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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. There are all sorts of fiddly and or labor intensive task for the rest of the gun crew. For starters you don't keep most of the ammo right be hind the gun-shield. In terms of both historical usage, and gun effectiveness you want the whole crew serving the weapon. It is not a perfect analogy but their is lot of video of U.S. artillery being fired in the last ten years, and none of the considerable number of crew members look bored.
  2. What do you get for LOS if you have target the building? Does the computer think they can see the second floor?
  3. My pixeltruppen find the slightest wisp of smoke to be utterly blinding. The other side often seems to be using Javelin quality thermals.
  4. In Battlefronts defense they actually under penalize you for having infantry in front of your tanks. In the real world just the concussion of the gun going of is not exactly harmless if you are a few yards in front of the barrel. It is a non trivial exercise to keep combined arms operations de-conflicted.
  5. Jason C has made it perfectly clear that the US took took an idiotically long time to figure out that 105mm heat was a truly useful thing to have around in quantity. In fact, the gun they used in the up gunned Stryker implies they still don't get it.
  6. LOS from action spot to action spot is fully reciprocal, but that just means both units check their spotting possibilities. Facing, suppression, optics, and probably 20 other things go into calculating if a unit DOES see something that it theoretically has LOS too. This really shows in CMSF, units with thermals can slaughter units without them almost at will in certain conditions. The guys without have almost no idea what is killing them. Nothing in WW2 has quite that level of black and white simplicity but it illustrates the concept quite well.
  7. If you want too sleep badly for about a week there is a well book called "The Bloodlands" about the people and places unfortunate enough to occupy the ground on which Hitler and Stalin resolved their differences. Both side really were indescribably ugly to each other and anyone who just happened to be there.
  8. http://www.dancarlin.com/disp.php/hharchive He has an excellent multi hour audio history of the Ostfront that references a lot of original sources. Some of it doesn't make easy listening, #%$^^ none it does ,come to that.
  9. There are some things that only true co-play can resolve. If the scout platoon was commanded by a different player the problem goes away. However scouts would probably go out with orders about what the battalion commander wanted to know. If you find X, get back here with the coordinates asap. Or return by a given time, or, or... If you wanted to keep yourself a little bit honest you could always write a frago in advance.
  10. This has been discussed before, and Steve said it took a LOT of computing power to continuously re-path as you moved the mouse around. He was very convinced it was not an easy problem to program.
  11. And of course I was trying to do linear missions. Terrible things happen when the mortar company finds that stash of good brandy. Not that they new or cared if it good, or the worst grappa in France.
  12. Bagration writ large is completely outside the scope of this discussion. The Russians had enough manpower and armor to probe the entire German front and then hammer like mad on whatever spot looked weakest. Their artillery advantage was just silly. And for that matter Stalin's motivational techniqes were a bit different as well. You had to be a brave man to be a coward in the Russian army.
  13. I know their is another thread on this but I couldn't find it, and I looked. Fire missions for on map mortars assigned during the set up phase are doing very strange things. they are certainly not hitting their targets. This does not make the the second mission of the Courage and Fortitude campaign any easier. And since it resembles the Somme anyway, it really doesn't need to be even harder. Save game is available, WEGO, ELITE. After years of playing Shock Force, where essentially no objective is worth taking mass casualties, Normandy is taking some getting used too. OUCH!
  14. Where ever you least want there to be an antitank gun, there will be an antitank gun. The furthest corner of the map is still danger close, always.
  15. Look around for any place that would be great for an AT gun. Mortar those places, about three times harder than you think you need too. Because burning Shermans suck.
  16. I think the QB maps were intended to be a little more generic. The campaigns have enough bocage to hold most folks. And I am sure they will all be released as separate maps eventually.
  17. And BFC has stated repeatedly that it will be for the Ostfront tile when it finally sees the light of day.
  18. Allow me to simplify this discussion. If you strategy depends on a Panther, or Tiger crew being 1) Asleep 2) Slow 3) Incompetent 4) Unwilling to send your whole Sherman platoon home in a closed coffin. You might want to rethink it, just a little. And then use lots of smoke and artillery instead.
  19. The thing is, its a high cost feature to add. Their are a lot on animations, modeling, and AI tweaks to make this work. Then it all has to be tested and debugged. When it has to be done , it will be.
  20. There is a hack out there to fix this, I had the same problem with my HP. It is crazy making! Okay, I think I have figured out a way to jailbreak my driver's and solve the problem. It was somewhat radical. The critical step is a program called ReadyDriverPlus v1.2 that disables an overly paranoid safety in the Windows boot file. This joyous little file will only allow the laptop to run drivers signed by Microsoft, it is my assumption that HP is simply too cheap and/or lazy to either test new drivers and release them, or allow the standard version of catalyst to run. Ready Driver Plus disables this. The next step is a wonderful little jail broken driver from http://www.hardwareheaven.com/window...0-10a-1-a.html. This guy seems to be borderline brilliant at working around the computer manufacturers attempt to make us crazy. If anyone else is having this problem please note this is a link to the link, and not the program itself. It all appears to work for me wonderfully, although I've barely had any time to play in the last three days. I am however going to repeat what the programmers themselves said, this is an as is, no warranty, it may break stuff, kind of thing to do to your computer. I would however like to address my appreciation to these gentlemen for helping us deal with the very worst sort of intentional planned obsolescence. I will never buy another product from HP, ever, not so much the printer cartridge. The fact that this bloody hack worked is more or less absolute proof I shouldn't of had to do it. Battlefront has, as always, provided the best customer support anyone could reasonably ask for. This is appreciated.
  21. Turning off the icons is a simple hot key, alt something. You have to install a mod to change the bases. There is at least one available.
  22. We can open the sub-forum for points value arguments now. The gauntlet has been tossed.
  23. What disturbs me is the preemptive suicides when they figure out who is in command. The notes all say something about not getting hot and sweaty first, at least in present company. I am starting to take it personally.
  24. When you get the hang of artillery you will understand what a bad idea they are. For the most part its something you do when you have pretty much given up on winning. The bloody things can go ANYWHERE. Including on your own head. However if you catch a company of infantry in the open the results are rather spectacular.
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