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  1. Upvote
    umlaut got a reaction from Fizou in Translating Umlaut' s Factory mods to CMBN - plus murals   
    I have added extra layouts for these building types. I´m far from finished yet, but the one building type that is finished (commercial 101) originally had 2 layouts you could choose between in the editor. Now there are 10. These are:
    The 2 original layouts
    1 slightly modified version of an original layout
    2 undamaged versions of RT commercial buildings with Dubonnet mural
    1 undamaged version of RT commercial building with St Raphael mural
    2 damaged versions of RT commercial buildings with Dubonnet mural
    2 damaged versions of RT commercial building with St Raphael mural
    The reason for double Dubonnet/St. Raphael layouts is that the game reuses the game textures from the gable walls on both sides of the buildings. This means that every building will have a correct mural on one gable wall - and a mirrored mural on the other. So in order to give the scenario designer the possibility to have an unmirrored mural on the gable he wants to display, I had to make two versions of each.
    This of course have the unfortunate side effect that you should not place these buildings isolated (with both gable walls visible). But if you place them in pairs you´ll always be able to select one that is unmirrored.
  2. Upvote
    umlaut got a reaction from Fizou in Translating Umlaut' s Factory mods to CMBN - plus murals   
    Hi y' all
    I've begun translating my Factory Mod set from Red Thunder to CMBN. Or at least parts of it, most of it will probably be more work than I´d care to put into it. So I´ll probably leave the factory parts out of it.
    Anyway, during the process some questions has arisen that I hope to get a bit of help on.
    Firstly, I of course couldn´t resist adding a bit to the mods: In my view, one of the main deficiencies of the stock CMBN building texures is the lack of murals. When looking at photos from Normandy, I find them one of the most iconic parts of normandy architechture. So I´ve decided to add some of those.  But I´d really appreciate some input and/or suggestions, as I'm not that knowledgeable about which murals would be the most likely to see in Normandy 1944. So far, I´ve come up with four that I have seen in period photos: Dubonnet, St. Raphaêl, Chocolat Menier and Michelin. But I´d like to add one to three more, for extra variation.
    So: Can anyone here suggest typical murals of the era - preferably with links to photos? Or do you have comments on the first four?
    Secondly, I was planning to make a damaged version of my city map, Ciembienne. Unfortunately, it seems that the "heavy rocks" terrain tile that is used for rubble in CMRT isn´t present in BN. Luckily, I can still use RockinHarry´s woderful rubble mod - but I really like to have more options. So could anyone tell me if this is an oversight in the CMBN 3.00 upgrade - or a delibarate omission? In other words: Is it reasonable to expect that it might be added in a later upgrade/patch.
    Suggestions will, as I said, be much appreciated.



    All four together:

  3. Upvote
    umlaut got a reaction from Vergeltungswaffe in Translating Umlaut' s Factory mods to CMBN - plus murals   
    Hi y' all
    I've begun translating my Factory Mod set from Red Thunder to CMBN. Or at least parts of it, most of it will probably be more work than I´d care to put into it. So I´ll probably leave the factory parts out of it.
    Anyway, during the process some questions has arisen that I hope to get a bit of help on.
    Firstly, I of course couldn´t resist adding a bit to the mods: In my view, one of the main deficiencies of the stock CMBN building texures is the lack of murals. When looking at photos from Normandy, I find them one of the most iconic parts of normandy architechture. So I´ve decided to add some of those.  But I´d really appreciate some input and/or suggestions, as I'm not that knowledgeable about which murals would be the most likely to see in Normandy 1944. So far, I´ve come up with four that I have seen in period photos: Dubonnet, St. Raphaêl, Chocolat Menier and Michelin. But I´d like to add one to three more, for extra variation.
    So: Can anyone here suggest typical murals of the era - preferably with links to photos? Or do you have comments on the first four?
    Secondly, I was planning to make a damaged version of my city map, Ciembienne. Unfortunately, it seems that the "heavy rocks" terrain tile that is used for rubble in CMRT isn´t present in BN. Luckily, I can still use RockinHarry´s woderful rubble mod - but I really like to have more options. So could anyone tell me if this is an oversight in the CMBN 3.00 upgrade - or a delibarate omission? In other words: Is it reasonable to expect that it might be added in a later upgrade/patch.
    Suggestions will, as I said, be much appreciated.



    All four together:

  4. Upvote
    umlaut got a reaction from Fizou in I hate artillery, I really do...   
    At least the ones that haven´t been obliterated by artillery (sorry, couldn´t resist)
    And what´s with the new title: Repository Admin?
    I can´t figure out if that is good or bad news. Does that mean that the repository is going to get up to cmmods standards (hope so)? Or that BFC have "bought a competitor" - and cmmods is getting shut down?
  5. Upvote
    umlaut reacted to delliejonut in CMBN always with the vehicle surprises.   
    I never use that one. The rarity is through the roof.
  6. Upvote
    umlaut reacted to --WOKI-- in WOT & War Thunder Panther Skins   
    Hi guys,
    This's my first attempt to convert some WOT and War Thunder historical skins but still not perfect as im just learn about photoshop in 20 minutes from a friend..lol ( i never know how to use photoshop before )
    for now just panther (sorry for the wheels still using original CMBN, im too lazy to do it )
    the colors looks match with CMBN engine especially when using Reshade Sweetfx
    so what do you guys think?

    My wish for the next patch is they (Developer) can make separate skins for each model not combine them especially with vehicles
    in example i would like to see panther_early_hull.bmp with panther_early_turret, panther_early_hull 2 with panther_early_turret 2, panther_early_hull 3 with panther_early_turret 3 and so on but not mixed them because they will not match the body texture with turret and some other parts between their numbers bmp file (it's like probability if they're match than that's good but most they're not match between each file in one model
    i think it's only work with infantry skin but not with vehicles skin

    it would be nice to have a lot additional skins to the game in every vehicles model

    Sorry for my english
  7. Upvote
    umlaut got a reaction from Mord in After Action Series CMBN   
    Hey, this is fun!!
    (but damn, it´s a pity we dont have real damage models in game, where these mods would come to real use)


  8. Upvote
    umlaut reacted to JasonC in Fit for this game   
    There can only be one response to Reiter's posts -

  9. Upvote
    umlaut got a reaction from waclaw in Hey BFC!! Time for a general CM2 forum?   
    Well, the topic title should tell most of it: Isn´t it time we had a general CM2 forum? A place where we could post and discuss all the topics that aren´t specific to one single game family but relevant to all CM2 games.
    Here´s a very illustrating recent example:
    Mord has just announced his idea about making an After Action Series of modded damaged vehicles. To get every modder on board he has had to start a new topic thread in the four forums: CMFI, CMRT, CMBN and CMBS. He could have gone even further and posted in CMSF and CMA as well (and soon CM Bulge, hopefully). And now we have to check four different threads on the same topic in four different fora to be sure that we´re up to speed on the input from all modders.
    Get my point? If we had a general CM2 forum with sub fora like "Maps and Mods", "Tech Support" etc, Mord would only have had to post his idea in one place. And all interested forumites would only have to check one thread for news - instead of four.
    Similarily, I have for a long time been entertaining the idea of starting Tips and Tricks for Modders thread. But I haven´t done so, because I really don´t know which forum to place it in.
    That´s all. Looking forward to hearing your views about this (yes, that was especially aimed at you, BFC )
  10. Upvote
    umlaut reacted to womble in Hey BFC!! Time for a general CM2 forum?   
    Personally, I'd be happy to have the Cmx2 forums merged, and have no specialist forums. Add an easy way of tagging your post for if it's specifically about one game (and not blatantly freakin' obvious that's the case). So much of what we whitter about is transferable between the game families.
  11. Like
    umlaut got a reaction from Léopold in Released: Umlaut´s Factory Mod Set and Bitvagorod map   




  12. Upvote
    umlaut got a reaction from agusto in Fit for this game   
    Never knew, that Falco had made a song about Kohlenklau!!
  13. Upvote
    umlaut got a reaction from agusto in Hey BFC!! Time for a general CM2 forum?   
    Well, the topic title should tell most of it: Isn´t it time we had a general CM2 forum? A place where we could post and discuss all the topics that aren´t specific to one single game family but relevant to all CM2 games.
    Here´s a very illustrating recent example:
    Mord has just announced his idea about making an After Action Series of modded damaged vehicles. To get every modder on board he has had to start a new topic thread in the four forums: CMFI, CMRT, CMBN and CMBS. He could have gone even further and posted in CMSF and CMA as well (and soon CM Bulge, hopefully). And now we have to check four different threads on the same topic in four different fora to be sure that we´re up to speed on the input from all modders.
    Get my point? If we had a general CM2 forum with sub fora like "Maps and Mods", "Tech Support" etc, Mord would only have had to post his idea in one place. And all interested forumites would only have to check one thread for news - instead of four.
    Similarily, I have for a long time been entertaining the idea of starting Tips and Tricks for Modders thread. But I haven´t done so, because I really don´t know which forum to place it in.
    That´s all. Looking forward to hearing your views about this (yes, that was especially aimed at you, BFC )
  14. Upvote
    umlaut got a reaction from Odin in Counterattack at Son   
    ...and got his kind permission to replace the stone bridge on his fine map with my Bailey Bridge mod. Get the mod set, including the updated scenario, here

  15. Upvote
    umlaut reacted to panzersaurkrautwerfer in Fit for this game   
    I've never understood the almost lust for the Nazis and their adult words I cannot use here.  They lost.  Handily.  Got dug out of their holes and turned into good Nazis.  Good guys won life went on.

    That said if we're picking out better songs in German:

  16. Upvote
    umlaut got a reaction from agusto in Fit for this game   
    The question is what this band is fit for?
    The song is on a YouTube channel that uses the universal symbol for "White Pride" - the norse pagan sun-cross.
    The band's record label is Wewelsburg Records - named after Heinrich Himmler´s SS-cult castle in North-Rhine Westphalia.
    Draw your own conclusions
    Wouldn´t the correct translation of "Lasst die Katzen los" be "Release/unleash the cats"?
  17. Upvote
    umlaut got a reaction from Vergeltungswaffe in Bailey Bridge Mod   
    Uploaded to cmmods - get it here
    (and later at the Repository)
    Included in the pack are:
    - A folder with the mod files
    - Assembly instructions
    - A map with prefabricated Bailey bridges for a quick start on designing maps with the bridges
    - the MG stock scenario "Counterattack at Son" modified to include a Bailey bridge at Son.
    Please read the instructions before using the mods
  18. Upvote
    umlaut reacted to Bulletpoint in Best way to say squad in German?   
    Confusion about these similar terms might have been a factor in the defeat of nazi germany
  19. Upvote
    umlaut reacted to Childress in FIFA!   
    Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: FIFA and the World Cup (HBO)  

    It's hilarious 'cause it's true.
  20. Upvote
    umlaut reacted to Dr.Hoopenfaust in WW II Death Data   
    Quite sobering. Not sure if this has been posted before.

  21. Upvote
    umlaut reacted to slysniper in Inferior to CMBB   
    There is way too much truth in this comment.

    Having grown up playing war games and then also having served 8 years in the Marine Corp in combat units I will add my two cents as to how little the two things are alike.

    A game is just that, a game. Wargames are like any other game in that you have one player making all the decisions and dictating the actions within the game to meet his desired goals. It is a united front with all choices trying to lead to the same end result. I think that is enough to show that no wargame will ever be close to what happens in real conflicts.

    Now of course I served from 1980 to 1987, so there has been many advances in communications to try and coordinate units in Battle since I was in. But when I was in, I was shocked as to how even simple battle plans could get all unorganized in very short periods of time and that was in conditions normally where your life was not truly in danger.

    I saw things like, units attacking incorrect objectives, units getting lost, Units miss their jump off times because of not being able to cover the distance needed in the preplanned times.
    Misunderstanding instructions from leaders and preforming incorrect acts.
    Commanders not able to correct incorrect actions of units under their command in time because of the time it takes to recognize, contact and communicate the issue, all of which prevents them from communicating to anyone else at that same point.
    lack of information as to what the goals are and then lack of action by unit leaders because of it.

    Now get real bullets flying and add in , units and individuals actions that do not perform their orders but do more to protect themselves and stay alive, Not really trying to engage the enemy.
    And the list goes on, and on and on.

    So you find, how little you control the events because it is a action of that decisions of hundreds and thousands of people playing out on a field of battle and the leaders are doing nothing more than trying to coordinate their small portion of command, and generally they are doing it with very simplistic commands.

    So I always smile when I see players wanting as realistic as possible wargames. Because the truth is, it will never be close. And if for some reason, someone did make something close to the real thing. Almost ever wargamer would hate it and it be a flop
  22. Upvote
    umlaut got a reaction from Rinaldi in Bailey Bridge Mod   
    Bailey Bridge Mod:
    Some time ago someone on this forum asked for modders to create a "Bailey Bridge mod". Back then I looked into it and replied that I didn´t think it would be possible to mod one of the existing CM bridges into something resembling a Bailey Bridge. My main reasons for saying so was the shape of the existing bridges in CM. As you probably know we modders can only change the appearance - surface - of the vehicle, bridge etc. Not their actual shape.
    But the idea must have been lurking in the back of my mind since then. And since then I have gained some experience in getting around the constraints that the game imposes on us modders. Mainly by creative use of alpha channels and making mods by using additional flavor objects. So I recently decided to give it a try.
    Just gave it a quick stress test by sending a Crocodile across. As you can see, it didn´t collapse

    What I have done is this:
    Modded the "bridge-stone-2-lane" bridge to change its appeance from stone to steel. I´ve also used alpha channels to make parts of the original bridge transparent.
    Used the hull of the sdkfz 251d-10 to create a new flavor object resembling a pontoon. The object is called hardcart3.
    You create the illusion of a Bailey Bridge by placing a "Stone W" bridge ("Stone 56 W" is  probably best) on the map - along with some hardcart3 flavor object. In 3D Preview mode you then place the "pontoons" (sdkfz 251d-10 hulls) next to the bridge. There are some elevation requirements too, but I´ll get back to those later.

    The result is not perfect: The alpha channels do not always create the intended tranparency and the shape of the bridge - and pontoons aren´t exactly like a real Bailey Bridge´s. But this is the closest I am able to get.
    The mod is almost finished and ready for release, but I´ve decided to wait a bit in order to collect comments/advice/suggestions from you knowledgable forumites.
    Perhaps there are some details that could be improved before release, though I don´t think it will be possible to change the actual shape of the bridge.

  23. Upvote
    umlaut reacted to A Canadian Cat in Michael Emrys are you there?   
    Yeah Holly smokes where did these names and avatars I have *never* seen comes from   You can tell I never ready the Peng threads.  Sorry guys I just cannot follow them and remain totally clueless as to what you are talking about - which I believe is a Good Thing
  24. Upvote
    umlaut reacted to AttorneyAtWar in Bailey Bridge Mod   
    This is off-topic but I blame Kohlenklau
    I still consider this to be one of the greatest scenes in military movie history, and the fact it actually happened makes it even better.

    "We havn't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner, sorry!"
  25. Upvote
    umlaut got a reaction from Vergeltungswaffe in Bailey Bridge Mod   
    That show has never been aired in Denmark, so I had to google it to get your point. Thanks. I guess.
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