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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. In the situation i mentioned...it was dealing with the Russian Winter...where as Napoleone lost most of his men to the Cold Winter, the German's as well in WW2 lost a lot of men due to freezing!. Infact, German Tank's and Artillery Pieces would not function when it got too-cold!. The Russian's on the other hand were well aquainted with the detrimental effects of severe cold and had developed the necessary 'cold resistant' lubricant's to keep their machinery running throughout the winter season.
  2. In order to maintain Maximum Supply...Take heed of what 'Liam' has said,...and as well, make sure to have an 'HQ' reasonably close to your units...in order to ensure that they get supplies!. The Units that show a 'Green' shadowing, are the unit's that, that 'HQ' is responsible for. HQ's will indicate the maximum number of unit's it will supply!. So if you have more unit's than what 1-HQ will take care of, bring along another HQ!.
  3. Agememnon! You cannot stop Partisan's from popping up, however, by Garrisonning every city and Mine you take, you can drastically diminish any damage that the Partisan's can do!. I usually keep 2-3 strong units dispersed in the Soviet Union to help Rapidly React to Partisan activity!. I also use as many Romanian, Hungarian & Bulgarian allied troops to help garrison these captured Cities as i can!. You can also build some new units for these allies ... not many, but enough to help out!.
  4. Yes, the Russian Winter is hard!. Perhap's, slight manpower losses comparible/similar [but, More Damaging] with Ship Damage losses from storm's at sea should be considered?
  5. To the best of my knowledge...a Canadian Tank design was used to help design the Sherman Tank, as well as i believe, Canadian's also built Sherman's, the Lancaster Bomber, and a whole host of other war equipment. Look Here!!!... http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=34;t=000348
  6. Yes!!!...my thought's exactly!!!, and, also maybey a minor can just get some Basic Technology without research,...just because they are a 'Minor-Ally'!.
  7. Im foggy on this!...really!, but, didn't those Siberian Troops use Ski's?...not the type for down-hill ski-ing but for cross-country?. If they did, then i myself wouldn't mind not alway's getting the notification of the 'SIBERIAN TRANSFER', but, would like to see these troops when they appear, wearing their 'Cross Country Ski's'!.
  8. 'Hungary' is right beside and 'Left-of' 'Romania' [Ploesti Oilfields are located there!]...and also just north of Greece and left of Turkey!.
  9. To a degree, i agree with you 'Blashy' ...because, unfortunately, Republican Party Backers own the Major News Stations...so it's possible, that some of this information is distorted for Bush's own ultimate end's [Attack/Invade IRAN]?...who know's?. However, should anyone come across information to 'prove' or 'disprove' any of the statement's i have made/passed on from Major New's Source's, i would greatly appreciate it, which-ever way it go's!. --------------------------------- By the way, are there any Web-Sites that have 3-D icon's available for use in games, like SC2?. [ April 26, 2006, 08:36 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  10. What about this idea!, have the "Option" for the computer to notify you of 'Diplomatic Changes' each turn!,...so that if you desire, you will no-longer get any ugly suprises!.
  11. April 25th-26th [CNN News],IRAN has promised Nuclear Technology Aid to Muslim Countries that will join IRAN in it's quest to re-establish a Muslim Islamic Stranglehold within the region!. They don't want any...'DEMOCRACY' in IRAQ! for example!.
  12. Not that i will ever deal with this situation...but!, will SC2 play between say a French/English or German/French player or English/German player, showing the respective player ... the game in their language???. In-fact!,...will different SC2 game copies for each country...or...'International' games be able to set up competitions between player's from different countries?.
  13. I just had an idea!!!. Now...we all know that COMRADE STALIN was not loved by all those he ruled over. For example...in a hypothetical scenario...imagine what if the German's did not exercise their cruelty to all those whom they occupied?. For example, when the German's entered the Ukraine, the Ukrainian's were overjoyed to see the German's expelling the Russian's...infact, despite German cruelty...something like ?-divisions or so of Ukrainian Cossack's joined and fought with the German Army![The Ukrainian's hated Russian Rule Over Them!]. Now what-if the German's did not exercise harshness, but, instead accepted the Ukrainian's and helped them and other neighboring entities, how much support could you imagine them getting?...to help defeat COMRADE STALIN???. Might make for an interesting game-variant?.
  14. I'm hoping i remember correctly,... I think i remember reading once that the British were planning on constructing pipelines that would feed into prime beach landing areas...including for several hundred's of feet into the ocean. The purpose of this was to pump oil into German landing areas and then, ignite the oil, thereby Barbequing the Germans...and crippling the invasion attempt!.
  15. Just thought of it right now!!!...id like to have a representation of the 'IRAQ-CAMPAIGN', & the NEW...'MOSLEM-ISLAMIST-EXPANSIONIST-RECONQUEST' of the Middle-East,...including regular updates to update the game to our present day situation. Integrated into this Menagerie...might be such variable's like,...'IRAN' is pretending to 'Just' construct basic Nuclear Power plant's, however, in reality there are at least 2-different-types of Nuclear Power plant's & guess which type 'IRAN' want's to build???. 1st type...Nuclear plant with regular waste,& the 2nd-Type,...is specifically designed to create a radioactive by-product that can be 'Enriched'...to become 'Weapon's-Grade-Uranium' for Nuclear Weapon's!. 'IRAN'S' "T.V. New's stated objective" is to Efface 'ISRAEL' from the Map!. Also 'IRAN' is fueling the Insurgency in 'IRAQ'...using the Shiite's to accomplish this!. ---------------------------------------------- Late Addition: 'IRAN' also has huge oil contract's with 'CHINA' & 'RUSSIA',...so now they feel liberated to make bold threat's against the U.S.A. ... with the 'Bring Em On!!!' Attitude!. 'IRAN' now feel's empowered enough by CHINA/RUSSIA SuperPower backing/might/support, that they are now free to do as they damned well please!...including someday destroying 'ISRAEL'!. So!!!...now i have no-idea if such a request is even possible!. [ April 24, 2006, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  16. I got a confirmation E-Mail later on after i pre-ordered, say, a day or so,...however, it was not immediate!...like i thought it might be.
  17. SUGGESTION:!!! Whynot incorporate a 'Universal Terrain Creator Programme'...so-that, for example,...you have access to all the Terrain ingredient's in an inventory,then select what you require for your Terrain-Tile, postion these selected element's within your new Tile to your satisfaction, from here you could also Rotate-it so that it will be usable/functional for your purpose's!. This way, instead of just being able to select Terrain Tiles from a premade batch of Tiles, you would be able to easily create or modify existing Tiles for what-ever contingency!. Perhap's,...being able to assign values for 'passibility' or 'movement' should be considered too!. ***Just a 'Another' loose, unrefined, thought!!!.***
  18. I, if not mistaken...am reasonably certain that Rommel's Command Car...Yes!, was of British Origin, but was Originally...Canadian Made!. Doesn't really matter!,...it's Neither really here nor there,...it's just a nagging snag in my head for some unknown reason. As far as the Captured Czech 'Tanks' go...i recall that the German's incorporated all of those captured tanks into their Panzer Divisions [As these tanks were superior to what they had]...as well as continued production of those same tanks in the Czech tank factories. [ April 24, 2006, 08:52 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  19. Yes!,...i/we agree with you K98! ...to have Campaigns/Scenarios including the situation/time-frame you just mentioned as well as far back as the Ancient Empires and perhaps some Fantasy Epics as well!. We have an Exceptionally Wonderful tool here to accomplish all of that, just need some talented/gifted people to start creating some of it!. I would especially like it if we had someone who could make various types of 'regular' as well as '3-D icons' for these future games!. I myself, am now a 3-D icon fan,...and so would like to have the option of having this type of icon represented in my gaming as it is in SC2!.
  20. Seems like im an 'Echo' around here! lately...but, again i agree with another statement from someone else, this time it's your above said statement... 'Chris G'!.
  21. True Blashy! ...yes then it would not be about recreating History!. But!...when we've had enough of Historical Play,...i would like to try out gaming effort's with more uncertainty in it to break up the 'Repeatus Uninterruptus'.
  22. Yes John! , I too, am with you on your assessment, I would very-much like to see more "Unpredictability"!...in the game.
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