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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Strategic Bombing has been discussed at length some many month's ago!...however, i fail to see it really implemented in the game to the depth i had been expecting!. See Refresher's Below: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=34;t=000350#000000 http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=34;t=000352 http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=34;t=000887#000004
  2. In SC2...you can walk into ... what you may not be able to walk out of!,... as has happened to me!. There should be a game adjustment to at least permit you to retrace your step's backward's [One Square/Hex/Turn] out of a non-negotiable path of advance...in order not to be stuck there for the whole game!. Also!...i was not able to disband the unit or get another HQ close enough to help it out of there!.
  3. Have the issue's regarding 'WEATHER' been addressed?. The date to launch 'D-Day' was given the go-ahead 'primarily' based on the 'Weather' and i think also,... the time of year!. I think that this could/should be incorporated into the game,...so that one cannot launch an invasion...just...when-ever they feel like it, but will be regulated by ' Meteorlogical Condition's ' instead!.
  4. In the end,...what really matter's is that what-ever change's are made,...should be made to enhance the reality of the true situation in WW2!. No 'Fantasy-World' figmentation's here!...not for a true WW2 depiction!. Other than that, yes, i would love some ' Figmented Fantasy World Idea's ' for alternate game playing!.
  5. All i can let you know is that when i first went there...i had to register...by submitting a password and perhaps a username as well!. Since then, i have never had a problem logging in!. I set the login to automatically remember me...and, as well to make sure that if my password is in lower case...that my computer is also set accordingly!. If the above mentioned does not give you the required fix!...you may have to be more specific on details regarding the problem!.
  6. Jon Patrick Goto this web-site listed directly below...and try clicking the 'Newest Camps' button!...there you will be able to download all the latest Campaigns!. You will need to register with USERNAME & PASSWORD...to access the download's!. http://www.cmmods.com/web/CMMods.nsf?OpenDatabase&login -------------------------------------------- Also...try this next site!. http://www.jeffpinard.com/SC2.htm -------------------------------------------- As well...try out fantomas's Mods & Campaign web-page!. It's still in it's infancy!. http://mymods.over-blog.com/ [ May 13, 2006, 04:28 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  7. Historically, as i can partially remember...they had pilot's who flew newly produced aircraft from Eastern Canada to Greenland [i think?], and finally to the UK!. Something like that anyway!. What im saying is that...you need to ask 'Hubert' about 'Why are we unable to ferry aircraft from Canada to the United Kingdom?'.
  8. I like your Unit Bitmaps fantomas !...they look great!. So much better i think than rectangular bland looking cut-outs!.
  9. I have Finnish Unit's [1 HQ & 2 Corp's} in Northern Russia---STUCK, or Immobilized!. This has happened a few time's to me!. Currently they are just a little SW of ARCHANGEL!...and they will not move anymore, regardless of the time of year!. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this supposed to be normal or correct in the game?.
  10. Another "Segmentation Violation"!!!,...i just had one myself!,...'HUBERT' will check back here to advise you on your situation,...i'm sure!.
  11. Another "Segmentation Violation"!!!,...i just had one myself!,...'HUBERT' will check back here to advise you on your situation,...i'm sure!.
  12. Your 'Partisans' are mainly supply obstructionists [Not Battlehardened 'Accelerated Assault Troops']. As well as being available to be used for taking back unguarded cities and, lastly to be used for tying down the enemies precious troop's that could/would be used elsewhere to accelerate your ultimate demise!.
  13. Just got this message while playing SC2!. 'FAILED(handle_naval_unit_reorganization): Segmentation Violation' Ive never seen this before, 1st time!, 'Why is it happening?', what is the Fix for it?.
  14. Just got this message while playing SC2!. 'FAILED(handle_naval_unit_reorganization): Segmentation Violation' Ive never seen this before, 1st time!, 'Why is it happening?', what is the Fix for it?.
  15. I have no-where yet seen any request's for idea's or request's for Mod's. Understandably!,...since the game is still so new!... . The thing too is...is that, i personally like the 3-D Icon Style Representation for Unit's...so it would be great if Modder's had access to a varied selection of Icon's that would cover a Span of time periods,...'IE:' before and after WW2!...to start with!. Later on,...perhap's even more 3-D Icon's for Unit's and Building's that could be made available to cover Earth's 5000 Year recorded history period!. Then, when that point is reached, there would be no limitation as to what could be done with this Editor for SC2!. I have a long list of Campaign/Scenario want's...but, the most recent two that come to mind are...the invasion of Afghanistan...then Iraq!. Earlier wish list include's the New Iranian Leader who seem's to be as Crazy as Bush!...however, instead he want's Israel's destruction as well as to create a new Muslim Islamist Empire in the Middle-East! [Osama Bin-Laden Style Governorship & Rule]. He has close tie's with China & Russia because of the large Oil-Contract's with these two countries!...so now has SuperPower backing...which can give him confidence that now he is untouchable!. Iran's effort's to stir up the Shiite's in Iraq to undermine the U.S.'s attempt to implement a 'Democracy' style of government is but the opening volley's in his Crusade!. I would appreciate if some of the above presented information could at least be considered!.
  16. Mee Tooo!!!,...just got my copy in the mail today!!!. Glad it got here!.
  17. Excellent Point's Liam ...and your concern's are based on Historical Relevancy or Fact!. Im really surprised to hear from you that the French had 70 Submarines?,...never knew about that before!.
  18. I thirdly concur!!!. I have seen this happen...!. This wrongful condition need's to be rectified!. ------------------------------------------------- Another 'Quirk' i don't like is when, for example you decide to access an Air Unit...and see that it need's some upgrade's...but 1st need to see what else need's your precious MPP's. Now, after evaluating your need's you go back to that 1st Air Unit that you initially accessed...and find out now 'that you cannot make the upgrade now???'...it's just like you have just moved your unit!...you no longer can access it to do an improvement?. Until the Air Unit has been 'Moved' or 'Upgraded',... you should alway's be able to access it again & again until some action is actually taken!. [ May 10, 2006, 02:23 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  19. Stragic Command!!! i once experienced that same problem!. First!...there are 2-Types of landing Craft!...the first is...regular 'Transports' and the second type is 'Amphibious Transports'. 'Amphibious Transport's ' will be able to off-load Troop's anywhere!,...and regular 'Transports' can only off-load in a Friendly Port!. That mean's that your 'Transport' need's to be in the Friendly Port itself before you can use the 'Unload' button!. Hope this help's!. ------------------------ So to get the Friendly Port...use your 'Amphibious Transports' to Offload the Required Troop's to make the assault to capture the city that has the Port!. Once the City is taken...then your regular/cheaper Transport's can go into the Harbour 1 by 1 and offload their Cargo!. When one offloads...you can move up to 1 movement square after De-barking!. [ May 09, 2006, 08:10 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  20. mustang96!, ...Hello Neighbor!,...'ROSEDALE' is about 12 minutes East of 'CHILLIWACK',...just right before the Trans-Canada Hi-Way start's it's climb out of the Fraser Valley!...as it head's out to 'HOPE'...where Sylvester Stallone's movie 'First Blood' was filmed!.
  21. My understanding for 'Soft Builds',...is that if this option is enabled, then you can select which types of unit's you desire to be able to 'overbuild' past the pre-set limit's already set for your particular game. However, when 'SoftBuild' is Enabled, you will pay a higher-premium to purchase units past the preset unit limit's in the game!.
  22. WarMakerX ...your posting here might get the attention required to fix the problem that you have indicated!. If if doesn't,...this link might help out in that regard!... http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum;f=59;hardset=0;start_point=0;DaysPrune=0
  23. Blashy! ... Edwin P. is a huge Pacific Theatre Afficianado!,...please try to recruit him with whom-ever else...to co-ordinate their effort's to create us a 'War in The Pacific Campaign'!.
  24. Still waiting for my SC2 game arrival here in ROSEDALE, British Columbia!, Canada. Any realistic estimate as to when it might make it's appearance?. It's been an agonizing wait!,... the download helped a lot though!. [ May 08, 2006, 05:31 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
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