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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. True Edwin P. ... but if there are no supplies from the main supply pool...then, some HQ's would not be able to get the supplies that they require to supply the units they are caring for!.
  2. Supply was always crucial in any Real-War,...so it would be great if it was depicted in SC2!. Some...might consider it Micro-Managing, but i would like to see it as a switch-on or switch-off option!. I consider Supply as an integral component in any WW2 Simulation...so i would elect to have it switched on!.
  3. I am only guessing,...but from what i have gathered here in the Forums,... it could be 2-Weeks before deliveries begin!. Hopefully...someone in the 'REAL-KNOW'...will be able to give us the actuall fact's!.
  4. Facetious \fuh-SEE-shuhs\, adjective: 1. Given to jesting; playfully jocular. 2. Amusing; intended to be humorous; not serious.
  5. I am going to agree with you 'pzgndr'...sure, fantomas's icon's will help to see the game better...but!!!...i REALLY-REALLY like what Hubert has done as far as graphic's...and so like you,...but in my own way,...i too would find it 'very difficult to go back to SC1 now!'.
  6. Great Concept Edwin P.!,...also, what about MAPS that we can call up or Download from Battlefront...'later on that is',...so that we can have various scale ranges of maps!...for our MODS & SCENARIO'S. That's what i would like to see!.
  7. As it should be!. Also, some of the German Tanks were quite heavy...so they would not be able to cross some of the bridges...as the weight bearing load of some bridges was not adequate enough!.
  8. The AI should try to take advantage of worthwhile opportunities that present themselves!. If Egypt is weakely defended...then, YES, the AI should see if it has the Resources to spare...and 'where-with-all' to attack Egypt and then proceed to do so!. The same should go for Norway and so on!. If commitment's elsewhere demand too-much of the Axis AI...then it should be able to evaluate that it cannot proceed with those missions at this point in time!.
  9. True 'Canuck'!!!...i feel the same way...BUT!!!,...consider how Much-More has gone into this game[sC2]!!!. I already Pre-Ordered!...and as far as im concerned,...the price is at 'Bargain Prices'...a great-deal for what you are getting!.
  10. 'Never stop' with your suggestion's Edwin P., ... perhap's some of them will actually/eventually be made available for us in SC2?.
  11. That's the 'Spirit' Blashy!!!...most of us will be looking for 'MODS' as you suggest, and for me...i can't wait for bizarre home-made 'Scenario's'!. The 'Default Games' & 'Scenario's' will be Just-Fine in any-case!...but, add-on's that will enter our gaming sphere later on, will be most welcome!.
  12. If an AI needs to calculate evey possibility [Permutations & Combinations],then, yes!,the computer might not be able to handle it!. However, if the Computer is able to decide or concentrate on only a few possible MAJOR-ACTIONS instead of Every-Possible-Action...then it should be able to play a much better game!. Also, if the computer can know how & when to shift its priorities based on changing overall circumstances or situations...then, again, it can concentrate its priorities accordingly!. So, a seemingly intelligent AI, i think, may not have to be that many years away, it just may need a new script or rationalization process to follow to make it act more intelligently!.
  13. Im going try to order...however, where i got my Canadian VISA and the address i used to get the card are not the same as to where i will have my order shipped to, so i'll see how that works out?. Other than that!...im glad the game is out and i predicted that it would be out right now...i said that it should be released by the end of February!.
  14. Very insightful description from you Blashy ...it's very much appreciated!. Look's like this game_SC2 has the hallmark's of being a 'Real-Winner'!.
  15. I believe this is regarding STALINGRAD...unless im mistaken!,...the line 'Was-Continuous' as far as i understand, but, was not EQUALLY strong everywhere throughout this Continuous Line!. Also, if im not mistaken...the SOVIETS purposely attacked the ROMANIANS because their forces were not of the same Staltworthiness as that of the GERMANS. The ROMANIAN line crumbled relatively easily...allowing SOVIET forces to barrel through this Continuous-Line which then permitted the cutting-off & surrounding of 6th Armee!.
  16. That's great news Sea Monkey !!! ... I loved TOAW...especially COAW...and i think i need to play it again soon!. Im 'Estatic' that Matrix will UPGRADE & Re-Release this fantastic game!. As Ren & Stimpy sometimes said on their cartoon show!...."HAPPY! HAPPY! JOY! JOY!".
  17. That's great news Sea Monkey !!! ... I loved TOAW...especially COAW...and i think i need to play it again soon!. Im 'Estatic' that Matrix will UPGRADE & Re-Release this fantastic game!. As Ren & Stimpy sometimes said on their cartoon show!...."HAPPY! HAPPY! JOY! JOY!".
  18. There is, are...Game-Editor's in SC2...so..., you should be able to change the game settings enough to make the game what you would like it to be...Codename Condor!. Where the instructions in the Manual 'might not' be clearly understandable on how to do this...im sure you will be able to get the appropriate help right here in this discussion forum!.
  19. There is, are...Game-Editor's in SC2...so..., you should be able to change the game settings enough to make the game what you would like it to be...Codename Condor!. Where the instructions in the Manual 'might not' be clearly understandable on how to do this...im sure you will be able to get the appropriate help right here in this discussion forum!.
  20. 'grand strategy and AI are not compatible.'???. They are compatible or can be if the right-person is doing it!. Edwin P. has some really great-idea's on how to tackle this situation!. I wished 'Hubert' could use him to 'MAKE IT SO'!.
  21. I like what 'HUBERT' is doing...and personally will be very-happy with it!. For those who yearn for the Top-Down View...well, maybey we'll have a patch for that...& even though Isometrics are used in this game...i don't see them as being so disoreinting that i can't see or evaluate the whole map. As kellysheroes just mentioned...YES!!!...i would like to see Smoke,Gun Barrel Flashes, Vehicle Explosions, etc...and hear the related sounds for those effects to be used in the game...as i now see in MODS for Panzer General II.
  22. Mine was a board-game called KRIEGSPIEL...it had two factional entities...the Black pieces were called 'BLACKBUTTE' and for Red,...i do not recall what they were named!. Anyway,[it's been many year's so i can't recall much!] for each combat you needed to ROLL the DICE to get your COMBAT-ODDS as well as...select a card from the deck to give you your Final-Result instructions for after Combat,...such as to HOLD-FAST,RETREAT,ADVANCE AFTER COMBAT,Etc.
  23. I heard on a T.V. show once, but forgot the figures...about the number of U.S. Aircraft Carrier's built in WW2,...they had Hundred's of them [Not, just...Dozen's]...of all type's. I never realized that they had that many!!!.
  24. Im overjoyed to read about the above features,...this will make for a more realistic,gripping & satisfying gaming experience!. Im particularily interested in the Production Delays feature which is realistic, this will require more advanced planning as to anticipating one's force-structure requirement's. Also i would like to see a "RE-TOOLING" [WAR IN RUSSIA had it] factor included in the game to reflect a loss of production until new production equipment is installed to produce a more advanced product than was previously being produced!,...or to change over a factories previous production to some other production item!. Maybey here we can test out for anyone or for the Germans for example,...if they had instead produced many more Pz IV's instead of a few Tiger I's & II's, would they have been further ahead???.
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