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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. The First World War killed their chances. They literally hadn't had time to recover their a population, much less anything resembling a fighting spirit. Unfortunately the never too be sufficiently damned treaty of Versailles mistreated the Germans badly enough to go looking for theirs, but not so badly they couldn't find it.
  2. Oh yes, and then I had to restrain myself from doing it again five minutes later. I am quite the hopeless case.
  3. The email saying your order is ready to download is cruel, even though I knew it wasn't true.
  4. I'm in for the steel box, I hope she doesn't divorce me over it.
  5. The charcoal smear thats left is not worth the effort.
  6. BFC needs to throw some bones. Every single thread is deteriorating into Peng territory, or God help us, Peng with MATH.
  7. I am pretty sure installing NATO will bring you up too 1.30, you might have to patch too 1.31
  8. Truly modern air defense is a ridiculously complicated subject. Even more to the point the people that really understand it are subject to severe sanctions if they talk about it. The rest of us are just blowing smoke for the most part. I do know I wouldn't trust my rear end to Russian radar if I had any choice in the matter, though. It seems to malfunction at the most inconvenient times. If I may be permitted one more smoke ring, the biggest issue facing a top line battle group in today is missile saturation. What happens if a shore based defense launches 800 of the things at the same time. Energy weapons may help this eventually but there are only so many vertical launch cells to go around. On the other hand I would hate to have tell the fearless leader ^#^#^^##head of the moment that I had just fired 800 missiles at an electronic decoy. It might be a shade embarrassing.
  9. The problem with massive amounts of artillery available to the player is that he knows the fight is THIS map. And therefore distributing shells on all the likely locations makes sense if they are available. For a set piece attacks against known positions this was sometimes done. But in the real world, most of the time, the area of concern is bigger than a CM map and artillery is subject to some level of conservation where firing at maybes is concerned. A division level artillery asset can saturate any given CM sized map, it probably can't do twenty of them a day. Observed fire at identified enemy assets is a different discussion.
  10. What WW2 really proved is that the importance of battleship gun size is infinitesimal compared to the importance of the Combat Air Patrol. No fighter cover was, and is, a one way trip the bottom of the sea.
  11. That is not really the case. Syrian FOs will call fire on any units that stay in LOS too long. I recall this specifically from several scenarios. It is absolutely nerve wracking to play. What the AI can't do is make informed guesses about if sees A and B it should probably be calling fire on C where the bad guys are going to be in minute or ten. Two things that make it less effective than it might be otherwise are generally lousy Red force coms, and the combination overly specific knowledge of enemy units types combined with very effective blue optics. To whit Red FOs have mountains of ordinance dispensed in their direction with great frequency, and Red is too dependent on that limited supply of observers.
  12. I didn't say it would work. I said they might try it and that it would make a decent scenario or campaign for CMSF.
  13. They may get that either way, unless some caps Qadaffi very soon. It may already be too late. And if you have the problem you might as well have the oil. I I should have you a through AAR tomorrow by the way.
  14. All of which would be very unfortunate in real life, but your making my case for me from a scenario perspective. Furthermore; the Egyptians have the benefit of very short supply lines and a LOT of young men who need some way to occupy their time besides burning down central Cairo. Not to mention the new Egyptian goverment could be in desperate need of a foreign distraction soon. So who would you rather fight? The Israelis or the Libyans?
  15. There really is a possibility for Egypt and Tunisia to simply split Libya between them. They can't run the place worse than Quadaffi did. I mean Egypt's population is something like twelve times higher. Maybe Libyan oil is how we buy off the Egyptian military. there is some interesting red on red in their somewhere.
  16. It is fixed. what ever issues are left are EXTREMELY minor. Hundreds of hours of great fun. You really can't beat that.
  17. I lost mine once in a college parking garage. Six floors worth of maze, and I had been so worked up about an exam that I didn't even begin to notice where I had parked. I WISH I could plead drunkenness. But, no, just stupidity.
  18. Now that is BAD day. Complete with helpful comments from the whole squad I am sure.
  19. At a minimum I desperately want a Quick and a Slow that have the current hunt behavior as an option.
  20. Obviously their are engine tweaks and terrain details that would make make the simulation better. But LLF has created a tour-de-force in how CMSF can be pushed to its limits. It is both fascinating to play and seems to give results in accordance with the historical record. You really can't ask for much more. Well except for BFC to give him a job maybe?
  21. If there was a couple of platoons of Syrian Special forces level bad people in there with heavy weapons you would have to level whole blocks to even attempt it.
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