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Everything posted by zmoney

  1. Wow Web, you're really going all out. I really appreciate all the hard work. Keep it up.
  2. George I was a huge fan of your CMBB scenario's and now I am a huge fan of your CMSF scenario's. I just bought this game last weekend and the only two scenario's I've played so far are yours. So I hope you haven't set my expectations to high for other scenarios. I really like your usage of the Bradleys, because I'm not a huge fan of Strykers. Keep the awesome maps coming.
  3. Is there any way to close the troop hatch on the top of the stryker in game? I think it is so annoying when I am taking heavy fire and my guys just keep their heads out in the open. The obvious result is them getting their nogin's shoot off.
  4. This will be my last post on this subject because it is going way off topic and I feel bad for leading it so far astray. Ariel, all things are not made the same. People have every right to see what is going on around them and making judgment. As far as SA goes you did mention those evil people are in jail now and they are generally condemned by other Christians. So I wouldn't say thats the norm for Christianity and no one else with a sane mind can either. Micky D, Pinochet and Franco didn't do their bidding for religious purposes. Pinochet was fighting communism. And yea Bush invaded Iraq for the lone reason that Jesus told him to. Your insane. Oh and I'm sure Bush knocked down the trade centers too. Moronic Max, how many people died in the name of religion there? The numbers probably aren't very high compared to the middle east Sunni vs Sheiti dispute. Plus I don't believe that the NI situation is going strong now is it? So another isolated event when you consider how many nations consider themselves Christian. YankeeDogg, those scum also used to burn down churches. Plus like I said that kind of crap happened along time ago and wasn't condoned by 90% of Christians. You can't honestly say you think those guys are doing gods will. Whereas Muslims do. My point is Christianity isn't immune to people doing stupid things in its name but generally that activity isn't condoned. People also do stupid things in Islams name now but the difference is, it's accepted by the majority of Muslims as the norm.
  5. That’s my point. That kind of crap happened along time ago and stopped along time ago as far as Christianity is concerned. The sad thing is, is it happened along time ago in Islam as well but just never stopped. I love how Christian haters love to bring crap up from long ago yet fail to see that things have changed in the West yet turn a blind eye or even make excuses for Islamic craziness. Do you not remember all the riots over a carton of the Prophet like a year ago? I have never seen any Jews or Christians rioting and torching the Iranian embassy over the anti Jew/Christian cartoons they ran in their papers. Yet there were people in the west that say “well those Muslims do have a point that is pretty offensive”. Now if a Christian speaks out about someone saying Jesus was actually gay then that Christian is looked at like a cave man that needs to join the twenty first century. I don’t get all the fear of Christians in the West. Sure it’s annoying to have someone knock on your door when you’re trying to eat dinner and try to convert you to this or that. But that’s a lot different than someone knocking on your door because they want to cut your head off. I’m curious though why do you feel a Baptist is going to kill you? I hope it not true because you make great models.
  6. You've got to be kidding me, did you happen to read Abou Nayeek post. It was utter rubbish. I personally have never seen a militant Christian cut off another militant Christians head because he wasn't the same exact kind of militant Christian. On the other hand I have seen plenty of militant islamics cut off the heads of other militant islamics because they weren't the same kind of musilem. Oh and lets not forget wha, wha, wha, its all the Jews fault. Abu you claim there is no such thing as militant islamic armies then what do you call the Iranian military, Hezbola, Al Quada and Hamas etc....... I'm personally tired of Americans hearing this kind of crap and just lapping it up or disagreeing with it and keeping their mouths shut. Everything in this guys post was ridiculous. Its sad too because he probably lives in a Western country because either he or his fore fathers fled his native country to be free and have opportunity yet he takes every chance to talk down the very country which has provided him an opportunity.
  7. That first clip was priceless. Hopefully the brits that were in that vehicle were ok.
  8. I was kidding hence the wink. The matter remains though that his post is still funny. And yes I occasionally laugh at the handicap too. P.S. that was a joke as well.
  9. I know a lot of Virginians are from the back woods but I assumed they spoke English. I stand corrected.
  10. How classic, you're talking about uneducated people and you post a line like this. It's almost sig material.
  11. F2 takes you to the gunners position and F3 takes you to the Mg position. You can tell the driver which direction to drive with the 1-5 keys if you are not in the driver position, or with the arrow keys if you are the driver. Full key controls are in the readme file which can be found in Open/Docs </font>
  12. I thought the game looked great. The only problem I had was for some reason my F2 and F3 buttons wouldn't work. So I had to drive the tank while I was looking through the gunners scope.
  13. Once you post your thoughts publicly you need to expect for them to be scrutinized. That would be like if I said I hate all the scenarios you make (which I don’t), then when asked what I hated about it I start describing something about SC2 and not even about cmak or cmbb. So you see this guy didn’t even have his facts straight. To me unless someone actually knows this fellow I doubt it’s even from a WW2 vet. Personally, from what I read I think it’s a false account, I think the site is a fake. I could be wrong.
  14. Oh darn I just bought a new computer. Well at least it runs mtw2 fine.
  15. Yes there are some things that would make it an even greater game. Like in CMAK some armored vehicles are missing that are in CMBO. Yes I know why they're missing but they should put them in. The reason they don't put the vehicles in is because I think they want people to buy CMBO to play with those vehicles. Well I doubt people are buying CMBO these days so you might as well make people happy by adding them in CMAK. There are other problems as well that I don’t want to get into because I could go on forever. The thing that kills me though is that I bet they could just give their ok to someone in the community to fix some of these problems and they would probably do it for free. In fact I’ve been meaning to start a thread on this very topic. I know for a fact that there are some out there that know how to make changes to the game and I can’t imagine it would take them long to fix the Russian non penetration problem of some German armor in CMBB. I also can’t imagine it would take long for them to add vehicles from CMBO to CMAK. Just a thought BFC, I could connect you with people who can fix some of the minor problems with the game if you would only allow me. I know this is your baby and don’t want people looking inside the program but the latest game has been out for what, three years now. I’m sure other game makers have already explored the wonders of the CM engine. There’s got to be someone out there that you trust. Still though with these minor problems the CM series is the best war game there is and looks like it will be the best for a long time.
  16. posted August 16, 2005 10:24 AM from this page: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=30;t=004196;p=4 </font>
  17. Sorry I should have told you that you need to click the top left most cell when you open the file. Then pick a color for the text. Then you will be able to read the data. If you are still having trobles email me and I will send you the data. My email address is in my profile.
  18. Chris's database This site has all the info you are looking for my friend. It's in excel format.
  19. Yea right, you'll still buy it. I think everyone is pissed that it’s not out but if its a good game, its a good game and people will buy it. I'm just started to lean towards the crowd that says it's never coming out. I just don't understand how there is hardly any news about the game. Besides a few pic’s of models there has been little else in the way of updates. I have a question, is this game just a hobby for Hunter or is he and his team actually working on it everyday? It would be easier to swallow if it were just a hobby.
  20. Michael Dorosh, since you know a lot about GD when did you figure out that “The Forgotten Soldier” was fantasy?
  21. Why? What do have against un true stories about history. :confused: [ October 27, 2006, 10:27 PM: Message edited by: zmoney ]
  22. So it all came down to looks, it always does with the much sexier German armor. Sexier as we all know equals better. Anyway have a nice long weekend. Civdiv, I wasn't calling him a fan boy for god sakes. Some here for some reason don't posses reading comprehension skills. I was warning him because some here would start calling him a fan boy and just write him off. A warning doesn’t mean I was calling him a Nazi fan boy and I do agree it gets used to much so I was hoping he would avoid a similar fate.
  23. I really want to clarify, as Fußball said there are plenty of people here that are easy to write someone off as a fan boy because of stuff they post. In certain cases I think it is unfair. In fact I'm not one of those who generally lead the Nazi Fan boy witch-hunt. I just wanted to let you know how you were sounding and to be aware that people were going to think of you this way. Plus I think everyone who has ever played this GAME have used both allied and axis equipment. That’s what’s great about this game. So I wasn't implying that since you like to play as the Germans you were a fan boy, it was just how you were implying that all allied equipment was rubbish compared to anything with a made in Germany sticker on it. If you were talking about beer I don't think you would have had much disagreement, except from some Englishman or an Irish fellow.
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