
  15. My guess is that if you put hedge laying into Google you are going to get results that are A) positively enlightning, in ALL sorts of ways have nothing to do with bocage
  16. The Somme's horrific place in history is a combination of the casualty figures, certainly awful by themselves, and its perceived futility. There was virtually no strategic gain at all, other than attrition on the other side. Normandy was certainly expensive in terms of casualties, but chasing the Germans completely out of France, while they suffered massive losses during the retreat, is regarded as a great victory.
  17. Update your video drivers and try back if its still happening. A few more tech specs would be rather helpful as well. Did you try the demo before buying? And I run it on Win7-64, so it certainly isn't universal.
  18. The trick with cover arcs in almost all cases is to set them a little wider. You just have to pay attention to the center point if you are trying to point an AFVs main guns at the place you expect the other guy to be.
  19. By CMSF standards CMBN doesn't HAVE any bugs, just upcoming feature enhancements and tweaking of unit stats. CMSF had BUGS.
  20. In BFC's defense, Haig's tactics didn't work all that well for Haig either. They were positively unpleasant for the people asked to carry them out.
  21. If we take an individual module to be a species then the entire WW2 series would be either an order or a family.
  22. I am under the impression that BFC really doesn't want to cut off a the trailing edge of its customer base. They also don't want to rewrite the engine until the performance gain is truly eye popping. High end video cards can already be used to run things like LOS checks with a LOT of cores. But this is nowhere near common yet. Tricks like http://developer.nvidia.com/content/gpu-ai-technology-preview
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