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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Suggestion: 'HC & Company' Set-Up a Tournament Page at the SC2 Forum. This should make it much easier for those who wish to play Head to Head.
  2. I agree with both SeaMonkey's & Yogi's post's,...both are correct!. SeaMonkey!, ...i believe that the U.S. knew that the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbour...but, let it happen anyway by purposely not taking precaution's, other than making sure that the Air-Craft Carrier's were out of harm's way!. Why do i conclude that?,...well even in the movie...'PEARL HARBOUR'...the U.S. Army set up a Radar Station on a mountain facing the expected avenue of attack!. When the Radar Personnel reported a large contingent of Aircraft approaching Hawaii,...their report was officialy sluffed off as a group of B-17's coming in!,...so that in effect there was nothing to worry about!. [in actuality,...i was never aware of any substantial B-17 reinforcement's scheduled to arrive in that time period] So after the devestating attack was done!,...and the American public was made aware of it,...it was then very easy to convince American's that not only Japan needed to be dealt with, but also it's partner's in crime as well! [Germany & Italy]. With-out that strong Anti-Axis sentiment, yes , as you concluded, the U.S.A. may very-well have stayed out of the European Theatre'. Now!...as Yogi mention's...for true 'Historical Situations'...we need the "same situation's" to try to re-create the actual event!...in order to see what we can or cannot do to change history!. Variable-What-If's would also be welcomed to in order to study what might have resulted from a variance in the situational status!. By the same token, the hypothetical variable that you mentioned SeaMonkey about the possible effect of isolationist's & peacenick's may very-well have caused the U.S. to accept Japan's intervention's in China etc,...so then effecting an acceptance of the situation thus avoiding the attack by the Japanes on Pearl Harbour!. If this 'Isolationist/Peacenick' entity had enough political pull,...perhap's the U.S. would have ended up staying out of the European War!,...that would have not been an unplausable result!. --------- Sentence Wording Corrections Effected. [ May 21, 2006, 07:15 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  3. Your effort's would be most welcome and greatly appreciated by many of us here John Hugo!. Unfortunately im not a game programmer or designer...so we'll have to try to get ' Hubert Cater's ' attention...as he will have access to how to effect a resolution to this problem!.
  4. Terrain Exchanger Implementer Tool What i would like to see Fireball is a program by-where you could take a map, just like the one talked about and emplace it into a Paint-Type program . Here, one could then select a portion of the original map for terrain grid/hex transformation or use all of it!. Now you would have the Map Image infront of you!. At this point...one could superimpose a crosshatch grid pattern or hexes over it to what-ever scale or size dimension's you desire!. Next, make adjustment's to it so that the crosshatch grid or Hexes are set for best fit...so that for example, mountain's, cities, etc have the best fit/alignment that you can get. Then...as a for instance, one could associate say for example the available grid tiles in SC2 with specific terrain in the Map Image!. For instance you drag and drop an SC2 Mountain Terrain Piece to a Mountain section of your imported map...and do so the same for all other necessary terrain features as well!. As soon as the correct Mountain Terrain Piece is used once...then perhap's one could designate it as M1 and then click on M1 from Terrain Pallete...then move mouse to all like-wise mountain terrains, click each once [An M1 image will reside there temporarily for now] so that the programme will emplace Mountains in the places that you require them to be!. Once the desired terrain association's are made...the next step would be to press the appropriate button to implement the terrain exchange process. Who-La!...now that the exchange is completed, we would now have an instant style SC2 Map without having to build it piece by piece!. Has this idea have any Merit or Potential???. ------------------------------------------------- There are of course many detail's that i will not be able to think of immediately,...but will be necessary if this Map-Terrain Tool is ever to become a reality!. Such as...'COASTLINES',...perhap's an imaging programme could recognize them and be able to adjust Terrain tile segments accordingly, if not, then perhap's tracing the coastline with the mouse [Of course, at the same time leaving a Visible-Trace for the designer] so that the Terrain Converter Programme has an image of it and can use the coastline image to reconfigure the Terrain tile segments might work?. Maybey this is too complicated an idea???. Oh-Well,... idea's are a 1st step in bringing about a possible reality!...who know's!. [ May 21, 2006, 06:14 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  5. All i can say is that, we appreciate effort's such as your's where you have Presented/Exposed an Erronius Glaring Malfunction in the game so that it can hopefully be expediently attended to in order to implement Fixes/Correction's to the SC2 game!. ------------------------------------------------- SMG42 can you please explain to me by mean's of Step By Step instruction's, how to Capture Images as you have done in your posting!. [ May 21, 2006, 04:33 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  6. I have taken Malta a few times!. My method is not the only method, just another way to do it!. I take my 2 German Bombers and use them to continuously pound Malta!. Take whatever Fighter's you can spare to do the same as the Bomber's Take your Italian, Vichy French & German ship's that you can spare to 1stly keep the Harbour at '0' so that re-supply is more difficult!...and once the Harbour is at '0' use your remainging ships to pound the Island!. Eventually, with enough pressure...the Infantry Unit on Malta will cease to exist!...then put an Italian Corp's onto 'Amphibious Ships' and occupy the Island!.
  7. Sorry!...i was unable to access my previous post to add... http://users.erols.com/chare/cm/ Strategic Command: European Theater Unit Sprites mod 1.1 - Modded tank icons (including dot-versions to indicate increased unit research levels). [100KB]. Updated January 21, 2004. Strategic Command 2: Blitzkrieg SC2 Unit Sprites mod 1.0 - Modded 2D unit icons. [40KB]. Uploaded May 18, 2006.
  8. Here's another page from the 'Peachmountain' web-site!...here, they have a raft of SC1 game's for download!...many of them, i have never seen before!. http://www.peachmountain.com/5star/SC_Downloads.asp ------------------------------------------------- http://www.peachmountain.com/5star/SC_Downloads.asp Strategic Command - UTILITIES, GRAPHICS and ICONS Logan Hartke's WWII Icon Pack : ... Upgraded Icon Pack WWII Bitmaps - 6 versions - EVERYTHING changed. I changed all of the aircraft, ships, tanks, some of the HQs, and rockets. a) BT/T-34/T-44 tanks for USSR BT/T-34/T-44 tanks w/ small roadwheels for USSR (someone said that the big roadwheels common to the Christie-inspired tanks looked too blocky, so I gave them little KV roadwheels) c) KV/IS tanks for USSR d) BT/T-34/T-44 tanks for USSR and railguns instead of rockets for all countries e) BT/T-34/T-44 tanks w/ small roadwheels for USSR and railguns instead of rockets for all countries f) KV/IS tanks for USSR and railguns instead of rockets for all countries. & ALSO!... Logan Hartke's Cold War Icon Pack : ... Upgraded Icon Pack for various Cold War Campaigns ------------------------------------------------- Finally!... LINKS: Chris Hare's SC Site & More!. [ May 20, 2006, 04:26 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  9. http://www.peachmountain.com/5star/ Welcome to The 5 Star General! Strategic Command 2 , Panzer General, People's General, Pacific General Hearts of Iron, Europa Universalis, Victoria and more! Panzer General, Panzer General II, Panzer General III, Allied General, Pacific General, People's General and Strategic Command , etc., are all supported here... NOTE: We also have great Napoleonic War Games, Civil War Games, World War II Games, Cold War Games and Naval Games from HPS Simulations. See here and the What's New section. We would be more than happy to post any Strategic Command 2 (or Strategic Command ) Panzer General, Pacific General, People's General and other related campaigns, utilities, commentary, design guides, strategy guides, tools, etc. that you may wish to contribute (see the Submissions page). Note that each of the contributors and authors retains the right to his own material, and no part may be reproduced, modified, copied or abused in any way, except with the expressed written consent of the author(s). And be sure to sign the Guest Book to give me and the other authors here some feedback, encouragement, etc.! Latest News: 18 new pages of material added including 280 images from the Saumur Tank Museum, St. Petersburg Artillery Museum and Great Patriotic War Museum in Moscow! Also the Strategic Command 2 game has gone gold. Narayan Sengupta, Philip Nelson, Robert Mary and friends newfrontiers@mindspring.com July 17, 2001 - April 5, 2006 ------------------------------------------------- What's New? ... One Example Illustrated below!. http://www.peachmountain.com/5star/Other_WhatsNew.asp August, 2004 Strategic Command: New documents and images! See Strategic Command - how to defeat the Royal Navy at Alexandria and win the War! by Jim Biddle, Strategic Command's Naval Strategies by Tim Bollier, Joe Darrow's Review of The Cold War for Strategic Command [ May 20, 2006, 04:00 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  10. Im primarily an AI player too Major Spinello! , though i do see head to head play as vastly superior!. However i prefer AI,...primarily because you can play when-ever you want for however long you want without being tied to a leash!...or commitment!. I am one of the few that believes that eventually, one day, AI will show it's undeniable 'STAMP' on game's. It will eventually evolve into a force to be reconned with!. Im sure it will 'only take time',...and that 'It is Not a Hopeless Wasted Effort'!. We just need people/programmer's with 'IMAGINATION' to contribute to this end-result so that one day it will be, truely a Key Integral Game Component...'A Must Have'!,...instead of 'Oh it will NEVER HAPPEN!.
  11. I agree with you Cookie Monster! this game is very good and addictive!,...it has great potential!. I...so far prefer the Campaign Games...over the Scenario's... . Can't wait to see if a 'Pacific Campaign' or other Campaign's other than WW2 make their appearance someday!.
  12. Chris G!, ...here you go!...PZGEN I & II WebLinks. I haven't checked these Website's out in a while...so i cant guarantee that they are all current/active...roll the dice and take your chance's!. http://www.geocities.com/tgunner64/ http://www.adlerkorps.com/ http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/sgt_stryker/armory.html http://www.strategyplanet.com/panzergeneral/ http://www.geocities.com/panther1944/PanzerGeneral2.htm http://gilestiel.nerim.net/ <<<DOWNLOAD PG I & II http://www.dirk-cremer.de/hg/eng/index.htm http://pub131.ezboard.com/fjpspanzersfrm16 http://hometown.aol.com/bogdanovaslava/index.html http://www.peachmountain.com/5Star/ http://www.xs4all.nl/~basvz/PanzerPage.HTML http://panzerfather.freepage.de/ http://www.strategyplanet.com/panzergeneral/PeGMain_index.html http://www.wargamer.com/pg2campaigns/ http://www.strategy-gaming.com/reviews/peoples_general/index.shtml http://www.panzergeneral.com/ http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arena/5096/ http://perso.wanadoo.fr/stephane.grateau/ http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/oxford/285/tortois.htm http://leonpg2.bip.ru/ http://www.ad-pecjak.si/Pg/default.htm http://p206.ezboard.com/bpanzergeneralladder http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/file_description/0,fid,4058,00.asp http://panzergeneral2.com/ http://www.geocities.com/tgunner64/ http://www.adlerkorps.com/ http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/sgt_stryker/armory.html http://www.strategyplanet.com/panzergeneral/ http://www.geocities.com/panther1944/PanzerGeneral2.htm http://gilestiel.nerim.net/ http://www.dirk-cremer.de/hg/eng/index.htm http://hometown.aol.com/bogdanovaslava/index.html http://www.peachmountain.com/5star/ http://www.xs4all.nl/~basvz/PanzerPage.HTML http://panzerfather.freepage.de/ http://www.strategyplanet.com/panzergeneral/PeGMain_index.html http://www.wargamer.com/pg2campaigns/ http://www.strategy-gaming.com/reviews/peoples_general/index.shtml http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arena/5096/ http://perso.wanadoo.fr/stephane.grateau/ http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/oxford/285/tortois.htm http://leonpg2.bip.ru/ http://home.austarnet.com.au/brian.gosley/index.htm [ May 19, 2006, 02:18 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  13. A feature i would like to see in the game for UPDATES is to have a place to goto [Main Game Screen_OPTIONS] to either 'Click' the relevant Tab to check for Updates OR!!!,...have another Tab where one could elect to have his game Auto-Check for Updates at whatever selected interval's AND OR also as well to be able to save or to install the Update or to do both!.
  14. Moon !..i do agree wholeheartedly with you!...BUT!...what Stragic Command say's i think deserve's to be seriously considered!. True, im sure that for now there is no Knock-Out Blow as to rendering a full solution...but...perhap's some kind of formula' can be devised to accomodate Stragic Command's game request!. Just as a for example!...and im no gaming genius!,..whynot when the German's run out of 'Steam' after going Full-Throttle on the Offensive...they could go temporarily on the 'DEFENSIVE'!. That mean's having 1 or 2 Unit's going to each City and Mine until repairs and Reinforcement's give the German's a chance to recover some of their dissipated offensive strength!. To make this work,..i should think, that only the immediate front needs to have cities garrisoned and any other remaining units filling in the gap's to improve the defensive line!. Air Fleet Units should also be brought up to just a little behind the New-Front-Line to provide air cover for the defending unit's. Hopefully, at that point the Computer AI can make an assessment of deployed units within the region and by some method...determine if a few of them can be redeployed to the new front holding line!. At the same time...new unit's coming off the production lines should be directed to the Holding Line!...as well as new unit orders emplaced as can be afforded!, So...yes...this could mean a 6-month wait for the AI to recuperiate somewhat...but, by then with new researched advancements to help out as well...the overall effectiveness and efficiency of those Eastern Front unit's can be improved!. Let's say just for what the heck!,..that when overall Strength Improves by 50% more than it was before the offensive was halted,...that the AI will be able to evaluate this, and reinitiate the Offensive Onslaught!. We could start with something like that if it's even possible and refine it as it's tested and checked out!...till the new AI feature's indicate a positive feedback in this process!. -------------------------------------------- Another point of interest that Stragic Command made...is that the AI appear's to not be Utilizing to the full the MPP's that it has?. It's not spending them?,...if this is so...then can this not be corrected?. Doing that alone...could by itself drastically improve the performance of the AI!. Anyway!...Nuff said for now! Other than...i think i read somewhere that the AI fail's to 'UPGRADE' it's Unit's with new discovered technological advance's!...if so!...cannot this possible problem be corrected as well?.
  15. Liam, ...i don't have reliable figure's here,...but i think i recall that the casualties for trying to do an invasion of Japan would have cost around 1,000,000 Casualties!. That's reason enough to want to use the A-Bomb!.
  16. The game will be probably good!,...however i really have a personal disconnect with that particular war at that particular time period!. Replaying the American Civil War would be 100X more appealing to me than playing the 'Hungarian Independence War'. The only game from Hungary that i liked a lot was 'IMPERIUM GALACTICA II - ALLIANCES'.
  17. I was just watching the 'History Channel'...Topic [battle of Britain]. Here, they mentioned that Hitler required Goerring to have 'Air Superiority' by Sepetmber 15th/1940 before the Weather Condition's deteriorated so as to make 'Operation Sealion' a no-go!. If...that is really the case,...then i would like to see a 'Seasonal/Weather' reality incorporated into the game so that invasion's can take place within certain timeframe's during the year!. Not only that!...but from another source, can't remember where from... they stated that because of the Channel's roughness for sea-going vessel's that these German Landing Barge's might have to be towed by Destroyer's & Cruiser's to get to their designated landing area's!. If true, maybey someone know's more about this!...please enlighten us!.
  18. I concur with Rolend!, ...he has stated the fact's EXACTACALLY !!!.
  19. Sir Fire!, ... Blashy is one of the 'forefront runners' of much larger Map's and, as well as being a 'SC2 Beta Tester'!...he has the inside information of who can do what with what!. Also, Edwin P. has a peculiar/particular gift for coming up with excellent scripting idea's [in-Fact he has no end to those and other ideas], as well, im fairly sure he himself...has a desire to create a large WW2 Pacific War Campaign!. [so his talent's would/could come in handy in this project you just mentioned]. We've seen Kuniworth's hand at his next game project depicting massive Panzer Battle's in Russia [using Corp's sized unit's],...i can't wait to try it out when it's finally done!. Im sure there are other's like the above example's...so as i mentioned, Blashy could really help out here!. Myself!...i have no real talent's at game creation [Though i've never really tried either], but do have a reasonably good understanding of WW2,...& have played Strategy Games [spanning most of Earth's history] for most of my life!. I also like to look for particular information that is not easy to find,... i like to do research...sometime's i go overboard!. As well...i have also loved playing 'PanzerGeneral I & II' for all these year's...as it was alway's a constantly evolving, improving game with many people participating to keep the game fresh and interesting!.
  20. That's the way a few of us think 'Fire' ,...you have the right idea as to what 'We-Want!' I, myself would like a Larger MaP...with perhap's Division Sized Units instead of Armie's,...might be fun to try out!. I too, do not mind what we have already!, it's just fine, but i would like to eventually be able to explore the game in more detail!.
  21. Yes!!!... 'Hubert' this is a 'Must'!. Integrating this feature into 'Game Design' [MODS/SCENARIOS] will greatly enhance our gaming experience!.
  22. Good point's Timskorn ,...however i was really talking about the viscious English-Channel that can wreak havok with ship's [During Bad Weather]...even destroy them!,...as well as making an Amphibious Assault very difficult to carry out!. Eisenhower was very reluctant to give the go-ahead for the invasion in view of the 'storm' that was moving into the invasion area region!. Best to confer with someone who really understand's the intracasies of Amphibious Warfare to get a true and just explantion of this type of undertaking!.
  23. AGREED!...Get 'PlayTesters' to test the heck out of it!. There is no shortage of Tester's here!. By the way Kuniworth ...your effort's and the effort's of anyone else making MOD'S/SCENARIO'S are greatly appreciated by the Fan-Base!. Feel free to request assistance for information of whatever type as well,...in order to help out in MOD/SCENARIO development!.
  24. Stalin's Organist ...Sound's like your on-track!. My Timskorn_ALLIED_AI_MOD Zip-File was UnZipped...which then created 2 New File's: 1> _1939 Fall Weib TK Allied AI Mod [File Folder] & 2> 1939 Fall Weib TK Allied AI Mod.cgn NOW!...both of these two UnZipped File's need to be moved to your "Campaigns" Game file folder!. When that is done,...you should then have a New Campaign to try out!. ---------------------------- That's all i did, and it's working for me!.
  25. Thank's Blashy for the 'Other Perspective'...and analysis!. It's just that i had envisioned the Allied Bomber Campaign to be more 'Driven'!.
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