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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. I had the same fantasy, that the magic its ready email was in my inbox. But at this point I am used to my fantasies not working out.
  2. If the plot to kill Hitler had succeeded a rational General staff would have sent every thing to the east and tried to minimize the amount of German territory taken by the Russians. They should have done everything possible to lose in the West and hold in the east. The Americans simply would not have sacked Berlin in the same fashion the Russians did.
  3. This has been brought up before, but Normandy was largely a battle of attrition. The Germans just ran out of more or less everything, including bodies. Too a large extent the battle was lost by their complete inability to interdict either the Mid Atlantic convoy routes or the English Channel. The German forces in Normandy fought reasonably well, but were just eroded away. And whatever forces and supplies the Germans could send west had to get to the front under relentless air attack. Locomotives for instance were one the best targets for fighter planes. They can't dodge at all, and can barely hide either.
  4. Ten meter clearance behind the user eliminates virtually all normal rooms, thats 30 feet +. And to repeat something I sad earlier, that is what roofs are for.
  5. The best way to simulate those is little pieces of low stone wall. Then you get cover and concealment among other things. Look at longleftflanks Ramadi map if you have CMSF
  6. Something about being bombed flat and then occupied by VERY unhappy Russians seems to have crossed up the archive a bit, who new?
  7. I would also speculate that the average room in France and Germany in the forties was probably a wee bit tighter than today. Certainly far tighter than the American average one then or now. The penalty for getting it wrong is rather severe too, being ejected from ones hiding spot in a ball of flame is a rather poor tactical decision. Besides, isn't this what roofs are for. Perhaps when they get around to modeling fire, for all the other reasons it needs to be in, they can include a decent work around. To whit there is a very high chance of sending your hiding place up in flames. This would be a good compromise in terms of the tactical dilemma, even if it is a total fudge of the actual physics.
  8. I think they would begin digital sales/downloads while disk were being stamped. So if the installer can be worked on while the game is in final testing it could be a short trip from gold status to that magic email.
  9. The thread about the latest Spanish AAR implies the AI triggers have finally made it in. Is this true. If so its time to start ringing church bells and shooting off fireworks.
  10. You could just stick your hand in a meat grinder. It would feel about the same as trying to attack a position like this one.
  11. Well there was that little error called Market Garden, but no ones perfect.
  12. I think 99% of the people on this board will concede that A) Poland got one of the 2 or three rawest deals in the 20th century and That they displayed incredible bravery in battle after battle, often against hopeless odds. Poland's emergence from all of that as a functioning, civilized, and quite nice country is amazing. The immediate issue at hand however is simulating Polish forces in Western Europe in 1944 and 45. Given that the TO&E is identical to similar British formations, pretty much all that is required is voice files and a few graphics. The excellent qualities as soldiers can be dealt with by the existing experience, morale, and fitness settings.
  13. There are different levels of rarity that can be set in QBs as well. Strict rarity will be far more restrictive than none. Fights about the actual point values should fill about half the board ad infinitum. Just the way it works. It may need its own sub forum.
  14. The German General Staff was about a day behind Guderian and Co. They just figured there would be plenty of time for there own side to berate them with a nice Atlantic view.
  15. Tell my wife i don't deserve her. Play until drooling catatonic state sets in, proving myself correct.
  16. If I may attempt a very short summary. The Capt attempted a very impatient tactical plan with force mix that was optimized for a patient one. He was appropriately punished for this error. Of course in the broader strategic view of Normandy, trading tanks at more or less one to one, or even two for one was a war losing loss rate for the Germans.
  17. Changing video drivers made my out of memory problem go away. Its worth a shot.
  18. I bet their is a lot of closely supervised latrine digging involved in breaking your tank commanders nose with sloppy driving. Maybe in places where the latrines are already in use!
  19. You touch on something certain to be a topic of vigorous discussion. What is the better place to spend your points? Crew quality or vehicle quality? I foresee endless threads on this one.
  20. And you can make scenario to reflect that, but you better send a lot of Shermans and a lot of help after a four Tiger platoon. The points are also designed to produce vaguely balanced quick battles. Which means Tigers pretty much have to be expensive. Actual scenarios are not required to reference points at all. Although if one sides point total is triple the other ones it should probably show in the victory conditions.
  21. I seem to recall that in the Bois de Baugin AAR the JPIVs were getting something of a flank shot. Thats probably enough to make all the difference. This sort of thing will probably be more common in CMBN since there are lots more equipment match-ups that don't involve crushing advantages of one kind or another. Even the elevated position of the JPzIV may have been enough to swing the balance.
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