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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Honch!,... ive got some WebSites on BITMAPS listed below,... so im hoping some of this may be useful. If not, i also have some game's that i could perhap's extract specific file's from them if i knew what to look for!,...and e-mail them off!. BITMAP MADNESS!!! http://www.cdmenupro.com/icon_create.htm http://apolyton.net/dir/index.php?sid=316652560&id=348&t=fullimage&toprate=5.0000&tophits=5801&cat=50 http://java.functionx.com/bcb/gdi/bitmaps.htm http://www.telefonica.net/web2/lguzman49/News.htm http://www.finaldownload.com/Desktop/Icons_Cursors/Transport_Icon_Set-get.html http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone2/cat262/23102.htm http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone2/cat262/index.htm http://www.canadiancontent.net/tech/download/To-Bitmap.html http://www.iprogramdev.com/soft.php/EZ-Extract-Resource-3579.htm http://www.getsomesoft.com/bitmaps-r0.html http://www.newfreedownloads.com/find/bitmap.html http://www.topshareware.com/EZ-Extract-Resource-download-3336.htm http://www.popularshareware.com/Bitmap-Extractor-screenshot-6567.html http://www.civ3mapsandmods.com/civ3maps/units.asp http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arena/8461/mod.html http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/sgt_stryker/pacinfo.htm http://www.wargamer.com/Hosted/ChlandaWorkshop/programs.htm http://www.usna.edu/Users/oceano/pguth/website/microdemdown.htm *** some GOOD UNIT IMAGES:*** CLICK UNIT 'IMAGES'...then Click Image to Enlarge it!-AT WEBSITE!. http://www.mithril.ie/Links/index.html#tolkien http://home.rixtele.com/~charmtroll/wotr/wotr.htm http://www.lotrfanshop.com/lotrshop/actionfigures/gandalfthegreyfotractionfigure.asp?ReturnPage=/lotrshop/figures.asp Gandalf the Grey_After Battling the 'Balrog' at Moria [Kazad-Dum]...Gandalf return's as Gandalf the White_Now even more powerful than his old master 'Saruman' who also is a White Wizard! Morannon Orc on Warg Figure The Return of the King_'Gimli' Armies of Gondor - Lossarnach Infantry advancing with axe / sword More Images... http://www.lotrfanshop.com/lotrshop/sideshow4.asp Aragorn Moria_Orc Archer Uruk-hai Scout Swordsman Again!...at the WebSite,...Click on Image for several LARGE size Blow-Up's Finally!...a 'LotR Exclusive 20-piece Figure Set - Lord of the Rings Return of the King Action Figures'... http://www.popularcollections.com/lotrsauron.html SAURON: He rules MORDOR, and now seek's to rule all of MIDDLE EARTH!. [ March 14, 2007, 05:23 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  2. Gondorian Knight: Knight of Minas Tirith_Standard Bearer Godorian Citadel Guards: MINAS TIRITH CITADEL GUARD ARCHERS MINAS TIRITH CITADEL GUARD http://us.games-workshop.com/games/lotr/catalog/mordor/gothmog_ft_mtd.htm GOTHMOG ON FOOT & MOUNTED 'Gothmog' is the castellan of Minas Morgul and one of the most trusted servants at the command of the Nazgul. It is the forces under his command that have cast Gondor's armies out of many strongholds along the Anduin. http://uk.games-workshop.com/isengard/converting-warg-riders/1/ WARG RIDERS Warriors From The East Miniatures Gallery http://uk.games-workshop.com/ashadowintheeast/miniature-gallery/1/ http://uk.games-workshop.com/rhunandkhand/miniature-gallery/105/ http://uk.games-workshop.com/rhunandkhand/miniature-gallery/1/ Mysterious human warriors from the remote lands of the East, these are amongst the most well-equipped and disciplined troops available to the Dark Lord, whom they worship with fanatical loyalty. EASTERLINGS The explanation of the 'War of Middle Earth Storyline', how to play the game, and finally, the 'Maps' are readied...and ready to go!,...except now,...'we need Unit BitMaps to represent the different faction's in the game [or Perhap's this resource can be canabalized from other game's?]',...if that effort is unfeasable, then we will need a 'Graphic Artist' who would be willing to make the sacrifice to help make the creation of this MOD a reality!. Any Taker's?,...if there are any,...please contact Honch!. Honch!, as i understand [i hope im not incorrect], has already begun this effort to create 'The Battle for Middle Earth' MOD!. [ July 31, 2006, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  3. Yes, US transport's were sunk before the US was at war with Germany but, as i recall...at that same time, the US...on top of supplying those supplies and Old WW1 Warship's,...were also providing escort for the Convoy's...when they shouldn't have!. This is what i recollect from memory, so it might not be accurate!. If it is accurate, and the US was not yet officially at war with the Axis, then there would not be much that they could have legally or justifiably countered with in this situation!.
  4. What about an 'Opponent Finder Forum' option,...where player's could register with their game playing preferences [Option 1,2,3, etc] as well as to...do so under another name,...so that one is not instantly pegged out for their game playing technique's or style,...this way...both player's can play with a maximum set of unknown's or variable's in their game!.
  5. xwormwood! I hope that your investigation's will be implemented as a correction in future patches!. You are the 1st-one that i am aware of that has brought up this subject matter!,...good show!!!.
  6. Impressive Undertaking Normal Dude ... Ive already downloaded your new effort!.
  7. POLAND: http://www.achtungpanzer.com/pzcz.htm Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) Sd.Kfz.140 The 1938/39, German take-over of the Czechoslovak state resulted that in March of 1939, 150 of LT-38s in production were confiscated and CKD/Praga was ordered to complete them all. All of them were incorporated into the German Army as PzKpfw 38(t) Ausf A - Sd.Kfz.140. After the German take-over of the Czechoslovakia, the LT-38 became one of the most important tanks used by the Panzertruppe and was retained in production as a tank until June of 1942. During the war, PzKpfw 38(t) were exported and saw service with German Allies including: Romania (50), Slovakia (90), Bulgaria (10) and Hungary (102). PzKpfw 38(t)s were built under German supervision and they saw extensive service in Poland (3rd Leichte Division), Norway (XXXI Armee Korps), France (6th, 7th and 8th Panzer Division), Balkans (8th Panzer Division) and Russia (6th, 7th, 8th, 12th, 19th and 20th Panzer Division). During the fighting in Russia, the need for heavier armour and armament made PzKpfw 38(t) inadequate and in 1942, it was relegated to other duties (e.g. reconnaissance and service in armored trains). Soooo...why-not have this grab-bag of captured Czech Tank's made into a free tank army for the German's???. [ June 17, 2006, 10:51 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  8. Here's some web-sites illustrating 'Maps of Middle Earth'!. http://myweb.cableone.net/vickiesid/id25.htm http://fan.theonering.net/art/gallery/large/151 TOPOGRAPHICAL-COLORED MAP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Middle_earth_map_showing_prominent_locations.PNG http://www.lordotrings.com/tour/themap.asp http://www.tolkiendepot.com/maps.html http://www.lords-of-blah.nl/mearth/mearthmap.html http://balder.prohosting.com/jjck25/lotr/midearthmap.htm http://www.douglas.eckhart.btinternet.co.uk/maps.html http://www.merp.com/downloads/maps http://www.douglas.eckhart.btinternet.co.uk/maps-middle-earth-01.jpg Mileage Scale Included http://www.ititches.com/middleearth/me.pdf http://www.artbyforster.com/middle-earth/map-01.html http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~cbernd/pdf/middleEarth03_ltr.pdf http://www.geocities.com/ringobsession/middleearth.html http://www.angelfire.com/celeb/s2b/map.html DETAILED_Click on Squares for greater detail http://www.ziltox.dk/download/middle-earth_map_journey.jpg http://www.geocities.com/epicfantasyuk/middleearth.html NOT BAD MAP http://www.bjornetjenesten.dk/teksterdk/Tolkien/middle-earth-film.jpg http://perso.orange.fr/hugo1900/MAP-OF-MIDDLE-EARTH-VERSION-7.html MORDOR ORC COMMAND MORANNON ORCS_[MORANNON mean's BLACK GATE][The BLACK GATE is located in NW MORDOR] a stronger, bolder breed of Orc http://us.games-workshop.com/games/lotr/catalog/mordor/mordor_uruk_hai.htm http://uk.games-workshop.com/isengard/painting%2Duruks/1/ MORDOR URUK-HAI [ August 13, 2006, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  9. Honch!... there is only one source of idea's for graphic's that i know of so far!---however...they must somehow be captured, then hopefully converted into Bitmap's [i don't know how myself how to do any of that!]...the link was posted in my Mod-Request...i'll put it up here again...it's the pdf web-site!. http://www.warpaintstudio.homestead.com/MithrilGallery.html Angmar,Orc archer Angmar Orc Warg Rider (Horn,Scimitar) Angmar,Troll with cleaver Angmar,Orc (scimitar) http://us.games-workshop.com/games/lotr/catalog/default.htm http://us.games-workshop.com/games/lotr/catalog/isengard/uruk_hai_command.htm Saruman's ISENGARD 'Uruk-Hai' Standard Bearer Warrior of Minas Tirith_GONDORIAN Standard Bearer Gondorian Captain: Warrior of Minas Tirith_Captain_Displaying the White-Tree on his shield!,...that is located at the very top of 'Minas Tirith'...on the Parapet!. http://us.games-workshop.com/games/lotr/catalog/rohan/default.htm 'Gamling' is the gallant Captain of Rohan, the bearer of the Royal Standard who fights valiantly beside his lord at Helm's Deep http://us.games-workshop.com/games/lotr/catalog/gondor/default.htm http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/PDF/warofthering.pdf <<< UNIT GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATION'S IN THIS WEBSITE Within that pdf website...they've got 'Settlement Icons', 'The Game Board' and 'Unit Icons' displayed...however...i think these need to be manipulated/converted...and touched-up to make them useful!. Perhap's, somehow those image's can be captured, then upgraded/enhanced to make them less than eye-sores!. Also the Storyline is briefly explained, so is the strategy [How to play the game]...and so on! *** http://middle-earth.heim.at/binaries/LotR_Compendium_II.pdf *** ^^^^ Included in the above website are 'Beast Movement Tables' 'Weapons production rate and statistic's tables' as well as other information!. NEXT...another source of Pictures, Maps, Unit game Abilities for Cavalry, Infantry, Nazgul, Wolfriders, & for various Armies in general!. http://larsen-family.us/~1066/index.html Don't know if any of this help's...but i hope it might!. [ July 31, 2006, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  10. Okay...i remembered a another item or two!... The Soviet Army through year's of 1st-hand experience with severe winter condition's had developed specialized lubricant's to be used to help make equipment function in harsh condition's,...the German's had No-Such-Technology!. The Russian's developed their Tank's along Mr. Christie's specification's...some of which were...'Taller Tank Wheel's > therefore More Ground Clearance-Great for getting through the deep Snow!,..In-Fact!!!...the Russian's used their Tank's to Make Pathway's for their infantry to follow in order to get to hard to reach objective's much more easily!...the German Tanks were LOW-TO-THE-GROUND!. The Russian's also were the 1st to use WIDE-TANK-TREAD'S...which greatly helped them to negotiate Mud,Swampy Earth & Snow!. In Short!---the Russian's were not too much affected by the Winter!...where'as the German's were!. The Russian's were the 1st to use sloped & or combination of Sloped/Rounded-Armour which made their Tank's difficult to kill!. The German's responded by incorporating some of those feature's in their Tiger-1 Tank and the the sloped armour feature in their Panther Tank!.
  11. Stalin's Organist ...you are on the right-track and im glad someone is doing something about the Soviet Winter Effect's. SC2 model's 'Reduced Combat Effectiveness', 'Reduced Air-Fleet Function's', & 'Increased Combat Casualties'...fairly well!. However,...what i think is missing is...'Frostbite & Freezing Losses/Casualties'...'Immobilized Equipment' made unusable...[such as Self-Propelled Vehicle's frozen up & Artillery Gun's unable to fire]...and what-ever else i can't think of!.
  12. You & me both dispalor!... however, there must have been very good reason's why Eisenhower was traumatically wrestling with giving the go-ahead for D-Day, 'AND THAT MUST HAVE BEEN...DEALING WITH THE WEATHER',...so...from that situation alone, i would assume that there were favourable and unfavourable time's of year to initiate invasion's. I would like to see that implemented in SC2,...'WEATHER RISK VARIABLES' as part of the planning for the 'INVASION PLANNING' process!. So as you say dispalor!... ...would finally have some 'REAL MEANING' in this game!.
  13. synystr!,... you have a great idea!,...that is definetly something that is needed!.
  14. MOD REQUEST!... http://www.warpaintstudio.homestead.com/MithrilGallery.html Rohan Horsed Spearman/Bowman_Charging Angmar,Orc berserker Goblin Scout Angmar,Orc with spear Eothraim Prince Rohan_Rhorir Foot-Warrior Elven Guardsman Angmar,Troll with morning-star If their are any TOLKIEN fan's here,...i would very-much like to have a Campaign made,...depicting the 'War Of The Ring'-'The Battle For Middle Earth', where MORDOR [sAURON,etc] try to conquer GONDOR and those who are allied with them, such as the HOBBITS, ELVE'S, DWARVE'S & ENT'S!. Of course...'SAMWISE GAMGEE & FRODO' could be included as far as their mission goes...which was to destroy the RING [Which contolled the King's of Men] by dropping it into the Fire's of MT. DOOM...in-order to vanquish the DARK-LORD!. This of course is a FANTASY situation...but, why-not a diversion such as this?. http://www.glyphweb.com/arda/default.asp?url=http://www.glyphweb.com/arda/w/warofthering.html http://haven.theonering.net/current/war/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Ring http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/lordoftheringswarotr/screenindex.html http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/PDF/warofthering.pdf http://home.rixtele.com/~charmtroll/wotr/wotr.htm [ July 19, 2006, 12:23 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  15. Major Spinello!, ...thank's 'so-much' for your reply!. I never used to think 'Outside The Box' or take notice of such bewilderment's that i had run across throughout my year's...as i have in the 'Secret Weapons' topic!,...but enough was enough!,...and i had to display what little i knew about the subject matter,...even if it meant deriding harassment from other forum member's!. Because Honch triggered this memory engram,...i decided to go ahead and make it available at least in this Scenario and Mods Forum!.
  16. Honch!!! Here's something for you!...based on your comment!. Enter the OUTER-LIMITS only if you are a 'Free-Thinker': http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=34;t=000295
  17. http://www.cmmods.com/web/CMMods.nsf?OpenDatabase&login http://www.jeffpinard.com/SC2.htm & SC2 MODS/SCENARIO FORUM http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=forum;f=59
  18. I have only heard of it once, but cannot remember any of the specific detail's,...but it was in one situation where the German's had something like several hundred tank's so low on fuel that they were simply overun by the Russian's with hardly any problem at all,...the German Tank's were all wiped out because of a shortage of fuel!. ------------------------------------------------ Remember in that movie,..."The Battle of the Buldge"...where Hessler spoke to his driver, 'Conrad' after an American Reconnaissance airplane buzzed them [Henry Fonda was the Intel Officer passenger in the Recon Aircraft],...Conrad panicked thinking it was a fighter aircraft trying to kill them so he almost lost control of the car but did stop it eventually ...BUT...'Left the Engine Running'!!!. So Hessler said to Conrad..."Conrad!...I am ashamed of you!,...couldn't you see that it was only a Reconnaissance aircraft,...and that you also left the Engine running when you stopped the car!. Remember Conrad!,...'that FUEL IS BLOOD!'. Therefore!... 'OIL is GOD' of the 'Battlefield'!. So even though i understand the counter-agument's to including it in the game,...i still favour Stalin's Organist idea to incorporate it into the game!.
  19. A thought!: Original Quote from Stalin's Organist : What we might use here are 'Mulbary Harbours',...These were Large Creations made out of 'Concrete',... they were floatable & Towed out and emplaced in their landing beach locations to help assist transport's to rapidly/safely unload their cargo!. Also, as to the subject matter at hand,...were instrumental in aiding supply to the Normandy Beaches!.[Would act like a City for supply purposes]
  20. I would like to see instead of a 'Bar-Graph'which indicate's losses,...an actual 'tabulation of losses',...meaning, an 'exact count'. I understand the 'Bar-Graphs',...such as with the '+' symbol indicating that losses are higher than the limit of the Graph,...but, i would still prefer an 'Actual Numerical Count'!. Does anyone else feel this way?.
  21. I too am an avid rapacious wanter of exotic aspect's in the game such as you guy's want!,...we already in the past had many long discussion's on all of this and more before!,...with some friend's and enemies resulting during discussion as well as aftermath!. Friend's come and go!,...but, Enemies accumulate!. pzgndr ...does have a point too!,...about being too-specific & micromanagement. Thus...the quandry!!!... . I think with more discussion & input on these realism mechanism's...perhap's a middle-ground might be found!. THAT is what i would like to see...such inclusion's such as Major Spinello advocated!,..."Making the invasion of Norway attractive" or translated into Layman's term's,...'now having a real needful 'Historical' reason to do so'!.
  22. Stalin's Organist ... you gave a very insightful-analytical evaluation that was necessary and welcomed by me anyway, because, i think, like you,...im still looking for that 'Perfect Pint'!.
  23. Honch! ... im with you on your comment's,...i just sold my house in 'Oregon City', Oregon and have moved back to Canada for some of the reason's you just stated!. Im afraid that 'George Bush' may have some underhanded plan up his sleeve to stay in power after his Presidency legitimately comes to it's end!. What he is doing right now reminds me of how 'Adolf Hitler' consolidated the situation and rose to the postion of 'Full Time Dictator'!.
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